Как многие говорят, первую работу найти сложно (ну не всем, конечно...) Вот я сейчас и ищу. Уважаемые работодатели, эксперты и участники форума, буду Вам благодарна за предложения, советы и конструктивную критику.
Peзюме у меня все пропитано академией, но имеем то что имеем. Готова (и что немаловажно умею и не боюсь) учиться. Т.к. в последнее время занималась оптимизацией, то с удовольствием принесла бы пользу компании и чего-нибудь оптимизировала

Теперь о моей визовой ситуации. Сейчас у меня EAD (Employment Authorization Document for any employer) до 19 июля. C 25 августа я буду на H-1B (но cap exempt), т.е. по идее ее переводить нельзя. Так что на (subject to cap) H-1b можно будет только в следующем апреле подавать. Но в случае если поступят предложения на работу, я могу пойти назад в школу и быстренько получить разрешение в виде full time co-op.
Т.к. мне важно получить практический опыт, то я рассматриваю также internship opportunities.
Current location: Baltimore, MD
Open to relocation
Всем спасибо!
OBJECTIVE: Analyst, Operations Research Analyst, Quantitative Analyst
2001-2007 Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, University of MD.... Main research area: optimization, interior-point methods.
Dissertation: Topics in structured convex optimization and nonlinear programming.
GPA: 3.88 out of 4.
1998-2000 Ph.D. Program in Mechanical Engineering, completed 2 years, Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering, National Academy of Science, Ukraine. Research topic: numerical solution of partial-differential equations, R-function methods.
1993-1998 BS/MS Diplomas in Applied Mathematics and Education, Kharkov State University, Ukraine.
2007-2008 Adjunct Professor, School of Graduate and Professional Studies, ... College (currently teaching statistics).
2001-2002 Teaching Assistant, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of ... (courses: Introduction to Mathematical Analysis I and II, Calculus and Analytic Geometry I and II)
2002-2007 Research Assistant, research in the area of interior-point optimization algorithms supported by National Science Foundation, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of ....
2002-2006 Graduate Instructor, Department of Mathematics, University of ... (courses: Algebra and Elementary Functions, Calculus and Analytics Geometry, Nonlinear Optimization, Foundations of Optimization (graduate level)).
1998-2002 Database Administrator/Data Analyst, ... Ltd, Kharkov, Ukraine. Created and managed a database containg sensitive financial information, provided technical support, designed and generated reports for a president and business partners.
Advanced analytical skills.
Strong quantitative background: optimization (linear programming, semidefinite programming, quadratic programming, nonlinear programming), numerical analysis, probability, statistics, matrix analysis, ordinary and partial differential equations (including stochastic) and more.
Experience with large-scale problems.
Programming: MATLAB, C, Message Passing Interface (MPI), SAS.
Toolboxes: SeDuMI, Gloptypoly, BLAS;
Applications: Latex, Microsoft Office.
Systems: Unix/Linux, Windows.
Excellent communication and leadership skills.
Excellent analytical skills.
Able to work independently and as a part of a team.
Highly motivated.
Parallel Implementation of a Sparse Conjugate Gradient Algorithm, C, MPI, eight node Beowulf cluster.
Global Optimization with Polynomials, Gloptipoly, SeDuMi, MATLAB.
Comparison of Direct and Iterative Methods for Solving Systems of Linear Equations, MATLAB.
Interior-Point Methods for Linear Programming, MATLAB.
Determining Surface Tension of Molten Alloy, inverse problem, modeling, MATLAB.
Member of Americal Mathematical Society, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, SIAM Activity Group on Optimization, Institute of Operations Research and Management Science, Mathematical Programming Society, Association for Women in Mathematics.
Referee for Mathematical Programming, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Optimization Letters.
August 2007 Travel Grant: Second Mathematical Programming Society International Conference of Continous Optimization (ICCOPT II & MOPTA 07), McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada. Sponsored by NSF.
May 2007 Travel Grant: Polya-Schur-Lax problems: hyperbolicity and Stability Preservers, American Institute of Mathematics (AIM). Sponsored by AIM and NSF.
November 2006 Travel Grant: 19th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
2002-2006 Research Assistantship, supported by two NSF grants.
August 2004 Travel Grant: Summer school and International Conference on Continuous Optimization, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY.
2006 Initiated creation of the Mathematics and Statistics Graduate Student Association, University of ...
2005-2006 Senator, Graduate Student Association, University of ...
Languages: Russian(native), Ukranian (native), English (fluent), German (intermediate, completed two-year course).