Kak himik, zanimayushiisya perenosom protona, mogu skazat', chto D2O (a eshe luchshe C2H5OD/D2O
![Laughing :lol:](./images/smilies/icon_lol.gif)
) - trudnoopredelyaemyi yad (esli ne znat', chto special'no nuzhno iskat' D).
Vot ssylochki obnaruzhilis':
Deuterium oxide. I. Toxicity and symptoms; metabolic rate; water exchanges. Barbour, Henry G.; Trace, Jane. J. Pharmacol. (1936), 58 460-82. Journal language unavailable. CAN 31:7990 AN 1937:7990 CAPLUS
The toxicity of D2O to female white mice shows in a fall in body temp. followed by a decrease in metabolic rate and marked jumping reflexes. The appearance and severity of symptoms vary with the quantity and concn. of D2O given. The total amt. given is more significant than the concn. or time over which administration is spread. The high viscosity of D2O appears to impede glomerular filtration. The d. of insensibly lost water is at all times an accurate index of the degree of satn. of the body with D2O. D2O in concn. of 99.5% is fatal when given in 1 cc. doses per 10 g. body weight for about 7 days when the body is 40-50% satd.
Risk assessment of incorporation of heavy water (D2O) in humans. Foerstel, H. KFA, Juelich, Juelich, Fed. Rep. Ger. Ber. Kernforschungsanlage Juelich (1978), (Juel-1539), 23 pp. CODEN: BKEJAS ISSN: 0366-0885. Report; General Review written in German. CAN 90:67111 AN 1979:67111 CAPLUS
A review with 29 refs. is given on the toxicity of deuterium to various types of organisms. Extrapolations to man of the tolerable levels of D2O in the body water indicate that high levels of D2O would have to be consumed to reach toxic concns. (5 L of D2O consumed rapidly or D2O instead of H2O for 4 consecutive days). Since such conditions would not normally occur, heavy water probably should not be considered a toxic substanc
Biologic effects of prolonged exposure to deuterium oxide. Behavioral, metabolic, and morphologic study. Peng, Shi Kaung; Ho, Kand Jey; Taylor, C. Bruce. Med. Sch., Northwest Univ., Chicago, IL, USA. Archives of Pathology (1972), 94(1), 81-9. CODEN: ARPAAQ ISSN: 0363-0153. Journal written in English. CAN 77:148119 AN 1972:548119 CAPLUS
The administration of deuterium oxide [7789-20-0] to male rats in concns. of 5% or less in the drinking water for 5-7 months did not produce symptoms of toxicity. Aggressiveness, hyperirritability, ataxia, and choreoid symptoms developed and definite histol, changes in testes, kidneys, salivary glands and liver occurred in most of the rats at 20% D2O and in 10% of the rats at 10% D2O.
The biology of deuterium. Katz, J.J.; Crespi, H. L.; Finkel, A. J.; Hasterlik, R. J.; Thomson, J. F.; Lester, W., Jr.; Chorney, W.; Scully, N.; Shaffer, R. L.; Sun, Sung Huang. Argonne Natl. Lab., Lemont, IL, Proc. U.N. Intern. Conf. Peaceful Uses At. Energy, 2nd, Geneva, 1958 (1958), 25 173-80. Journal language unavailable. CAN 59:23364 AN 1963:423364 CAPLUS
The effects of deuteration on algae, fungi, bacteria, and mammals are discussed. Vegetative organisms such as algae survive and grow in a completely deuterated enrivonment, although growth rate is inhibited. Bacteria show a varying sensitivity to deuteration, some showing no effects until D concns. greater than 90 at. % are attained while the growth of others is progressively inhibited as the D2O concn. is increased above 25 at. %. Mammals are more sensitive to deuteration than other organisms. Deuteration of mice and rats to the extent of about 30 at. % D leads to increasingly severe toxic symptoms. In the 30 to 35 at. % region the animals die. The growth of Krebs-2A ascites tumor in mice was inhibited by D at 25 at. % D. This concn. caused no serious difficulties to the host organism. However, more complete inhibition of tumor growth could be achieved if 50-60 at. % D levels could be established without causing toxic symptoms.
>>А в понедельник переполох. Это был не обычный спирт. Вы подумали метиловый ? нет, мужику не поплохело. Этиловый, но: один, и вполне определенный атом водорода H спирта заменен на атом дейтерия (D).
Стоимость баночки - миллионы рублей. Продукция какого то подразделения за чуть ли не год...
Stoimost' 200 g. C2D5OH i CD3H2OH - okolo $11K
CH3CD2OH - $18K
C2H5OD - $150