yxm wrote:Не помню, где читала, но вроде говорили, что мало, кто подает по fear of prosecution, потому что проще подать на asylum, так как доказать надо примерно одно и то же, только для fear of prosecution waiver более строгие требования.
Это Gregory Siskind утверждает, что asylum получить проще, чем J-1 waiver based on persecution:
A waiver is available if the J-1 will face persecution in his or her home country due to race, religion or political opinion. The criteria are similar to asylum claims. However, the burden of proof in a persecution-based waiver claim is higher than for an asylum claim. Consequently, most people pursue asylum applications rather than a J-1 waiver based on persecution. Furthermore, asylum claims usually lead to permanent residency status while this is often not true for a J-1 waiver. One instance where a persecution-based waiver may be favored is when an asylum claim is unavailable due to the applicant waiting longer than a year after entering to apply.
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