Как стать медсестрой в Калифорнии (продолжение)
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Как стать медсестрой в Калифорнии (продолжение)
Эта ветка является продолжением истории Пришел отказ от Калиф. борда (RN). Что делать?
Напомню, что в августе 2008, после еще одного письма и эвалюации моих доков, Калифорнийский Борд сказал, что мое мед. образование не соответствует их нормам и предложил добрать курсы по акушерству и гинекологии. Предложил он это сделать в одной их Калифорнийских мед. школ.
Но как ехать в Калифорнию на курсы, если я в Харькове? Ранее уже обсуждалось где добирать курсы Obstetric and Phychiatric nursing for CA Board of Registered viewtopic.php?f=29&t=110203. Конкретного ответа в той ветке не прозвучало.
Звонок в борд ясности не принес. Мол, хотите что-либо добирать у себя на родине - все на свой страх и риск. Как добирете курсы, шлите нам, мы проверим. Мы рекомендуем у нас.
Курсы были добраны в Харькове. 4 месяца. В январе 2009-го моя школа отправила доки об успешно пройденых курсах. В середине февраля 2009-го (довольно быстро) пришел ответ - эти курсы не считаются. Цитирую:
A re-evaluation of your application for licensure as a Registered Nurse in California indicates that your nursing education does not meet the minimum requirements in obstetric and psychiatric nursing. Theory and practical MUST be taken concurrently and work experience is not accepted.
Based on the additional documents sent by your school for completion of obstetric and psychiatric nursing, you are still deficient and do not meet California requirements in obstetric and psychiatric nursing.
In order to meet this requirements, it will be necessary for you to make up this course(s), both theory and clinical practice, in an accredited school of professional nursing in CALIFORNIA. (A list of accredited schools in California was enclosed previously).
То есть потраченное время и деньги вылетили в трубу.
Какие я вижу варианты дальнейших действий:
1) Узнать можно ли поехать в Калифорнию и пройти/сдать курсы там.
2) Узнать можно ли все-таки добрать курсы на Украине.
3) Апликнуться в другой борд.
Сталкивались ли вы с подобным? Возможно просто есть идеи? Пишите.
PS Вот тема для где освещаются базовые вопросы для будущих nurse: Этапы пути от укр мед училища к Registred Nurse viewtopic.php?f=29&t=82951
Напомню, что в августе 2008, после еще одного письма и эвалюации моих доков, Калифорнийский Борд сказал, что мое мед. образование не соответствует их нормам и предложил добрать курсы по акушерству и гинекологии. Предложил он это сделать в одной их Калифорнийских мед. школ.
Но как ехать в Калифорнию на курсы, если я в Харькове? Ранее уже обсуждалось где добирать курсы Obstetric and Phychiatric nursing for CA Board of Registered viewtopic.php?f=29&t=110203. Конкретного ответа в той ветке не прозвучало.
Звонок в борд ясности не принес. Мол, хотите что-либо добирать у себя на родине - все на свой страх и риск. Как добирете курсы, шлите нам, мы проверим. Мы рекомендуем у нас.
Курсы были добраны в Харькове. 4 месяца. В январе 2009-го моя школа отправила доки об успешно пройденых курсах. В середине февраля 2009-го (довольно быстро) пришел ответ - эти курсы не считаются. Цитирую:
A re-evaluation of your application for licensure as a Registered Nurse in California indicates that your nursing education does not meet the minimum requirements in obstetric and psychiatric nursing. Theory and practical MUST be taken concurrently and work experience is not accepted.
Based on the additional documents sent by your school for completion of obstetric and psychiatric nursing, you are still deficient and do not meet California requirements in obstetric and psychiatric nursing.
In order to meet this requirements, it will be necessary for you to make up this course(s), both theory and clinical practice, in an accredited school of professional nursing in CALIFORNIA. (A list of accredited schools in California was enclosed previously).
То есть потраченное время и деньги вылетили в трубу.
Какие я вижу варианты дальнейших действий:
1) Узнать можно ли поехать в Калифорнию и пройти/сдать курсы там.
2) Узнать можно ли все-таки добрать курсы на Украине.
3) Апликнуться в другой борд.
Сталкивались ли вы с подобным? Возможно просто есть идеи? Пишите.
PS Вот тема для где освещаются базовые вопросы для будущих nurse: Этапы пути от укр мед училища к Registred Nurse viewtopic.php?f=29&t=82951
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Re: Как стать медсестрой в Калифорнии (продолжение)
Вот список предметов и часов (занятия/практика) для медсестры, которая прошла и получила добро из CGFNS:
Количество часов в выписке к диплому среднего мед.работника для эвалюации
диплома в США ( myown.ru/nclex - сайт, где шаг за шагом все ):
Basics of Reanimatology&Anesthesiology-72hours
Children Diseases&Nsg-208
Ear,throat & Nose Diseases, Nsg-27
Eye Diseases&Nsg-27
Final Training Course-120
Genecology & Nsg-59
General Medical Nursing-72
Hygiene & Basics of Hlth.Care Org-60
Infectious Dis.,Basics of Path.& Nsg.-270
Mental Disease,Nsg.-14
Nervous Diseases,Nsg-58
Pract.:Children's Nsg. & Medi.Equip-80
Pract.:Gen.Nsg & Medi.Equip.-80
Pract.:Internal Dis.Nsg & Med.Equip.-80
Pract.: Surg.Dis Nsg & Equip.-80
Skin & Veneral Diseases,Nsg.-45
Surgical Diseases& Nsg-248
Anatomy and Physiology-182
Basics of Med.Psychology,Ethics & Deot-44
Physiotherapy & Excercises.Massage-28
Social Science-75
Care of Adult-Medical-58(theory),150(clinical)
Care of Adult-Surgical-40(.....),208(...)
Care of Children-58(....),150(.....)
Psychiatric/Mental Health-14(....),54(....).
Make sure that Genecology be separated from Obstetrics and Mental from
Hours of Theoretical and Clinical Practice for evaluation in CGFNS:
Care of the Adult-Med.Nurs .--- 58/ 224
Care of the adult-Surgical Nursing - 40/ 160
Maternal/infant nurs.,excluding Gynecology -30/ 50
Nursing Care of Children 30/ 130
Psychiatric/mental health nursing, excluding Neurology 13/ 34
Gerontology Nursing 15/ 25
Pharmacology 80/ 60
Physiology, Anatomy,Nutrition, Microbiology= total 508
Psyhology,Sociology, History= total 444
Количество часов в выписке к диплому среднего мед.работника для эвалюации
диплома в США ( myown.ru/nclex - сайт, где шаг за шагом все ):
Basics of Reanimatology&Anesthesiology-72hours
Children Diseases&Nsg-208
Ear,throat & Nose Diseases, Nsg-27
Eye Diseases&Nsg-27
Final Training Course-120
Genecology & Nsg-59
General Medical Nursing-72
Hygiene & Basics of Hlth.Care Org-60
Infectious Dis.,Basics of Path.& Nsg.-270
Mental Disease,Nsg.-14
Nervous Diseases,Nsg-58
Pract.:Children's Nsg. & Medi.Equip-80
Pract.:Gen.Nsg & Medi.Equip.-80
Pract.:Internal Dis.Nsg & Med.Equip.-80
Pract.: Surg.Dis Nsg & Equip.-80
Skin & Veneral Diseases,Nsg.-45
Surgical Diseases& Nsg-248
Anatomy and Physiology-182
Basics of Med.Psychology,Ethics & Deot-44
Physiotherapy & Excercises.Massage-28
Social Science-75
Care of Adult-Medical-58(theory),150(clinical)
Care of Adult-Surgical-40(.....),208(...)
Care of Children-58(....),150(.....)
Psychiatric/Mental Health-14(....),54(....).
Make sure that Genecology be separated from Obstetrics and Mental from
Hours of Theoretical and Clinical Practice for evaluation in CGFNS:
Care of the Adult-Med.Nurs .--- 58/ 224
Care of the adult-Surgical Nursing - 40/ 160
Maternal/infant nurs.,excluding Gynecology -30/ 50
Nursing Care of Children 30/ 130
Psychiatric/mental health nursing, excluding Neurology 13/ 34
Gerontology Nursing 15/ 25
Pharmacology 80/ 60
Physiology, Anatomy,Nutrition, Microbiology= total 508
Psyhology,Sociology, History= total 444
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Re: Как стать медсестрой в Калифорнии (продолжение)
И ещо, если очень нужно, я могу дать адрес, щеб сайт и телефон агенстав, которое занимается именно этими делами. Напишите мне свой e-mail и я вам вышлю.
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Re: Как стать медсестрой в Калифорнии (продолжение)
и кстати, сдавать можно в любом штате, а потом просто сделать трансфер в тот штат, где вы хотите жить и работать. да, это будет стоить немного больше, но того стоит на 100%, потому что например в штате Нью Йорк тем у кого диплом получен за пределами штатов, не нужно сдавать TOEFL. я понимаю что это не большое дело, но все таки и время, и подготовка и ещо один стресс.
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Re: Как стать медсестрой в Калифорнии (продолжение)
vg wrote:трансфер в тот штат, где вы хотите жить и работать. да, это будет стоить немного больше... но все таки и время, и подготовка и ещо один стресс.
Процедура трансфера из штата в штат называется Endorsement. Действительно, эта должен быть верный вариант, однако Калифорнийский борд и тут устроит проверку полученного на родине образования:
Licensure by Endorsement
International graduates must also submit license verification from the board of nursing where the examination was taken.
Request for Transcript form(s) completed and forwarded directly from the nursing school(s) with certified transcripts.
Так что было бы идеально удовлетворить Ca Board of Registered Nursing сразу.
Вот можно почитать дискуссию (на английском), где говорится, что Калиф. борд строг и суров когда дело косается выдачи лицензий по эндорсменту?
http://allnurses.com/international-nurs ... 45970.html
Особенно интересен вот этот пассаж:
And they will not issue a permanent license to you without a SSN# as you cannot work here legally without it. And if you try to endorse now, they will issue a temporary license, but that expires in just 180 days and then you will be stuck as you are looking at more than five years for a visa for the US to be able to work here legally. CA also has one of the highest rates of unemployment in the US so chances of even getting an employer to petition you for the green card is going to be difficult.
Я уже давно вижу этот пессимизм от suzanne4 на форуме allnurses (она там за главного).
Есть ли тут на Привете нюрсы кто может подтвердить эту информацию? Так ли сложно с эндорсментов в солнечную Калифорнию из другого штата?
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Re: Как стать медсестрой в Калифорнии (продолжение)
Говорят что в Калифорнии сейчас проблемы с работой для медсестер, многие госпитали не нанимают персонал до лета:
Things are just plain bad at the moment.
There are jobs, but they are going to go to those with significant work experience. And to add to it there are quite a few facilities that are having lay-offs or hiring freezes in place at this time as well. So their new grad programs are then put on hold.
Things are just plain bad at the moment.
There are jobs, but they are going to go to those with significant work experience. And to add to it there are quite a few facilities that are having lay-offs or hiring freezes in place at this time as well. So their new grad programs are then put on hold.
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Re: Как стать медсестрой в Калифорнии (продолжение)
Сейчас везьде плохо, и особенно в больших городах, потому что все стараются именно туда попасть (не знаю почему).
Работа есть, особенно в русских nursing homes, но туда мало кто хочет идти.
Работа есть, особенно в русских nursing homes, но туда мало кто хочет идти.
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Re: Как стать медсестрой в Калифорнии (продолжение)
Несомненно, вариаты есть всегда
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Re: Как стать медсестрой в Калифорнии (продолжение)
Вот еще по по поводу ретрогресии:
You are going to be looking at more than a 7 year wait for the chance at a green card.
http://allnurses.com/california-nurses/ ... ost3445596
You are probably looking at more than seven years for a chance at a green card, if not longer. There are so many that are waiting that have completed files plus all of the others and the retrogression has been in place already for two years. One cannot do anything with immigration until the NCLEX is actually passed and they have an employer as well. Everything also depends on the number of applicants from your country that are in line ahead of you. Maximum number of visas per year for those from any other country of birth is maximum of 10,000 and that includes children and spouses as well.
http://allnurses.com/international-nurs ... ost3381535
Опять таки вопрос, есть ли тут на Привете нюрсы кто может подтвердить эту информацию? Так ли все долго?
You are going to be looking at more than a 7 year wait for the chance at a green card.
http://allnurses.com/california-nurses/ ... ost3445596
You are probably looking at more than seven years for a chance at a green card, if not longer. There are so many that are waiting that have completed files plus all of the others and the retrogression has been in place already for two years. One cannot do anything with immigration until the NCLEX is actually passed and they have an employer as well. Everything also depends on the number of applicants from your country that are in line ahead of you. Maximum number of visas per year for those from any other country of birth is maximum of 10,000 and that includes children and spouses as well.
http://allnurses.com/international-nurs ... ost3381535
Опять таки вопрос, есть ли тут на Привете нюрсы кто может подтвердить эту информацию? Так ли все долго?
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Re: Как стать медсестрой в Калифорнии (продолжение)
На AllNurses мне сказали что на такие курсы дают студенческую визу по которой нельзя там остаться. И, в очередной раз, посоветовали идти через другие штаты.
You would be able to get a student visa to complete these courses, but you would not be able to remain in the US and be able to work as an RN. Going thru CA is also not recommended since they do not issue a license without a SSN# and your file will be destroyed in three years without it.
You can also complete the hours in your country to meet the requirements for the US; they just have to be done in an approved school of nursing.
And I would look at other states and stay away from CA, or you will just be throwing out money.
You would be able to get a student visa to complete these courses, but you would not be able to remain in the US and be able to work as an RN. Going thru CA is also not recommended since they do not issue a license without a SSN# and your file will be destroyed in three years without it.
You can also complete the hours in your country to meet the requirements for the US; they just have to be done in an approved school of nursing.
And I would look at other states and stay away from CA, or you will just be throwing out money.
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Re: Как стать медсестрой в Калифорнии (продолжение)
Нашелся коледж в Калифорнии, который прямо и говорит что пренимает Foreign Trained Registered Nurses.
Chabot College and JVS Partnership
Chabot College and JVS (Jewish Vocational Service) will be offering mental health / psychological coursework for foreign trained nurses. To be eligible for this program, you must have:
* Written verification of RN Nursing licensure from your country
* A letter from the BRN (Board of Registered Nursing, California) identifying coursework needed for NCLEX-RN exam eligibility
* Proof of authorization to work in the United States
* ESL level of high to advanced.
Course preparation work will begin in September. The course will be offered in the Spring semester of January, 2009.
If you are interested: Contact Annie Nogg, JVS Nursing Program Coordinator (415) 782.6233 or anogg@jvs.org
Интересно, что значит Proof of authorization to work in the United States?
Chabot College and JVS Partnership
Chabot College and JVS (Jewish Vocational Service) will be offering mental health / psychological coursework for foreign trained nurses. To be eligible for this program, you must have:
* Written verification of RN Nursing licensure from your country
* A letter from the BRN (Board of Registered Nursing, California) identifying coursework needed for NCLEX-RN exam eligibility
* Proof of authorization to work in the United States
* ESL level of high to advanced.
Course preparation work will begin in September. The course will be offered in the Spring semester of January, 2009.
If you are interested: Contact Annie Nogg, JVS Nursing Program Coordinator (415) 782.6233 or anogg@jvs.org
Интересно, что значит Proof of authorization to work in the United States?
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Re: Как стать медсестрой в Калифорнии (продолжение)
innuendo wrote:Нашелся коледж в Калифорнии, который прямо и говорит что пренимает Foreign Trained Registered Nurses.
Chabot College and JVS Partnership
Интересно, что значит Proof of authorization to work in the United States?
Это значит - что вы уже легально с Штатах ( Греен Карта)
И у вас есть ССН номер и разрешение на работу.
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Re: Как стать медсестрой в Калифорнии (продолжение)
2PUP. Похоже на то. Спасибо большое за ответ.
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Re: Как стать медсестрой в Калифорнии (продолжение)
AllNurses продолжает свой пессимизм, даже если двигаться через New York.
You may wish to seriously consider another country if you need to work as an RN in the forseeable future. The US has been under a retrogression since Octbober, 2006.
http://allnurses.com/international-nurs ... 84883.html
Но в этой ветке много полезной инфы. Как, например,
they <New York> will issue a license without SSN but remember if actually wanting to work in another state then you will need to meet their requirement CVS will not be enough you may have to get CES
NY requires the CVS, and they will not even look at your application until they have received that from CGFNS
По процедуре:
I am a Philippine Nurse license to practice in New York. If you really would want to work in NY, then start your application as early as now. I know it's a tedious process but it will pay off. New York does issue your license after passing all the reqts. Since the process is tedious I recommend that you take CGFNS CP while undergoing CVS. In that way you can ask your employer to petition you (after passing CGFNS examination and IELTS). You can also start your visascreen after having the CGFNS certificate. You can also use the certificate for a limited permit. HOwever, I still recommend that you take your NCLEX before leaving. While waiting for the CVS you can take the mandatory courses like child abouse and the infection control and have your certificates handy. Start reviewing and prepare your Form 1 as well. From the time CGFNS submits your credentials to NY BON, submit your FORM 1 asap including your certifctes and payment then contact them after 2 weeks. You need not to wait for their correspondents. Just call them because having the letters will prolong your waiting period. IF the person advises you that you are eligible for pearson registration ask her name for future reference. Registered with pearson and take the NCLEX. REmeber, NY BONs ATT is good for 90 days only. So you should be preprared from the time you register with pearson.
NY has their own assessment with CGFNS called CVS and you need to go through that, the process takes approx 6-12 months before you reach eligibility to sit NCLEX. All information regarding licensure to be a RN in NY can be found here NY BONAre you planning on working in NY as we have seen many post that they have found it hard to find a petitioner in NY even those that did their training in the US and need petitioning to stay? If not then would recommend that you look at another state because you will have to meet their requirements when endorsing which will involve more money as many states require CES from CGFNS or another recognised assessment center. Also with retrogression you are looking at severl years before moving to the US with a valid work visa due to the high demand.
Интересно про child abuse and infectious courses:
First, file an exemption for the child abuse training.
Second, if you passed the exam, a letter or a form will be send to you together with your license, sign the exemption to train (infection control), choose the first one.
Remember, as long as you are in the Philippines, you can not hurt any American citizen, that is young or old.
Ответ на предыдущее:
You should not be given any exemption for any course that is a requirement for licensure and that goes for any state in the entire US.
Each of these two required courses only costs $15 or so, and no reason not to complete them. Does not matter where one is located, rules are rules and they need to be followed.
You may wish to seriously consider another country if you need to work as an RN in the forseeable future. The US has been under a retrogression since Octbober, 2006.
http://allnurses.com/international-nurs ... 84883.html
Но в этой ветке много полезной инфы. Как, например,
they <New York> will issue a license without SSN but remember if actually wanting to work in another state then you will need to meet their requirement CVS will not be enough you may have to get CES
NY requires the CVS, and they will not even look at your application until they have received that from CGFNS
По процедуре:
I am a Philippine Nurse license to practice in New York. If you really would want to work in NY, then start your application as early as now. I know it's a tedious process but it will pay off. New York does issue your license after passing all the reqts. Since the process is tedious I recommend that you take CGFNS CP while undergoing CVS. In that way you can ask your employer to petition you (after passing CGFNS examination and IELTS). You can also start your visascreen after having the CGFNS certificate. You can also use the certificate for a limited permit. HOwever, I still recommend that you take your NCLEX before leaving. While waiting for the CVS you can take the mandatory courses like child abouse and the infection control and have your certificates handy. Start reviewing and prepare your Form 1 as well. From the time CGFNS submits your credentials to NY BON, submit your FORM 1 asap including your certifctes and payment then contact them after 2 weeks. You need not to wait for their correspondents. Just call them because having the letters will prolong your waiting period. IF the person advises you that you are eligible for pearson registration ask her name for future reference. Registered with pearson and take the NCLEX. REmeber, NY BONs ATT is good for 90 days only. So you should be preprared from the time you register with pearson.
NY has their own assessment with CGFNS called CVS and you need to go through that, the process takes approx 6-12 months before you reach eligibility to sit NCLEX. All information regarding licensure to be a RN in NY can be found here NY BONAre you planning on working in NY as we have seen many post that they have found it hard to find a petitioner in NY even those that did their training in the US and need petitioning to stay? If not then would recommend that you look at another state because you will have to meet their requirements when endorsing which will involve more money as many states require CES from CGFNS or another recognised assessment center. Also with retrogression you are looking at severl years before moving to the US with a valid work visa due to the high demand.
Интересно про child abuse and infectious courses:
First, file an exemption for the child abuse training.
Second, if you passed the exam, a letter or a form will be send to you together with your license, sign the exemption to train (infection control), choose the first one.
Remember, as long as you are in the Philippines, you can not hurt any American citizen, that is young or old.
Ответ на предыдущее:
You should not be given any exemption for any course that is a requirement for licensure and that goes for any state in the entire US.
Each of these two required courses only costs $15 or so, and no reason not to complete them. Does not matter where one is located, rules are rules and they need to be followed.
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Re: Как стать медсестрой в Калифорнии (продолжение)
Вот что Сюзан мне ответила по поводу пути через NY. Интересна инфа по срокам.
We have not seen any hospitals in NY willing to petition a foreign nurse unless they have actually trained there.
You will also be waiting about 8 months to get approval to sit the NCLEX exam for them. They require the CVS that is done thru CGFNS and that takes 6 to 8 months to get done in most cases.
The issue with making up the courses is that CA does not want to see on-line programs being used. Traditional programs have never been an issue, they are what most people attend in the first place for their nursing programs.
We have not seen any hospitals in NY willing to petition a foreign nurse unless they have actually trained there.
You will also be waiting about 8 months to get approval to sit the NCLEX exam for them. They require the CVS that is done thru CGFNS and that takes 6 to 8 months to get done in most cases.
The issue with making up the courses is that CA does not want to see on-line programs being used. Traditional programs have never been an issue, they are what most people attend in the first place for their nursing programs.
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Re: Как стать медсестрой в Калифорнии (продолжение)
Какие штаты еще можно рассмотреть?
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Re: Как стать медсестрой в Калифорнии (продолжение)
Кстати, вспомнилось что еще один знаток на allnurses сказал что дажже если пойти через NY, а потом делать эндорсмент в CA, то недобраные курсы все равно всплывут.
You will be applying for CVS and if Ca is going to be your final destination there is no guarantee they will accept you considering they have already decided you are short on hours.
Так что где и как добирать Obstetric and Phychiatric курсы остается открытым. Эх!
You will be applying for CVS and if Ca is going to be your final destination there is no guarantee they will accept you considering they have already decided you are short on hours.
Так что где и как добирать Obstetric and Phychiatric курсы остается открытым. Эх!
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Re: Как стать медсестрой в Калифорнии (продолжение)
Один товорищ предожил пойти на бакалаврат.
Unless you are an RN who is educated at the baccalaureate level (bachelor of science in nursing), you will not meet the requirements for licensure from the California BRN (Board of Registered Nursing). Local LPN/LVN programs in Ukraine are not accepted for immigration purposes into the US
Возможно тогда и курсов добирать не надо будет.
Unless you are an RN who is educated at the baccalaureate level (bachelor of science in nursing), you will not meet the requirements for licensure from the California BRN (Board of Registered Nursing). Local LPN/LVN programs in Ukraine are not accepted for immigration purposes into the US
Возможно тогда и курсов добирать не надо будет.
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Re: Как стать медсестрой в Калифорнии (продолжение)
Собственно вот она вся дискуссия:
http://allnurses.com/international-nurs ... 18103.html
http://allnurses.com/international-nurs ... 18103.html
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Re: Как стать медсестрой в Калифорнии (продолжение)
Вот рекомендуют Fresno City College.
Fresno City College is the largest community college nursing program in California and the second largest program in the USA. It is designed to educate the student at the basic technical level of nursing practice, obtain an Associate of Science degree, be eligible to take the NCLEX (national nursing licensing examination) and work in a structured health care setting. The nursing curriculum is the same for all programs and takes four semesters of 9 or more credits per semester to complete. The student may take additional credits during each semester to complete the general education requirements for the A.S. degree. There are also additional specialized elective nursing courses that a student may take to supplement their nursing education.
Жду от них ответа, принимают ли они народ из Украины для "добирания" курсов.
Fresno City College is the largest community college nursing program in California and the second largest program in the USA. It is designed to educate the student at the basic technical level of nursing practice, obtain an Associate of Science degree, be eligible to take the NCLEX (national nursing licensing examination) and work in a structured health care setting. The nursing curriculum is the same for all programs and takes four semesters of 9 or more credits per semester to complete. The student may take additional credits during each semester to complete the general education requirements for the A.S. degree. There are also additional specialized elective nursing courses that a student may take to supplement their nursing education.
Жду от них ответа, принимают ли они народ из Украины для "добирания" курсов.
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Re: Как стать медсестрой в Калифорнии (продолжение)
В США нет коледжей медицинских которые бы вам позволили просто добрать тот или иной курс. Нужно поступать и ужиться с начала до конца.
С Associate Degree вы работы не найдете в хорошем госпитале, особенно сейчас и особенно в больших городах.
С Associate Degree вы работы не найдете в хорошем госпитале, особенно сейчас и особенно в больших городах.
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Re: Как стать медсестрой в Калифорнии (продолжение)
На сколько я знаю много медсестер на Привете именно добирали часы/курсы.
C Associate Degree через NCLCEX прямой путь к RN. Но с работой, they say, дела действительно не очень.
C Associate Degree через NCLCEX прямой путь к RN. Но с работой, they say, дела действительно не очень.
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Re: Как стать медсестрой в Калифорнии (продолжение)
Вы наверное имели в виду, что RN с Associate Degree прямой путь к NCLEX. Потому что для того что бы допустили к нему родимому нужно иметь как минимум Associate Degree в RN. Удачи в любом случае.
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Re: Как стать медсестрой в Калифорнии (продолжение)
Да, именно это. И вам удачи
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Re: Как стать медсестрой в Калифорнии (продолжение)
Вот еще один Калифорнийский мед. коледж прямя предлагает, что мне надо
Foreign Nurse Graduates
- Registered Nurse Program
Foreign nurses who apply to take psychiatric, pediatric, or obstetric nursing to meet requirements for U.S. licensure are accepted if space is available. A letter from the California Board of Registered Nursing verifying eligibility for licensure is necessary for admission. Contact the Nursing Program Coordinator for application procedure details. Foreign nursing courses are not accepted for equivalency into the generic program.
http://www.ohlone.edu/instr/nursing/for ... uates.html
Foreign Nurse Graduates
- Registered Nurse Program
Foreign nurses who apply to take psychiatric, pediatric, or obstetric nursing to meet requirements for U.S. licensure are accepted if space is available. A letter from the California Board of Registered Nursing verifying eligibility for licensure is necessary for admission. Contact the Nursing Program Coordinator for application procedure details. Foreign nursing courses are not accepted for equivalency into the generic program.
http://www.ohlone.edu/instr/nursing/for ... uates.html