Yvsobol wrote:Easbayguy wrote:Yvsobol wrote:Да нет, я просто бы никогда с друзьями бу не общался в "близком" духе, если бы носил оружие. Кка и они бы со мной. Есть варианты, когда ето может стОить жизни друзей.
Ну наверное ето сложно. Я неправильно мысль наверное выразил.
Вы имеете в виду напиваться имея при себе оружие?
Да даже не обязательно напиваться (хотя ето конечно тоже случается), а просто пoсле работы с ребятами пошли в Бар футбол посмотреть и т.д. Мы ето делаем практически через день + плюс на хоккей и прочее.
Ето как за руль садится. Я ведь не сяду за руль, если выпил с мальца.
Кка в таком случае постоянно носить оружие?
Не пить или не носить
State of California, Department of Justice
Standard Application for CCW License
Section 4 – CCW License Conditions and Restrictions
The licensee is responsible for all liability for, injury to, or death of any person, or damage to any
property which may result through any act or omission of either the licensee or the agency that issued
the license. In the event any claim, suit, or action is brought against the agency that issued the license,
its chief officer or any of its employees, by reason of, or in connection with any such act or omission,
the licensee shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the agency that issued the license, its chief
officer or any of its employees from such claim, suit, or action.
The licensee authorizes the licensing agency to investigate, as they deem necessary, the licensee’s
record and character to ascertain any and all information which may concern his/her qualifications and
justification to be issued a license to carry a concealed weapon and release said agency of any and all
liability arising out of such investigation.
While exercising the privileges granted to the licensee under the terms of this license, the licensee
shall not, when carrying a concealed weapon:
• Consume any alcoholic beverage.
• Be in a place having a primary purpose of dispensing alcoholic beverages for on-site
consumption.• Be under the influence of any medication or drug, whether prescribed or not.
• Refuse to show the license or surrender the concealed weapon to any peace officer upon
• Impede any peace officer in the performance of his/her duties.
• Present himself/herself as a peace officer to any person unless he/she is, in fact, a peace
officer as defined by California law.
• Unjustifiably display a concealed weapon.
• Carry a concealed weapon not listed on the permit.
• Carry a concealed weapon at times or circumstances other than those specified in the permit.