Фаршированная рыба по-еврейски - нужен рецепт

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Фаршированная рыба по-еврейски - нужен рецепт

Post by Bluebonnet »

Приветовцы, завтра ожидается нашествие людей, которых бы очень хотелось кулинарным образом порадовать, попросили сготовить рыбу. Нужен проверенный рецепт, так чтобы из местных ингредиентов, и чтобы без похода в русский магазин за кошерными продуктами. О полученных результатах обещаю доложить. Спасибо всем заранеее. :hat:
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Post by LapkaL »

Все равно бежать куда-то надо за рыбой, например, к китайцам :) . Желательно брать целую, со шкурой и потрохами, а не разделанную.
Рецепты можно посмотреть здесь.
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Post by Bluebonnet »

Докладываю: идея была загублена на самом корню, поскольку не нашлось подходящей рыбы. Самое лучшее и свежее (ценой за 11 долларов за паунд) было выставлено на ледных витринах Centlal Market и представляло собой огроменные тушки неизвестной породы с остекленевшими глазами и вспоротыми животами. При мысли о том, что нам придется ЭТО молоть и фаршировать, меня и мою украинскую подругу Адель взяла такая тоска, что посовещавшись, мы решили купить обыкновенные тушки сома, замариновать их в лайме и тарияки и забройлить их в духовке. Что у нас с успехом и получилось. Идея когда - нибуль приготовить фаршированную рыбу мы все же не оставляем, посему рецепт (из местных рыб) все - таки нужен. Авось кто нибудь им здесь да и владеет... :radio%:
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Post by LapkaL »

Целиком рыбка продается в китайский супермаркетах. Они взвешивают ее с потрохами и потом предлагают почистить. Вот тут вовремя надо успеть сказать : "Нет!" Рыбы такой обычно там несколько видов, я выбирала чисто по внешнему виду и и подходящую на мой взгляд по размеру. Название уже не помню. Хорошо еще купить филе какой-нибудь другой рыбы, и смешать два вида, чтобы фарша получилось побольше.
Чистка чешуи и потрохов не самое приятное занятие, как-то здесь уже отвыкли от этого, уж насколько я люблю готовить всякие сложные блюда, но с фаршированной рыбой возилась довольно долго. И повторить тот подвиг пока желания нет.
Зато в Трейдер Джо продается Гефтлте Фиш в стеклянных банках. Правда облегченный вариант в виде рыбных котлеток. Если взять содержимое такой банки, перетушить с добавлением большого количества лука, свеклы, моркови, то вполне сойдет за домашнее :) .
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Post by Bluebonnet »

Lapka, thanks :fr: , and that`s what I found:



1 whole buffalo (or other fatty fish)
1 whole salmon
1 whole walleye pike

Have the fish market fillet them and give you the bones and skin for
broth. At this time of year the fish market will probably grind the
fish for you too, which is an enormous time saver.


4 onions cut in half
4-6 stalks of celery (including leafy parts)
2 whole carrots
Fish bones and skin

Put above ingredients in the largest pot you own and cover it with
water. Bring to a boil and simmer for 2-3 hours. This should make
a fairly rich stock.

Fish Balls

2 large onions, ground through a meat grinder
fish fillets ground through a meat grinder separately from the onions.
Sometimes the fish market will do this for you. Food processors
do not work well for this.
1 tsp sugar (optional)
1 tsp white pepper
1 tsp salt
approximately 1/4 cup matzo meal
4 egg whites
2 egg yolks
1/2 cup extremely cold water

In a wooden bowl, using a round bladed chopper chop ground fish
and ground onions. Use a turning motion, working as much air in
a possible. (This is where the visual aids come in handy.) Chop
for about 10 minutes. Add matzo meal and spices and keep chopping
using the same motions (about 5 more minutes). Beat egg whites
until frothy (not stiff) and pour over the fish mixture. Beat egg
yolks well, add the very cold water and pour over fish mixture.
DO NOT MIX. Chop the mixture, adding more air, until eggs are well
worked in.

Strain fish broth and bring back to a gentle simmer. Make balls
of the fish mixture (handle as little as possible) and drop gentley
in broth. Peel and slice carrots into 1/4 inch rounds and add to
broth. Partially cover and simmer for about 2 hours. Turn the
balls occasionally if there are too many for them to turn on their

When cooked, remove fish balls and place in a single layer in
storage containers. Remove carrot slices from broth and put one
carrot on each fish ball. Refrigerate.

Bring fish broth to a boil and boil lightly for about 3 hours, or
until reduced to 1/3 - 1/2 of its original volume. Pour reduces
broth over fish balls and refrigerate until cold and broth has
jelled. Serve cold with horse raddish.

Serves about 20 people with leftovers.

And I like THIS even better :food: :
http://www.gefiltefish.com/product.asp? ... ductID=480

And we can try to do THIS:

Easy Gefilte Fish

This recipe uses a frozen loaf of fish. Common brands are Ungers and Benzs which can be found at most kosher markets, and even some supermarkets in Jewish neighborhoods. Use this recipe when you want the look and taste of homemade, but you don’t have a lot of time to spend in the kitchen.


1 loaf frozen fish
1 onion peeled and cut in quarters
2 carrots peeled and cut in 1” cubes
3 tablespoons sugar
dash of salt
dash of pepper

Take the plastic wrap off of the fish, leaving the paper. Put the fish in a large pot of cold water and add the other ingredients. Bring to a boil and continue boiling gently on a medium fire for 1 1/2 hours. Let the fish cool in the water for about 15 minutes. Remove the fish carefully and place in a container along with the carrots. Refrigerate for a few hours. Serve sliced on individual plates garnished with slices of carrots and prepared horseradish.

Easier Gefilte Fish

This recipe uses canned fish, which often comes in glass jars and can be found in all kosher markets and most supermarkets. Use this recipe when you are really strapped for time, but want to impart good homemade flavor to the old standby fish from the jar.


1-2 Cans (Jars) of any type of gefilte fish
1 bag of frozen crinkle cut carrots.
1 onion sliced
2-3 Tbs. Sugar
dash salt
dash pepper

In a pot, layer half the sliced onion, then the fish with the water that is in the jar or can, then the frozen carrots and the rest of the onion on top. Sprinkle the sugar, salt and pepper over all. Cover with water and cook on medium flame for 1/2 hour. Refrigerate before serving and serve garnished with the carrots and the onion if you like.

"Homemade” Gefilte Fish

If you are a cook who like to spend time in the kitchen, then nothing beats real, homemade gefilte fish. Here is a recipe totally from scratch, and once the basic fish is made you can actually cook it in a variety of ways.


1-1/2 lbs. boneless ground fish
1 lg. Onion
2-3 carrots
2 eggs beaten
3 tsp. salt
3-5 tsp. Sugar (to taste)
1 tsp. pepper
1/2 cup matzo meal.

A typical mixture of fish is 1lb of whitefish and 1/2 lbs. of pike. Finely grate the carrots and onion together, or bring them to the store and have the fish man grind them for you. Mix all of the ingredients in a bowl. Next, you’ll make a basic fish broth in which to cook the fish.


3 carrots sliced
1 lg. onion chopped
1/2 cup sugar
2 tbs. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
Bones from fish (ask the fish man to give you all the bones).

Fill a large pot with water and add all the ingredients for fish broth. Bring to a boil. Shape fish into small balls or into larger oval balls. Use water to moisten your hands to make it easier. If the fish mixture feels too stiff add a little water. Drop into the boiling broth. Cook for 2 hours on medium flame covered. Check the water level during cooking to make sure it stays full. Allow the fish to cool before removing from the pot. Refrigerate well before serving.

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