JN wrote:таааак....учитывая, что я и запах брокколи не особо, то ето может быт плохо :разз:
кстати, брокколи - суперовощь, если ребёнок хочет каждый день, пусть будет каждый день.
Indeed, broccoli and its cruciferous sidekicks are among the most powerful weapons in our dietary arsenal against cancer. That alone would elevate it to the status of a SuperFood. In addition, broccoli also boosts the immune system, lowers the incidence of cataracts, supports cardiovascular health, builds bones, and fights birth defects. Broccoli is one of the most nutrient-dense foods known; it offers an incredibly high level of nutrition for a very low caloric cost. Of the ten most common vegetables eaten in the United States, broccoli is a clear winner in terms of total polyphenol content; it’s got more polyphenols than all other popular choices; only beets and red onions have more polyphenols per serving.