Armed H1B. Comprehensive guide.

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Armed H1B. Comprehensive guide.

Post by nipp »

Алоха вам всем у хату!

Периодически тут всплывает тема несчастных Хэчь-Ван-Бии о том что им можно, а что нельзя. Вот я по этому поводу решил обновить тему. Может админы снизойдут до стика темы. Всё же вопрос популярный.


Q1: Можно?
A: На федеральном уровне - можно. С условиями. Вот выписка.
US state and federal gun laws for non-citizens
The purpose of this page is to inform non-citizens in the United States of the laws which may impact their right to possess firearms.

I am not a lawyer, and this page is not legal advice. I will provide links to actual laws where possible, and I encourage you to verify for yourself the information provided here before you act on it.

I don't have the resources to keep up to date on all the laws across the country. If you know something that I don't have listed here, then please email me at with your information, and I will add it to this page.

Federal Issues:
In general, non-immigrant aliens are forbidden to possess any firearms or ammunition. But there is a big exception for a legal alien who: in possession of a hunting license or permit lawfully issued in the United States

(See Title 18, USC Chapter 44, Section 922, part (y)(2) for details.)

Green-card holders and immigrant aliens who do not yet have their green card are both okay under federal law, although many people (including gun dealers, law enforcement officers, etc.) are not aware of the distinction or the hunting license exception, and erroneously think that either you have a green card, or you can't have guns.

Also, non-citizen cannot purchase a firearm from a federally licensed firerams dealer unless they have been a resident of their state for 90 days. So, no, tourists on short visits cannot walk into guns stores to get "protection" during their trip. Sorry. (I've been asked that multiple times.)

A: Зависит от штата.

Q2: А где список взять?
A: А вот здесь.

State laws:
  • Alabama: No special restrictions found.
  • Alaska: No special restrictions found.
  • Arizona: Arizona only issues concealed weapon permits to non-citizens if they reside in Arizona. However, Arizona recognizes the permits issued by several other states. See ARS 13-3112.
  • Arkansas: Arkansas does not issue concealed handgun licenses to non-citizens. See Arkansas Code 5-73-309 for details. However, Arkansas recognizes the permits issued by several other states. I presume they would be honored for non-citizens, but a couple points in the wording were unclear. Use caution.
  • California: With a few exceptions, California forbids having a "concealable" firearm in a vehicle. One of the most signifigant exceptions, however, does not apply to non-citizens! The exception is that it's legal to have a handgun in vehicle if it's locked in the trunk or is in some other locked container. But, as I said, this exception only applies to citizens. Non-citizens can't transport their handguns in their cars unless they fall under one of the other exceptions in the law.
    See the California Penal Code, section 12025 and 12026 for the law and it's exceptions.
  • Colorado: Information not yet available. (Help anyone?)
  • Conneticutt: No special restrictions found.
  • Delaware: No special restrictions found.
  • Florida: No special restrictions found.
  • Georgia: No special restrictions found.
  • Hawaii: Hawaii law requires a permit for firearms ownership, and in general these permits are not issued to non-citizens. There are limited-time-only exceptions for aliens who wish to hunt or are: training for a specific organized sport-shooting contest
    Hawaii Revised Statutes, Chapter 134 has the details.
    Note also that Hawaii does not issue concealed weapon permits to non-citizens either. (Of course, in practice, they don't issue them even to citizens, so this is pretty irrelevant.)
  • Idaho: No special restrictions found.
  • Illinois: No special restrictions found.
  • Indiana: No special restrictions found.
  • Iowa: Information not yet available. (Help anyone?)
  • Kansas: Concealed weapon permits are only issued to US citizens.
  • Kentucky: Certified firearms instructers must be US citizens. No other restrictions found.
  • Louisiana: An "enemy alien" is forbidden to posess any firearms or other weapons. See Title 14, Section 95. "Enemy alien" is defined elsewhere in the state Revised Statutes as being someone with citizenship in an enemy country. So conceivable, some poor refugee who fled an oppresive regime and is now in legally in the US could still be considered an "enemy alien" under this law.
    The concealed weapon law seems to imply that only citizens can get permits. See the law for the details.
  • Maine: No special restrictions found.
  • Maryland: Information not yet available. (Help anyone?)
  • Massachusetts: Non-citizens are forbidden to posess firearms without a special permit! See Chapter 140, Section 131H. An additional exception is for alien that resides outside the commonwealth for purposes of firearms competition... who can apply for a temporary license as outlined in Chapter 140, Section 131F.
  • Michigan: Michigan law is a bit of a mess! It says:
    a person shall not purchase, carry, or transport a pistol in this state without first having obtained a license for the pistol as prescribed in this section
    One of the requirements for getting such a license is:
    The person is a citizen of the United States and is a legal resident of this state
    However, that requirement was struck down as unconstitutional (on equal protection grounds) by the Michigan Court of Appeals. (See Chan v City of Troy, 220 Mich App 376.) However, it hasn't formally been repealed by the legislature yet. You don't need that license, though, if you get a concealed-carry license:
    An individual who is licensed under section 5b to carry a concealed pistol is not required to obtain a license under section 2 to purchase, carry, or transport a pistol.
    However, such a license is only issued to a Michigan resident who is a citizen or:
    a resident legal alien as defined in section 11 of title 18 of the United States Code
    The confusing thing is that section 11 of title 18 has nothing at all to do with defining resident legal aliens! It's not clear to me whether this is supposed to be referring only to legal permanent resident aliens or all legal resident aliens.
    For out-of-staters, things are confusing, too! The requirement for a pistol license does not apply to:
    A United States citizen holding a license to carry a pistol concealed upon his or her person issued by another state.
    That gives non-Michigan-resident non-citizens no relief. However, we also have:
    The requirements of this act for obtaining a license to carry a concealed pistol do not apply to any of the following:
    ...A resident of another state who is licensed by that state to carry a concealed pistol.
    Wow. The long and short of it is that I can't figure out what is and isn't legal or required or whatever for non-citizens when in Michigan. Read the firearms laws (Act 372 of 1927) yourself and consult a lawyer, and use extreme caution!
  • Minnesota: Minnesota has a restrictive law on it's books. 624.719 bans any "nonresident alien" from posessing guns
    except to take game as a nonresident under the game and fish laws.
    The Game and Fish law, 97A.015, defines "Resident" as someone who
    has maintained a legal residence in the state at least the immediately preceding 60 days; So a non-citizen who doesn't live in Minnesota can't have guns in Minnesota except to hunt. Note that this would even apply to those with reciprocal concealed handgun permits, as 624.714 says
    no license or permit from another state is valid in this state if the holder is or becomes prohibited by law from possessing a firearm. Only permanent resident aliens who live in Minnesota will be issued concealed handgun permits, again due to 624.719 mentioned above. The concealed carry law specifically excludes those who prohibited under that section. See 624.714 for details.
  • Mississippi: Information not yet available. (Help anyone?)
  • Missouri: Licenses are required to aquire a handgun, and such licenses are not issued to non-citizens, so Missouri residents who didn't already own handguns before they moved there are out of luck. Concealed carry permits are not issued to non-citizens. However, Missouri honors all out-of-state permits, so non-citizens can just get such a permit. Details on both these issues are in Missouri Statutes, Chapter 571.
  • Montana: Concealed weapon permits are only issued to US citizens. See: Montana Code Annotated 45-8-321
    However, concealed weapon permits from many other states are recognized, with no restriction on Montana residency or citizenship. See: Montana Code Annotated 45-8-329
  • Nebraska: Concealed weapon permits are only issued to US citizens.
  • Nevada: No special restrictions found.
  • New Hampshire: No special restrictions found.
  • New Jersey: Not yet researched!
  • New Mexico: Only citizens may get concealed-carry permits in New Mexico. See the CONCEALED HANDGUN CARRY ACT.
    The server that hosts the New Mexico statutes has been down, so I have been unable to search them. So additional information is not yet available. (Help anyone?)
  • New York: Not yet researched!
  • North Carolina: North Carolina only issues concealed weapon permits to citizens. See NCGS 14-415.12.
    However, North Carolina recognizes the permits issued by several other states. See: NCGS 14-415.24.
  • North Dakota: No special restrictions on purchase, possession, or carry.
    However, North Dakota has one odd exception for non-citizens: discharging fireams within city limits is illegal, except for legal defense of persons or property by citizens. It's in 62.1-02-06, which says:
    62.1-02-06. Discharge of firearm within city - Penalty - Application. A person who discharges a firearm within a city is guilty of a class B misdemeanor. This section does not apply to the lawful discharge of firearms by law enforcement officers, by citizens in defense of person or property, or by participants in lawful activities in which discharge of firearms is a recognized part of the activity including shooting galleries and ranges.
  • Ohio: Not yet researched!
  • Oklahoma: Not yet researched!
  • Oregon: Oregon will only issue a concealed handgun permit to a non-citizen if he or she: Is a legal resident alien who can document continuous residency in the county for at least six months and has declared in writing to the Immigration and Naturalization Service the intent to acquire citizenship status and can present proof of the written declaration to the sheriff at the time of application for the license
    See section 291 of Oregon law, Chapter 166.
    A major exception to the concealed-firearm prohibition in Oregon law is that a person may possess a concealed fiream in their own residence (including an RV) or place of business, without a license. However this exception applies only to citizens! A non-citizen may only posess a concealed firearm with a license, which is only issued subject to the restriction above. See section 250 of Oregon law, Chapter 166.
  • Pennsylvania: No special restrictions found. I have been informed that PA will issue concealed-carry permits to any legal alien. However, not all of PA's laws are online. The official state law web site only contains a part of the laws, and that part doesn't include the gun laws. A third-party site covers some of the missing areas, but isn't necessarily accurate and up-to-date. Use caution.
  • Rhode Island: Illegal aliens are forbidden to possess firearms under RI law, just like they already are under federal law. See 11-47-7.
    Non-citizens seem not to be subject to the paperwork required of citizens when involved in an out-of-state transfer. See 11-47-36. Rhode Island has two systems of issuing handgun carry permits, the "town" system (11-47-11), and the "Attorney General" system (11-47-18). Non-citizens can use the "town" system only if they reside in Rhode Island. Anyone may apply under the "Attorney General" system.
  • South Carolina: Not yet researched!
  • South Dakota: Not yet researched!
  • Tennesee: Not yet researched!
  • Texas: No special restrictions found.
  • Utah: No special restrictions found.
  • Vermont: No special restrictions found.
  • Virginia: Concealed handgun licenses will be issued to green-card holders, not other aliens. See Code of Virginia Section 18.2-308, which says:
    The following persons shall be deemed disqualified from obtaining a permit:
    An alien other than an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the United States. Licenses held by non-green-card-holder aliens from a state recognized by Virginia is a loaded question. On one hand, if a state's permits has been deemed as recognized by Virginia authorities, it should be okay. On the other hand, if the other state issues to non-green-card-holder aliens, by the strict letter of the law, perhaps that state should not have been recognized in the first place. Be discreet, I'd say; I'd rather not see Virginia stop recognizing other state permits over this.
    Possessing "assault weapons" by a non-green-card-holder alien is a felony. See Code of Virginia Section 18.2-308.2:01 for details.
    Without defining what it means, Virginia law prohibits all firearms possesion by a non-citizen "who is not lawfully present in the United States". See Code of Virginia Section 18.2-308.2:01.
  • Washinton: Possession of a firearm by a non-citizen is a felony!
    The only exception is if you've gone the the convoluted procedure to get an "Alien Firearm License". And even this option is only available if you reside in Washington state.
    See the law at Revised Code of Washington, Chapter 9.41, section 170. See also the application for an Alien Firearm License. With an Alien Firearm License, a non-citizen can get a Concealed Pistol License.
  • West Virginia: No special restrictions found.
  • Wisconsin: No special restrictions found.
  • Wyoming: No special restrictions found.

Q3: И как это всё происходит на практике?
A: С большими трудностями. Часто FFL при виде визы делает квадратные глаза и отказывается от всяких попыток сотрудничества.
A: Собираем такой пакет документов:
  • Hunter's license. Берётся в ближайшем волмарте. Нам нужно small game. Они как правило самые дешёвые. Всякие марки-шмарки не нужны. Мы же зверушек мочить в сортире не собираемся, я надеюсь? Большой АХТУНГ! Следите за тем чтобы ваша лицензия не прокисла. У них часто бывает срок годность. Если прокиснет - posession будет федеральным преступлением, за которое в тюрьму на 10 положат. Так что не забываем.
  • Driver's license. Или ID. Тут вопросов, надеюсь нет?
  • Proof of residence. Тонкий момент. Вооружаться до зубов сразу по приезду низзя. Так как, это будет gun violence. А вот через 90 дней (не 3 месяца. Не путаем. с los federales шутки плохи) - уже можно. И никакой gun voilence не будет. (gotta love gun control).
    Proof состоит в предъявлении 3 биллов за газ/воду/свет/канализацию/интернет/телефон (нужное подчеркнуть). Так что не выкидываем, а бережно их храним.

Так же, не помешает иметь с собой оригинал SSN карточки, паспорт, и оригиналы всех виз и смен статусов. Но это не mandatory.
Тащим всё это к понравившемуся FFL. Убеждаем его что всё кошерно и готовимся к весёлому процессу. У меня это заняло около двух часов.
С тем как заполнять форму 4437 вам помогут разобраться на месте. Там нужно будет обязательно указать что non-immigrant alien и что exclusion is applied.
Вот мы всё заполнили... На прилавке лежит коробочка, а дядька/тётька (нужное подчеркнуть) звонит в NICS проверять тебя на вшивость.
До-о-о-олго так звонит. Обязательно прибежит к тебе уточнить, а не выезжал ли ты из страны в последние 90 дней? Если выезжал - отлуп. Обнуляем счётчик и считаем с момента последнего въезда.
Вот они почирикали и тебе говорят... DELAYED. А ты как думал? Было бы просто - бабушка бы делала. Не переживаем. Не напиваемся с горя. Не посыпаем голову пеплом. К задержке нужно морально готовиться заранее.
Дальше будет веселее. На завтра, этак ближе к обеденному перерыву, у тебя зазвонит телефон. (Кто говорит? - FFL). Тут уже два варианта. Или едем в магазин за обновкой и в волмарт за боеприпасами... Или едем в магазин забирать NTN. Последнее бывает, когда FFL тебе грустным голосом сообщает что кина не будет и ты DENIED.
О последнем мы поговорим дальше.

Q4: ZOMG! Я DENIED! Всё пропало! Гипс снимают! Клиент уезжает!
A: Как говорил Карлссон - "Спокойствие! Только спокойствие!". Отказы H-1B'шникам это весьма распостранённая штука. Так что успокойся. За тобой не едут и чёрные вертолёты летят куда-то по своим делам.
Первое что нужно сделать - забрать у дилера NTN. Это номер транзакции. Он в формате XXX-XXX. Не потеряй.
Второе что нужно сделать - отправить e-mail по вот этому адресу: Subject: XXX-XXX (твой NTN номер). В теле письма в свободной форме просим указать причины отказа и сообщаем почтовый адрес. Без адреса ничего не будет. Они детали сообщают только по почте.
Ровненько через неделю в тебе придёт жёлтый конверт из FBI. (нет. За тобой ещё никто не выехал и вертолёт... ну ты в курсе).
А в нём будет написано что именно они к тебе имеют. Если ты не увлекаешься криминалом - 99% шанс что там будет написано что ты самый настоящий НЕЛЕГАЛЬНЫЙ ИММИГРАНТ типа Перды Гонзалеса. (нет, и сейчас ICE про твою душу не едет. Успокойся).
А хохма в том что NICS спрашивает про статус у ICE. Что есть дурка. Они не выдают статусы. Так что часто получается испорченый телефон. Если у тебя тебя были смены статуса в стране и ICE их не заметило - NICS Denial тебе обеспечен.

Q5: И чё теперь делать?
A: Идти в полицию (сдаваться с поличным. Шутка). NICS тебе прислал в пакете форму для fingerprint card. Вот с ней в зубах пилим в ближайших полицейский участок. Плотим в кассу около $10. И идём получать кайф от процедуры снятия отпечатков пальцев.
Кладём в пакет карточку и письмо содержания вольного о том что их информация не правильная. И что никакой ты не illegal и что пошлёшь им копии своей визы.
Делаем копии и кладём их вместе с письмом в конверт. Всё запечатываем и бросаем в почту. Ждём-с.
Где-то через неделю придёт письмо из FBI (прекрати дёргаться). Там будет написано что документы они получили, но им нужно ещё время чтобы всё обнюхать досконально.
Ждём дальше.

Q6: И-и-и-и?
А: ...и вот где-то через месяц придёт по почте ещё один жёлтый конверт. А в нём письмо о том что они подумали и решили передумать. И вот тебе СЕРТИФИКАТ, который можно отоварить в том же магазине, где тебя уже хорошо запомнили после первой попытки.

А дальше? ... без понятия. Завтра поеду отоваривать.
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Post by Sanek »

То есть получается, что постоянному жителю Калифорнии нельзя возить пистолет? Этим правом обладает только гражданин?
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Post by Митяй »

Sanek wrote:То есть получается, что постоянному жителю Калифорнии нельзя возить пистолет? Этим правом обладает только гражданин?

Откуда вы взяли, что гражданин калифорнии без CCW обладает правом возить пистолет ? ласт тайм ай чекед, он его мог возить только на стрельбище и со стрельбища, в закрытой сумке, незаряженным, патроны отдельно.
А пристыдишь их - и сальцо найдется, и горилочка...
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Post by mdzy »

Sanek wrote:То есть получается, что постоянному жителю Калифорнии нельзя возить пистолет? Этим правом обладает только гражданин?

К сожалению, похоже, что это именно так.

With a few exceptions, California forbids having a "concealable" firearm in a vehicle. One of the most significant exceptions, however, does not apply to non-citizens! The exception is that it's legal to have a handgun in vehicle if it's locked in the trunk or is in some other locked container. But, as I said, this exception only applies to citizens. Non-citizens can't transport their handguns in their cars unless they fall under one of the other exceptions in the law.

See the California Penal Code, section 12025 and 12026 for the law and it's exceptions.

Линк на закон:

Таким образом закон явно разрешает GC холдерам иметь оружие, но только (в Калифорнии) хранить его дома и никуда не возить, даже в тир.
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Post by Митяй »

mdzy wrote:
Sanek wrote:То есть получается, что постоянному жителю Калифорнии нельзя возить пистолет? Этим правом обладает только гражданин?

К сожалению, похоже, что это именно так.

With a few exceptions, California forbids having a "concealable" firearm in a vehicle. One of the most significant exceptions, however, does not apply to non-citizens! The exception is that it's legal to have a handgun in vehicle if it's locked in the trunk or is in some other locked container. But, as I said, this exception only applies to citizens. Non-citizens can't transport their handguns in their cars unless they fall under one of the other exceptions in the law.

See the California Penal Code, section 12025 and 12026 for the law and it's exceptions.

Линк на закон:

Таким образом закон явно разрешает GC холдерам иметь оружие, но только (в Калифорнии) хранить его дома и никуда не возить, даже в тир.

Возить в тир можно :

12026.2. (a) Section 12025 does not apply to, or affect, any of the

(9) The transportation of a firearm by a person when going
directly to, or coming directly from, a target range, which holds a
regulatory or business license, for the purposes of practicing
shooting at targets with that firearm at that target range.

Выходит таки да - гражданину можно возить пистолет "просто так", а GC-холдеру нельзя.
А пристыдишь их - и сальцо найдется, и горилочка...
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Post by Easbayguy »

mdzy wrote:
Sanek wrote:То есть получается, что постоянному жителю Калифорнии нельзя возить пистолет? Этим правом обладает только гражданин?

К сожалению, похоже, что это именно так.

With a few exceptions, California forbids having a "concealable" firearm in a vehicle. One of the most significant exceptions, however, does not apply to non-citizens! The exception is that it's legal to have a handgun in vehicle if it's locked in the trunk or is in some other locked container. But, as I said, this exception only applies to citizens. Non-citizens can't transport their handguns in their cars unless they fall under one of the other exceptions in the law.

See the California Penal Code, section 12025 and 12026 for the law and it's exceptions.

Линк на закон:

Таким образом закон явно разрешает GC холдерам иметь оружие, но только (в Калифорнии) хранить его дома и никуда не возить, даже в тир.

Ето вы с горяча:

12026.2. (a) Section 12025 does not apply to, or affect, any of the
(1) The possession of a firearm by an authorized participant in a
motion picture, television, or video production or entertainment
event when the participant lawfully uses the firearm as part of that
production or event or while going directly to, or coming directly
from, that production or event.
(2) The possession of a firearm in a locked container by a member
of any club or organization, organized for the purpose of lawfully
collecting and lawfully displaying pistols, revolvers, or other
firearms, while the member is at meetings of the clubs or
organizations or while going directly to, and coming directly from,
those meetings.
(3) The transportation of a firearm by a participant when going
directly to, or coming directly from, a recognized safety or hunter
safety class, or a recognized sporting event involving that firearm.

(4) The transportation of a firearm by a person listed in Section
12026 directly between any of the places mentioned in Section 12026.

(5) The transportation of a firearm by a person when going
directly to, or coming directly from, a fixed place of business or
private residential property for the purpose of the lawful repair or
the lawful transfer, sale, or loan of that firearm.
(6) The transportation of a firearm by a person listed in Section
12026 when going directly from the place where that person lawfully
received that firearm to that person's place of residence or place of
business or to private property owned or lawfully possessed by that
(7) The transportation of a firearm by a person when going
directly to, or coming directly from, a gun show, swap meet, or
similar event to which the public is invited, for the purpose of
displaying that firearm in a lawful manner.
(8) The transportation of a firearm by an authorized employee or
agent of a supplier of firearms when going directly to, or coming
directly from, a motion picture, television, or video production or
entertainment event for the purpose of providing that firearm to an
authorized participant to lawfully use as a part of that production
or event.
(9) The transportation of a firearm by a person when going
directly to, or coming directly from, a target range, which holds a
regulatory or business license, for the purposes of practicing
shooting at targets with that firearm at that target range.
(10) The transportation of a firearm by a person when going
directly to, or coming directly from, a place designated by a person
authorized to issue licenses pursuant to Section 12050 when done at
the request of the issuing agency so that the issuing agency can
determine whether or not a license should be issued to that person to
carry that firearm.
(11) The transportation of a firearm by a person when going
directly to, or coming directly from, a lawful camping activity for
the purpose of having that firearm available for lawful personal
protection while at the lawful campsite. This paragraph shall not be
construed to override the statutory authority granted to the
Department of Parks and Recreation or any other state or local
governmental agencies to promulgate rules and regulations governing
the administration of parks and campgrounds.
(12) The transportation of a firearm by a person in order to
comply with subdivision (c) or (i) of Section 12078 as it pertains to
that firearm.
(13) The transportation of a firearm by a person in order to
utilize subdivision (l) of Section 12078 as it pertains to that
(14) The transportation of a firearm by a person when going
directly to, or coming directly from, a gun show or event, as defined
in Section 478.100 of Title 27 of the Code of Federal Regulations,
for the purpose of lawfully transferring, selling, or loaning that
firearm in accordance with subdivision (d) of Section 12072.
(15) The transportation of a firearm by a person in order to
utilize paragraph (6) of subdivision (a) of Section 12078 as it
pertains to that firearm.
(16) The transportation of a firearm by a person who finds the
firearm in order to comply with Article 1 (commencing with Section
2080) of Chapter 4 of Division 3 of the Civil Code as it pertains to
that firearm and if that firearm is being transported to a law
enforcement agency, the person gives prior notice to the law
enforcement agency that he or she is transporting the firearm to the
law enforcement agency.
(17) The transportation of a firearm by a person in order to
comply with paragraph (2) of subdivision (f) of Section 12072 as it
pertains to that firearm.
(18) The transportation of a firearm by a person who finds the
firearm and is transporting it to a law enforcement agency for
disposition according to law, if he or she gives prior notice to the
law enforcement agency that he or she is transporting the firearm to
the law enforcement agency for disposition according to law.
(19) The transportation of a firearm by a person in order to
comply with paragraph (3) of subdivision (f) of Section 12072 as it
pertains to that firearm.
(20) The transportation of a firearm by a person for the purpose
of obtaining an identification number or mark assigned for that
firearm from the Department of Justice pursuant to Section 12092.
(b) In order for a firearm to be exempted under subdivision (a),
while being transported to or from a place, the firearm shall be
unloaded, kept in a locked container, as defined in subdivision (d),
and the course of travel shall include only those deviations between
authorized locations as are reasonably necessary under the
(c) This section does not prohibit or limit the otherwise lawful
carrying or transportation of any pistol, revolver, or other firearm
capable of being concealed upon the person in accordance with this
(d) As used in this section, "locked container" means a secure
container which is fully enclosed and locked by a padlock, keylock,
combination lock, or similar locking device. The term "locked
container" does not include the utility or glove compartment of a
motor vehicle.
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Post by mdzy »

Да, Митяй прав, я поспешил сделать заключение прочитав 12026.1, не просмотрев внимательно 12026.2.
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Post by nipp »

Всё! Finita la camedia. Записывайте меня в счастливые, хоть и не особо оригинальные держатели Беретки 92FS. Чёрненькая такая. Хоро-о-ошая.
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lass es schwimmen in Benzin
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Post by nipp »

С другой стороны... А почему бы не поискать себе ещё приключений на попу? Utah CCW? Нев-Мексика дёт ЦЦВ только гражданам. Но они honor UT CCW. Вопрос - а можно ли получить Юту?
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Post by Митяй »

nEJIbMEHb wrote:С другой стороны... А почему бы не поискать себе ещё приключений на попу? Utah CCW? Нев-Мексика дёт ЦЦВ только гражданам. Но они honor UT CCW. Вопрос - а можно ли получить Юту?

Мысль интересная. Попробуйте позвоните и нам расскажете.
А пристыдишь их - и сальцо найдется, и горилочка...
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Post by Easbayguy »

Митяй wrote:
nEJIbMEHb wrote:С другой стороны... А почему бы не поискать себе ещё приключений на попу? Utah CCW? Нев-Мексика дёт ЦЦВ только гражданам. Но они honor UT CCW. Вопрос - а можно ли получить Юту?

Мысль интересная. Попробуйте позвоните и нам расскажете.

Желающим получить UT CCW в Bay Area 05/24/2008 ... t=UTah+ccw

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