Вот официальный интерес США к Украине
Вот ихний официальный бюджет
In FY 2005, the USG allocated an estimated $211.34 million in assistance to Ukraine, including:
$62.13 million in democratic reform programs;
$30.91 million in economic reform programs;
$20.31 million in social reform programs;
$76.60 million in security, regional stability, and law enforcement programs;
$1.84 million in humanitarian programs;
$5.53 million in cross-sector and other programs; and
Privately donated and USG excess humanitarian commodities valued at $14.02 million.
In FY 2005, a total of 857 Ukrainians traveled to the United States on USG-funded exchange programs.
кроме прочего вот ихние цели в Украине.
Key USG assistance priorities include supporting continued development of civil society; further strengthening democratic political parties as democratic institutions; assisting Ukraine▓s independent media to become stronger; improving access to better information about the U.S.; supporting national governance reform; assisting local governance/decentralization; combating corruption; supporting reform in the justice sector/rule of law; and helping the country to achieve free and fair Parliamentary elections in 2006.
Key U.S. assistance areas include fostering legal and regulatory reform; promoting financial sector reform, particularly of the legal framework which remains weak; strengthening bank supervision; strengthening the pension system; increasing integration into the global trading system; improving the business climate to facilitate SME growth; increasing access to capital; and accelerating agricultural growth.
U.S. assistance priorities include: prevention and control of TB, prevention of trafficking in persons and victim protection, preventing HIV/AIDS transmission, reduction of high abortion rates and maternal mortality, and providing family-care options for orphans and vulnerable children.
In FY 2005, USG security-related assistance worked to dismantle Ukraine▓s remaining WMD systems and prevent proliferation of these weapons, their delivery systems, and related equipment and expertise to rogue states. USG-funded nuclear safety assistance addressed safety and security issues at nuclear plants throughout Ukraine, and the USG pledged additional funds for the successful reconstruction of a new Chernobyl shelter. In addition, the USG provided significant assistance in enhancing physical security of facilities that store radioactive material and radiological sources. U.S. Defense Department (DoD) continued efforts to eliminate Ukraine's remaining strategic bombers and its WMD infrastructure, and the USG remains committed to the safe and secure elimination of 163 SS-24 loaded missile cases in Pavlohrad. Moreover, DoD committed up to $22 million in assistance to enhance Ukrainian State Border Guards and State Customs Service capabilities to deter, detect and interdict illicit trafficking of WMD and associated materials. DoD also agreed to provide up $15 million in assistance to enhance biosecurity and biosafety throughout Ukraine. The USG helped Ukraine enhance interoperability with NATO forces by providing the Ukrainian Government with $2.976 million in Foreign Military Financing (FMF) and $1.8 million in International Military Education and Training (IMET). Helping Ukraine form a NATO-compatible Joint Rapid Reaction Force and an all-professional Noncommissioned Officers Corps was also a priority. In law enforcement, the USG worked to strengthen Ukraine▓s institutional capacity to stop human trafficking and to strengthen export controls and border security, and provided technical assistance to the GOU in its efforts to reform law enforcement structures. The USG helped Ukraine establish an effective financial intelligence unit to combat money-laundering, thus permitting the removal of Ukraine from the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) non-cooperating country list and facilitating Ukrainian entry into the Egmont group. The USG also supported Ukraine▓s efforts to develop a more balanced criminal justice system and move away from the Soviet-era model characterized by a dominant procuracy to a Euro-Atlantic model with an independent judiciary, a strong yet principled prosecution, and an empowered and able defense bar.
Т.е глядя на их официальную точку зрения не такие уж и страшные для Украины вещи. Вроде как по пути.