Help needed: Waiving J1 2yr req with "no objection"

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Alexey Bulavin
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Help needed: Waiving J1 2yr req with "no objection"

Post by Alexey Bulavin »

Priexal po studencheskomu obmenu (J1 visa) iz Avstralii god nazad. Pochemu-to popal pod 2-year home residence requirement nesmotria na to shto sam plachu za uchiobu v Avstralii.

Seichas xochu organizovat' bizness s druziami iz kollega i sootvetsvenno ostat'sia v USA.


govoriat shto mozno waive this requirement if you get a "No Objection" statement from the home government:

The exchange visitor's government must state that it has no objection to the exchange visitor not returning to the home country to satisfy the two-year foreign residence requirement of Section 212(e) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended, and remaining in the U.S. if he or she chooses to do so.

Oni takze govoriat shto government = Russian consulate in Washington.

Podelites' pozaluista opitom po:

1. Waiving this 2yr requirement and dealing with J1 limitations.

2. Polucheniem "no objection" ot russkogo konsul'stva.

3. Obschenia s russkim konsul'stvom.

Zaranee ochen' blagodaren

S uvazeniem,

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Post by Liuka »

how about searching this particular subforum, it has a lot of info on that. It doesnt' matter who pays for your education in Australia, what's important is who was paying for your year of exchange studies. Look on your DS-2019 and see what the basis for your HRR is.
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I think there ia an agreement between

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the US and Russia that no matter who pays (it is my university in Australia) that all Russians coming for exchange are subject to HRR

thanks for your attention and advice
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Post by Liuka »

That's not true. You are subject to HRR, based on U.S. or home country government financing, or skills or medical profession. Otherwise, you are not. Look at your DS-2019 and tell us what it says!
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great advice

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it says the exchange visitor is subject to two-year residence requirement based on The Exchange Visitor Skills List

so do you think I could get a "no objection" statement from the Russian Consulate? Do they do this kind of things?
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Post by Liuka »

1. is Australia or Russia indicated as the country of permanent residence on your DS-2019?
2. Look at the DOS skills list and see if your profession is indeed on the skills list for your country of permanent residency.
If yes, you are a subject. If it's not, ask for advisory opinion from DOS about you being a subject.
3. It's great that you don't have govt financing. Your chances of getting the waiver are higher that in the case of govt financing.
4. Call the Russian consulate and get them to fax/send you the list of docs you have to get for the no-objection letter. In the meanwhile follow the instructions here
to get your waiver case number. When you get all the docs and the case number, you can start sending docs to the DOS. Then you wait, and then you get a decision: either a favorable or an unfavorable recommendation. If it's favorable, BCIS will give you a waiver 99.9% of time. If it's unfavorable, well then, no waiver for you.

As for the russian consulate: if you get a guy on the phone, it's the consul. If you get a girl - she is very nice, and will help you with your questions. Phone: 202-939-8914 (9-12 and 14:00-17:00 local time).

Send all the docs registered mail and have multiple copies/originals if you can.
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Post by Liuka »

Seichas xochu organizovat' bizness s druziami iz kollega i sootvetsvenno ostat'sia v USA.

by the way, what kind of visa do you intend to use to "open your own business" and stay in the U.S.? If it a non-immigrant visa other than H1B or L visa, you don't even need a waiver. You can leave the States and come back on any non-immigrant visa other than H1B or L visa.
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Liuka, I greatly appreciate your advice

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I only have Russian permanent residence so this is indicated on the form.

As for documents, it is indicated that the consulate should send them directly to the DOS. Should I ask the consulate send them there and also a copy for myself OR I could send them to DOS myself? I mean do they really care?

I was thinking about the H1B visa. Our company would basically employ me. I don't think I could qualify as investor as we are raising venture capital financing (quite a substantial amount - it is a telecommunications company) and I am not investing any personal funds.

I also read about this treaty investor program - not sure if Russia has an invesment/trade treaty with the US and if I could qualify for this.

Do you think there are any other visas I may qualify?

Once again, thank you very much for your advice - it is extremelly helpful
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Post by Liuka »

The only thing the Consulate sends to DOS is the letter of no-objection. You will not get a copy. The consulate will not even contact you if you send them the wrong docs for the no-objection letter. They will not contact you in any event at all.
You have to provide the Consulate with ALL the documents they request for the no-objection letter or they WILL NOT even look at your case. There are about 8-9 documents on the list, including copies of "трудовая книжка" and "внутренний паспорт".

You will send your personal statement and supporting docs and copies of all your DS-2019 to DOS after you get your case number.

Do you know that the quota for H1B visas has been depleted this year already?
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Post by Alexey Bulavin »

Thanks for your advice again.

Do you think I could qualify for any other type of visas?

How long it could take to get an H visa if I apply say in March next year?

You have extensive knowledge in this area - do you work in this field?

Really appreciate this.

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Post by Liuka »

I do not work in this field, just had to deal with my waiver myself last year. Воспоминания свежи.

Насчет рабочих виз или инвесторских - я ничего не знаю. Спросите об этом в отдельном топике или почитайте все другие посты.

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Ogromnoe spasibo za vse soveti.

A kak razgovarivat' s russian consulate, ie kak lutshe obiasnit' pochemu ia ne xochu exat' na rodinu?

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Post by Cliff »

Сейчас я вас научу. Если вы говорите, что единственное основание для HRR - это скиллз лист, смело подавайте на advisory opinion в DoS - у России такого списка скиллзов нет, поэтому вам выдадут бумажку, что вы не сабджект для HRR. Тому что в визе, верить не надо - например, у меня в визе стоит, что я не сабджект, хотя на самом деле я сабджект.

Если advisory opinion решит, что вы таки сабджект, вам надо будет писать письмо в российское консульство, платить туда консульский сбор (45 баксов) и непрестанно туда названивать - типа "консультироваться" с ними же, как лучше написать. Разговаривать надо с человеком, который будет рассматривать ваш запрос. Надо ему объяснить ситуацию на словах (вежливо, без малейших наездов) и попросить совета, как лучше написать. Он подскажет. Я сначала решил все делать сам, без ценных советов - в результате один и тот же пакет документов ходил взад-вперед 3 раза между мной и консульством.

Как долго DoS будет рассматривать ваше заявление - неизвестно. Сроки, указанные на их сайте, действительности не соответствуют, поскольку введены дополнительные security checks.

Короче, в вашем конкретном случае я бы начинал с advisory opinion... и конечно перечитайте архивы Привета по данному вопросу прежде чем начинать процесс. Многое станет понятно.

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Post by Liuka » ... s_list.pdf

у меня он не хочет открываться

вот этот открылся, России там нет, значит, можно смело подавать на Advisory Opinion, и HRR у вас быть не должно, о чем вам и пришлют бумажку, которую надо хранить как зеницу ока. :) Инфо о Advisory Opinion вы найдете в том линке, который я вам давала выше, в секции FAQ
Last edited by Liuka on 06 Jan 2005 19:20, edited 1 time in total.
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Хей, народ, хорошая новость! Проверил сейчас статус своего кейса - FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION!

Лучшего Рождественского подарка я себе и сам бы придумать не смог!
"We tell lies when we are afraid," said Morgenes. "But every time we tell a lie, the thing that we fear grows stronger."

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