MaxSt wrote:Дед Мороз, тогда пришлось бы и эту фразу добавлять -
Alouni denied carrying money intended for al-Qaeda members in Afghanistan, saying in his testimony that he was only doing his job as a journalist.
А я хотел покороче.
Ну тогда ваши выводы и призывы абсолютно не имеют смысла.
Его посадили за то, что он был фин курьером у Ал-каиды. Он это отрицает. Но видимо у суда было достаточно оснований признать его виновным в содействии финансирования тероризму. По любому, без знания материалов дела - ваш вывод мягко говоря очень biased и явно направлен на оправдание действий власти в отношении российских журналистов
"This is a black day for the Spanish judiciary which has deviated from all the norms of international justice," Al Jazeera news editor Ahmed al-Sheikh told the station.
"It is a verdict that is based on circumstantial evidence at best. This verdict is a big shock for us. We are convinced of Tayseer's innocence," he added from Madrid, where he attended the sentencing.
War does not determine who is right - only who is left.
JiltedGen wrote:Ну тогда ваши выводы и призывы абсолютно не имеют смысла.
У меня нет ни выводов ни призывов.
За призывы , извеняюсь, погарячился
НУ а вывод был очевиден в теме сообжения - вы ведь не сказали что начали сажать своих "Леонтьевых"? Вы сделали вывод, что Европа начала сажать журналистов пишуших про терроризм в разрез с официозом.
MaxSt wrote:Ну так читайте оригинал полностью - кто не дает? Я ссылку на статью предоставил - так что ко мне никаких претензий быть не может.
Не может. И к, когда она пишет в заголовке "В Таиланде двух девочек разрезали пополам", а в статье идет речь о разделении сиамских близнецов, тоже не может быть никаких претензий.
ABC News wrote:According to the 710-page indictment written in Spanish, Alouni was under surveillance for five years, before he went to work for al Jazeera. The indictment does not make any charges against al Jazeera.
The indictment details his travels and wiretapped phone conversations in which Alouni allegedly agrees to carry money and messages to al Qaeda operatives planning the Sept. 11 attacks. It also charges that Alouni later used his job at al Jazeera while based in Afghanistan to make it easier for him to pass money to al Qaeda members.
The indictment details Alouni's relationships with many al Qaeda members. Documents, mostly seized phone records, show that he was in frequent contact with Imad Eddin Barakat Yarkas, also known as Abu Dahdah, the leader of al Qaeda's activities in Spain. The indictment also maintains that both men were involved in recruiting and supporting a young group of extremists in Granada, where Alouni lived before moving to Madrid in 2000, and that after moving to Madrid, Alouni kept in frequent contact with the group in Granada.
According to the indictment, Yarkas helped Alouni with passport and visa renewals, and he also handled the documents to obtain Alouni's permanent resident status in Spain. The indictment also says Alouni often received money from Yarkas in order to support members of the group in Granada.
Alouni was also close to Mohamed Zaher, another defendant and member of the al Qaeda cell in Spain, the indictment says. After moving from Madrid to Granada in April 1999, Zaher often acted as Alouni's assistant — for example, he drove Alouni to the airport whenever Alouni traveled out of Spain. Alouni made numerous calls from Zaher's home, often before he traveled to Qatar, Pakistan, or Afghanistan. According to the indictment, both Alouni and Yarkas help Zaher get permanent residence in Spain and Alouni even allowed Zaher to use his home address on all his documentation. Alouni also helped Mohammed Bahaiah, also known as Abu Khaled and a member of al Qaeda, get permanent residency in Spain, the indictment maintains. Bahaiah attended al Qaeda training camps in Afghanistan, but also stayed with both Yarkas in Madrid and Alouni in Granada. Alouni also allowed Bahaiah to use his mailing address on his immigration forms.
Finally, the indictment says that when Alouni started working for al Jazeera in Afghanistan in January, 2000, he brought money from Yarkas to Bahaiah, who was at the training camps.
Макс, он деньги тому Mohamed Bahaiah в Кабул передавал ? Передавал .
Якобы от жены за проданную квартиру.
Этот Мохамад "алькаедчик" ? Ну вроде как.
Знал ли Алуни в 2000 году, что Мохамад - террорист ?
Думаю , догадывался .
Да даже если и нет - то
ИМХО, 7 лет это перебор ... но ...
Представьте себе , что в Москве попросят передать в штаты "пакетик"
Потом с этим пакетиком загребают - и сажают за распространение наркотиков.
Ctrl-C wrote:Не может. И к, когда она пишет в заголовке "В Таиланде двух девочек разрезали пополам", а в статье идет речь о разделении сиамских близнецов, тоже не может быть никаких претензий.
Не надо преувеличивать. Первое предложение суммирует новость ясно и четко:
A court in Madrid has jailed former al-Jazeera journalist Tayssir Alouni for collaborating with a terrorist organisation.
Хотите узнать детали, что имеется в виду под "collaborating with a terrorist organisation" - открывайте линк и читайте. Суть принципиально не изменится.
War does not determine who is right - only who is left.