white trash

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white trash

Post by belka_85 »

what's it really mean?
White Trash in the American popular media are stereotyped as uneducated, lazy, vulgar, and showing little respect for authority or social norms. White Trash is often, though not always, seen as politically conservative.
Males are perceived to be white trash if interested in stereotypically "manly or macho" things, such as sports, tattoos, body piercing (late 1990’s) especially hunting and motor sports, guns, tobacco smoked and chewed, alcohol, mostly beer and sex. They tend to avoid anything that could be considered girlish or feminine, such as fine art, ballet, or even fine food.
Females are perceived to be White trash is unrefined, tattoos, body piercing (late 1990’s), either very submissive or aggressive in their social behavior.
As an epithet, white trash, or the more extended poor white trash first came into common use in the 1830’s. The Oxford English Dictionary identifies white trash in its earliest usage as an American pejorative used by the slaves of gentlemen against poor whites who worked in the field. The real distinction is that while a black man might be slave, to be a house slave was better than any menial job, even if that job was held by a white person.
Anther word that can be used for White Trash is Hillbilly. This term originally came as a pejorative term for people who lived in isolation in the Appalachian Mountains of North America. If one wanted to be less demeaning they would use the term would be "hill folk". The use of this definition was probably correct between the western expansions and the 1940’s. The arrival of the interstate highway system and television brought Appalachian communities into mainstream US culture in the 1950’s, 1960’s, but many communities with relatively traditional lifestyles remain throughout the region.
It is difficult to define what "white trash" basically means. It is not the definition that is central, but all of the ill-definable jibber jabber which surrounds that "canonical definition" that become important.

The context is always growing within the culture.

so what is "whati trash " mean now?

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