zimanet, я к вам, и без магарыча
а с многострадальным моим дипломом..
ваши советы мне очень помогли, спасибо еше раз..
а вот в полной "красе" мои транскрипт,
взгляните одним глазом профессионала..
1. Economic Theory 120
2. Economics 60
3. Economic Geography 90
4. Economic History 60
5. The History of Economic Development 60
6. Econometrics 120
7. Management 90
8. Philosophy 120
9. Psychology 60
10. Foreign Language 240
11. Higher Mathematics 180
12. Applied Statistics 120
13. Economic Applications of Mathematical
Programming 60
14. Informatics and Computer Science 60
15. International Economic Relations 120
16. International Trade Organization and
Management 180
17. International Marketing 120
18. Import and Export 60
19. International Business 60
20. Economic Forecasting 120
21. Accounting 120
22. World Economics and social development 60
23. Theory of Pricing 60
24. Taxes 60
25. International Management 60
26. Indicative Planning 60 (indikativnoe planirovanie)
27. International Economics Law 60
28. Business Ethics and Psychology 60
29. Finances, Credits/loans, and Banking 60
30. Constitution 30
31. International Economics Affairs:
Analysis, Contracts, Accounts 240
32. Office Management 30
33. International Business Law 240
34. Customs Statistics 60
35. Customs Management 60