Первые симптомы? Даже врачам трудно оценить степень поражения лёгких, а вы предлагаете медовые лепешки.
МОСКВА, 26 мар — РИА Новости. В США заболевший COVID-19 мужчина скончался после того, как врачи трижды отправляли его домой из-за отсутствия явных симптомов, передает местное издание The Kansas City Star.
Мужчина по имени Деннис Уилсон заболел и 12 марта обратился ко врачу. Его беспокоили симптомы, которые напоминали грипп. Врач порекомендовал ему много пить и отдыхать и отправил домой. На следующий день мужчина пошел в другую клинику, где у него взяли анализы. Однако тесты на грипп А и B оказались отрицательными, и его отправили домой.
Через пару дней Уилсону стало лучше, но вечером он стал жаловаться на одышку. Ночью жена отвезла его в третью клинику. Флюорография показала, что у него двусторонняя пневмония. Однако оснований провести тест на коронавирусную инфекцию было недостаточно, несмотря на то что врач подозревал ее у мужчины.
На следующий день состояние Уилсона ухудшилось, его госпитализировали. Его жену отправили в карантин, а мужчине провели тест на коронавирус, который показал положительный результат. Через несколько дней он умер.
Dennis Wilson was in his 70s. By the time he was tested for COVID-19, he had been dealing with flu-like symptoms for more than a week.
"Just the upper respiratory thing like we all get," Joanna said. "He had a little sore throat and that was basically it to start with."
Over the next few days, she said, he developed a cough and got the chills. Fatigue became a problem and he lost his appetite.
Twice, urgent care providers sent him home to rest and drink plenty of fluids. And he had spent a night in hospital care, "scared to death," his wife Joanna said, because he couldn't catch his breath.
On March 12 he and Joanna went to urgent care for the first time, but he was sent home to rest and told to drink plenty of fluids.
"These are pretty common symptoms of just everyday viruses and what everybody calls the common cold," Joanna said.
The next day things were bad enough they went to a different urgent care, this time at the University of Kansas Medical Center, she said, and requested tests for influenza A and B. They came back negative. Again Dennis was told to go home, rest and drink plenty of fluids.
In the two days after, Joanna said Dennis continued to have chills, very low fever, and body aches, all of which he treated with Tylenol. By March 15 his appetite and energy picked up, Joanna said, but that evening things turned for the worse.
Things started rolling fast
"As the time went on, a little later and later, he was really getting more short of breath," Joanna said. By midnight they were in the AdventHealth Lenexa emergency room, "and things started rolling fast."
Over the course of a few hours, Joanna said, pneunomia had filled Dennis' lungs and he struggled to get enough oxygen to breath. His chest was X-rayed.
"My husband's lungs were entirely involved," she said. "It was like a viral storm."
But Dennis still could not be tested for COVID-19. Despite his age and prolonged symptoms, and despite the fact he could barely breathe, Dennis wasn't running a fever at the time so he didn't meet the criteria, she said. "That's one of the rules, that's a government thing."
"I just said to the little nurse, 'Honey, bring me a cup of coffee and I can make sure my husband has a fever,'" Joanna said, "I'll be willing to fudge if that's what it takes, and I know that sounds terrible to say."
One doctor offered to push harder for a COVID-19 test, she said, "but they did not do it at that time."
The couple was told he'd be moved to AdventHealth Shawnee Mission, in Overland Park, which happened about 4 a.m. on March 16. It wasn't until Joanna showed up at that hospital when she learned she wouldn't be allowed to visit him.
Despite the efforts of doctors and nurses, Dennis died Saturday (21 March) morning.
Такое чувство что люди отключают голову и несут полную ахинею, то ли намеренно, то ли не сознавая всей ответственности за свои "советы" . Если есть подозрения на пневмонию, одышка, температура, срочно к врачу, ни лепешки, ни витаминки тут уже не помогут
Мир это Выхухоль.