Marckiza wrote:Yvsobol wrote:По телеку без проблем. Если не будет хорошего хоккея или футбола в ето время.
А в живую не советую.
Лучше спрятаться на ето время.
Кстати, да, хотела вам посоветовать не выходить в этот день из дома. Никто не знает, что тАм может произойти. А произойти может многое.
Я уже шампанское купила, подниму за него бокал!
шампанское из Шампани? сегодня комментаторы обсуждали меню и гадали можно ли калифорнийское игристое называть шампанским...
про меню
By tradition, the luncheon is hosted by lawmakers on the congressional inaugural committee, which is charged with planning Friday’s pomp and circumstance. Organizers said they expect about 200 guests to join the new president in Statuary Hall for the feast, including members of the Supreme Court and Trump’s Cabinet nominees
The meal will begin with Maine lobster and gulf shrimp, served with saffron sauce and peanut crumble, according to the committee. The entrée is Angus beef — not Trump steaks — with a dark chocolate and juniper jus. For dessert, guests will dig into chocolate soufflé and cherry vanilla ice cream.
Despite Trump’s abstinence from alcohol, other guests will get to sip two California wines and end the meal with
a champagne made in California.“The wines were made by several of the Golden State’s prominent winemakers, and complement the flavors in each of the luncheon dishes,” according to the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies statement.