StrangerR wrote:DiKrantz wrote:klsk548 wrote:DiKrantz wrote:Ну хорошо, оставим Францию (где иностранцам можно усыновить чисто теоретически) Проверьте другие страны: Канада, Швеция, Великобритания, Новрегия, Австралия, Италия, Испания... Во всех этих странах усыновители должны быть либо постоянными резидентами либо гражданами этих стран.
Это все страны с людоедскими законами? Спасибо заранее (c).
Так а с Францией что случилось? Почему она в вашем списке появилась?
По остальным странам вопросов нет?
Вопросы есть. Сколько детей в них остается неусыновленными?
.... ... sh.417.pdf
French children available for adoption are either newborn babies that can be adopted very rapidly (most often born to anonymous mothers), or older children who became wards of the state at a later age.
Hence, in the case of domestic adoption, 57% of children are adopted in their first year and 9% after their seventh birthday
Треть как видим остается в детских домах - французам проблемные дети тоже не очень нужны:
Legally, “children accepted as wards of the state […] must be placed for adoption as quickly as possible”. However, this is not the case for all children, since at the end of 2003, out of 2,882 wards of the state, only 1,009 had been fostered with a view to adoption (35%). If they are not placed for adoption within the first few months after becoming wards, children are unlikely to be so later on.
...the children fostered with a view to adoption are very young: two years and ten months on average in 2003, compared with twelve and a half years for other children with permanent ward status. So the chance of being taken in by an adoptive family decreases with age, and age has a clear discriminatory effect. Moreover, age is not the only factor affecting placement, since among unplaced children under one year of age, 37% have a physical or mental health problem.
И почему бы французам тоже не сбагрить сирых и не нужных - наверняка сердобольные американцы найдутся... нет же тянут по нескольку лет...
StrangerR wrote:Вы ничего не напутали, засунув её в свой список? Где сказано, что запрещается гражданам из других стран усыновлять (другое дело что там некого усыновлять, но где запрет то)? ... dueck.html
30,717 children in this country, according to the Adoption Council of Canada, who are waiting for the right to a home.
Each province has its own disconnect with the numbers. In Ontario, for example, 2,500 children were available for adoption in 2007; 1,400 families were approved, but only 800 children were placed in new homes.
Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something - Plato
We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be ― Kurt Vonnegut