This is a Jewish Sephardic dish which is quite similar to the Turkish "burak." Burekas can be prepared with various types of dough: strudel dough (thin leaves), rising dough or with types of prepared dough found in the market. This is a dish served on festive occasions, but also widely sold on Israeli street corners. To be tasty, it must be served hot and fresh.
1/2 lb. margarine
1 tsp. salt
3 cups self-rising flour
warm water
1/2 cup cheese (feta)
1 cup cooked spinach
3 egg yolks
1 egg yolk
4 cups sesame seeds
Dough: Melt the margarine and mix with flour and salt. Add warm water until able to roll dough. Roll it, cut a leaf, and cut circles with a cup.
Stuffing: Mix all the ingredients. Put one teaspoon of stuffing on each dough circle. Fold in half. On top, spread yolk and sprinkle sesame seeds. Place on a well-greased cookie tray and bake at 350 deg F (180 deg C) until golden (approx. 15-20 min.). Serve hot.
This is a Jewish Sephardic dish which is quite similar to the Turkish "burak." ...
Точно, точно! Вспомнил. Нам его еще со сметаной подавали.
А мои коллеги-сербы часто и здесь приглашают на подобное блюдо. У них это (почти как в Турции) называется "бурек".