кук wrote:I am asking for Plaquenil (Hydroxychloroquine) and Tamiflu (Oseltamivir) prescriptions.
During SARS outbreak, doctors preemptively prescribed Tamiflu. I hope you can use similar approach now.
канацкий врач wrote:Are you having any symptoms or you're asking to keep medications on hand?
кук wrote:симптомов нет, но я уже старый, толстый и лысый непрограммист, в группе риска
канацкий врач wrote:
at this time, we have been advised not to prescribe prophylactic medications
if you get symptoms cough/cold/fever/diarrhea/unwell, please contact us again
if shortness of breath or lethargy or symptoms that are out of proportion to a normal cold, then please visit the ER
а в омерике дают рецепт?