Tormek SVM-45 Knife Jig, по моему лучшее средство для точной заточки ножей, так что это необходимые расходы на точность обработки.Sergey___K wrote:У вас в смете knife jig от Tormek. А для ножей есть две "насадки" в T10023 Accessory Kit #1. Мне их хватает с головой. Перестанет нравиться, буду думать о Tormek-овском.
Все-таки нигде не нашёл информации по поводу можно ли менять шероховатость на Grizzly T10010 точильном круге с 220 на 1000 grit посредством Stone Grader, как это делается на Tormek Т7.
Ещё одна смета на Jet 708015 JSSG-10 Slow Speed Wet Sharpener. Это система чуть лучше чем Grizzly T10010 10" Wet Grinder Kit, но конечно хуже чем Tormek T-7 Knife Sharpening Package $720.00.
Code: Select all
• SG-1 Stone Grader
• SEJ-1 Straight Edge Jig
• AMD-1 Angle Measuring Device
• AMD-2 Existing Angle Measuring Device
• SA-1 Support Arm
• Honing Compound
• Training DVD"
Tormek WM-200 AngleMaster 25.00
Tormek SVM-45 Knife Jig 37.00
JET 708031 AJ-1 Axe Jig for JSSG-10 Wet Sharpener 12.00
Totals: 493.98
Both the JET Wet Sharpener and TORMEK SuperGrind grinding wheels are rated at 220-grit when treated with the coarse side of the stone graders. The fine side of the JET stone grader approximates an 800 to 1400-grit surface while the fine side of the TORMEK stone grader approximates an 1000-grit surface.
One difference noted is with the stone graders. The TORMEK SuperGrind stone is both a little finer and harder than the JET Wet Sharpener version. The TORMEK stone grader also required more pressure to be applied to condition the grinding stone than did the one from JET.
The Imitator Report claims the JET Wet Sharpener stone grader wears 20-times faster than the TORMEK SuperGrind version. While I did not find the same disparity in wear in my testing, I believe it could be approximated if the same level of pressure is applied to the JET stone grader as is necessary when using the TORMEK stone grader. The JET Wet Sharpener stone grader works more easily at considerably less pressure and, when used that way, wear is only slightly greater than that seen on the TORMEK version.
I also noticed that the coarse side of the TORMEK stone grader appeared to seal up (smooth over) more quickly than the one from JET. There is a noticeable difference in the coarse sides of both stone graders with the TORMEK being finer which may contribute to the smoothing of its surface. While I could still grade the TORMEK grinding stone, it took a little longer than on the JET. The difference was under a minute in most cases so it’s not a huge deal.
Grading the grinding wheel from coarse to fine required about 30-seconds on the TORMEK SuperGrind and roughly the same amount of time on the JET Wet Sharpener though the resulting JET wheel surface seemed (and acted) finer in terms of the scratch pattern left on the tool.