Эссэ на критику...

фразы, идиомы, диалекты
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Жел Товатый
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Эссэ на критику...

Post by Жел Товатый »

Навеяно топиком Украинки и смелостью Germiona...
Со стороны инстрактора нареканий нет... только вежливо-снисходительная улыбка :pain1:
Слабости мои - артикли, препозишнс и времена... :oops:

1. Прочитайте поверхностно, не ища ошибок, дабы "поймать" общее впечатление... главная мысль, логика...
2. Стилистические и грамматические ошибки.

Тема обширная, что-то из твоей жизни, опыт, трудности, яркие впечатления... в общем свободный полет.... меня вот в абстракцию понесло....

Удачи! И спасибо... :lol:

    My Life Story (an essay)
    Table of Contents
    Ch.1 The Birth
    Ch.2 I’m Living
    Ch.3 My Death

___Since my time and your patience is limited due to some particular circumstances, my life story is going to be the shortest one in the world…

Ch.1 The Birth
___I’ve decided to be born. I made that decision spontaneously, when I suddenly noticed the shimmering light at the end of the tunnel. Why not?I knew exactly what’s going to happen… All that pain, grief, happiness, and pleasure is going to be a part of my life again. It overwhelms, tears apart, excites and fascinates me. Nothing could be compared with that feeling of “being” or “existence”. I’m going to be young… I’m going to be old…. I’m going to be…
___So, no doubts, I should be born…. I was born as a piece of ice. I knew exactly what I like and dislike, what I want and do not. I’m not flexible and, therefore, not vulnerable to anything. You know that kind of kids, don’t you? They are as strong as only fresh blooming flowers can be.
___The piece of pure ice… Solid. Smart. Unbreakable. Unbending. Unpredictable. Peaceful mind. You are already jealous about that sort of purity, aren’t you? So, am I.

Ch.2 I’m Living
___Once upon a time, you can predict it, “that cold purity” melted down and became water. It just had been matured enough to be flexible, to realize that you are not just a part of the huge awkward iceberg drifting to nowhere, but much more. For now I am going to be anything I would like to – chilly or hot, sexy or frigid, contaminated or fresh, free or handcuffed, colorful or plain, guilty or innocent, with or without, … a myriad of brilliant combinations.
___I influence others and can be easily under their influence, as the unique ingredient can change the whole aroma in a cocktail of human lives and, at the same time, can be suppressed without doubts. I’ve forgotten my yesterday’s beliefs and words; therefore, tomorrow I may say exact opposite to what I’m saying now. What matters is that I always say “the truth”.
___All my “wants” and “not wants” are tearing me apart and don’t let me give up. Go! Go! Go! Right on top of the world! “What for?” grumbles my imagination. “What for, what for…wh-a-t-f-o-r-r-r,” whispers an echo in response, “you’ve decided to be born…”

Ch.3 My Death
___That’s it.
___What else to say? Having bored and devastated by the endless days and nights, insomnia and passions, the boiling water is going to be changed dramatically, be evaporated up to the ethereal beauty….
___Calm down! I’ve done everything I’m here for. All my possessions, money, knowledge, emotions are unbearably heavy. There is nothing worthy to keep... Being empty-handed and intangible, I will be able to blend dusk with dawn and slip away... I’m going to be an air to breathe for the next generations. Haven’t you had anything more inspiring or enchanting for years and years of existence? If not, you are ready to go away, go back to where you came from…
___Ready to make a decision again...
Last edited by Жел Товатый on 26 Jan 2005 01:02, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Liuka »

just from the grammatical point of view (vremena and such):

___Since my time and your patience are limited, my life story is going to be the shortest one in the world…

Ch.1 The Birth
___I decided to be born. I made that decision spontaneously, when I suddenly noticed the shimmering light at the end of the tunnel. Why not? I knew exactly what was going to happen… All that pain, grief, happiness, and pleasure are going to be a part of my life again. The anticipation overwhelms, tears apart, excites and fascinates me. Nothing could be compared with the feeling of “being” or “existence”. I’m going to be young… I’m going to be old…. I’m going to be…
___So, no doubts, I should be born…. I was born as a piece of ice. I knew exactly what I liked and disliked, what I wanted and I did not. I’m not flexible and, therefore, not vulnerable to anything (does a lack of flexibility really make you invulnerable? - my comment). You know that kind of kids, don’t you? They are as strong as only fresh blooming flowers can be (once again, I could think of much stronger examples - blooming flowers for me are a symbol of fragility).
___A piece of pure ice… Solid. Smart. Unbreakable. Unbending. Unpredictable. A peaceful mind. You are already jealous about this sort of purity, aren’t you? So am I.

Ch.2 I’m Living
___At some point, as you may have predicted it, the cold purity melted down and became water. It matured just enough to be flexible, to realize that it was not just a part of a huge awkward iceberg drifting to nowhere, but so much more. For now I am going to be anything I would like to be – chilly or hot, sexy or frigid, contaminated or fresh, free or handcuffed, colorful or plain, guilty or innocent, with or without, … a myriad of brilliant combinations.
___I influence others and can easily be manipulated by them, as a single ingredient can change the whole aroma in a cocktail of human lives and, at the same time, can be suppressed without doubts. I’ve forgotten my yesterday’s beliefs and words; therefore, tomorrow I may say the exact opposite to what I’m saying now. What matters is that I always tell “the truth”.
___All my “wants” and “not wants” (likes and dislikes - ???) are tearing me apart and don’t let me give up. Go! Go! Go! Right on top of the world! “What for?” grumbles my imagination ("my mind" could be a better choice). “What for, what for…wh-a-t-f-o-r-r-r,” whispers an echo in response, “you decided to be born…”

Ch.3 My Death
___That’s it.
___What else is there to say? Having been bored and devastated by the endless days and nights, insomnia and passions, the boiling water is going to be changed dramatically, evaporating into ethereal beauty….
___Calm down! I’ve done everything I was supposed to. All my possessions, money, knowledge, emotions are unbearably heavy. There is nothing worthy to keep... Being empty-handed and intangible, I will be able to blend dusk with dawn and slip away... I’m going to be air to breathe for the generations to come. Haven’t you had anything more inspiring or enchanting for years and years of existence? If not, you are ready to go away, go back to where you came from…
___Ready to make a decision again...
"Как вы яхту назовете, так она и поплывет." (с)
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Post by Liuka »

vash stil' napominaet mne stil' Ray Bradbury. Especially, "The One Who Waits" story. :) It's very poetic, and I love it.

"I live in a well. I live like smoke in the well. Like vapor in a stone throat. I don't move. I don't do anything but wait. Overhead I see the cold stars of night and morning, and I see the sun. And sometimes I sing old songs of this world when it was young. How can I tell you what I am when I don't know? I cannot. I am simply waiting. I am mist and moonlight and memory. I am sad and I am old. Sometimes I fall like rain into the well. Spider webs are startled into forming where my rain falls fast, on the water surface. I wait in cool silence and there will be a day when I no longer wait."

http://reading.posyo.ru/contest.shtml -- the rest of the story
"Как вы яхту назовете, так она и поплывет." (с)
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Жел Товатый
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Post by Жел Товатый »

To Liuka:
Со вторым замечанием не соглашусь сразу.. зависит от индивидуального восприятия... у меня цветение ассоциируется с силой природы... особенно... подснежники и хризантемы... хотя нежность и хрупкость - несомненно...

По поводу первого...хм... я передаю свою детсткую точку зрения... "I’m not flexible" - в принятии решений и восприятии мира... и потому, я так думала, что я система закрытая.. и "not vulnerable to anything" ... именно поэтому затем следует вопрос - "You know that kind of kids, don’t you?"... (слегка с усмешкой)

likes... dislikes использовались в тексте раньше...
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Post by E1ena »

Жел Товатый, я не возьму на себя смелость править текст. У Вас очень оригинальная стилистика и мелодика, и я ее трогать не хочу. Мне понравилось. Конечно, это явно не классическое эссе, но и заданьице было то еще.

Пара замечаний по речевым ошибкам.
- сокращения надо убрать I'm - разговорный вариант.
- очень типичная русская ошибка. Сама от нее долго избавлялась. Wordiness: boiling water is going to be changed dramatically, evaporating into ethereal beauty => Water is going to change dramatically and evaporate into ethereal beauty.

Сделаю комплимент по поводу лексики. Очень даже ничего. [/u]
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Post by Жел Товатый »

Огромное спасибо за рецензию и замечания (E1ena), и изящные вопросы (Liuka)...
...Общая реакция приветовцев, такая же как у моего инстрактора...- гробовое молчание... она так же впадает в оцепенение, говорит - очень-очень хорошо (а ведь ошибки все-таки есть! :oops: )..., а стиль "свободного полета" сама ж дала... :roll:

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