lostriver wrote:Misha wrote:но при этом канадцы жалуются на очереди и нехватку докторов. т.е. насление растет быстрее чем количество врачей.
In the U.S, there were 2.4 doctors per 1,000 people in 2005; in Canada, there were 2.2.
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Why Is Canada Shutting Out Doctors?
While millions of Canadians can’t find a doctor, thousands of foreign physicians can’t get a licence to practise
Dr. Dale Dauphinee, executive director of the Medical Council of Canada, coauthored a report in 1999 that calculated that Canada needs to recruit 2,500 new doctors a year. This would cover both physicians retiring or leaving the country and population growth. Our own graduates can’t fill the void: Our medical schools graduate only 1,570 new doctors a year—a shortfall of 930.
Canada’s shortage of physicians
While there are numerous factors contributing to Canada’s shortage of physicians, three significant ones are migration to the United States, reluctance of medical students to choose specialties and locations where they are most needed, and new practice patterns (lifestyle goals and use of the health care system).
For the first and second factors, we can review the current practice locations of all Canadian medical graduates from the 16 medical schools from 1991 to 1995. Evidence1,2 suggests that 18% had left Canada for the United States by 2003.
Severe doctors' shortage predicted in Canada
By CAMILLE BAINS -- The Canadian Press
VANCOUVER -- Doctors' walkouts in British Columbia and discontent among physicians across Canada point to critical problems that will lead to a severe doctors' shortage if current trends continue, say medical officials.
"We have fewer physicians per capita in Canada than almost any other industrialized country right now," said Dr. Peter Barrett, president of the Canadian Medical Association.
Barrett said there are fewer doctors now partly because of a 10 per cent reduction in medical school enrolment that was imposed across the country in 1993.
Dr. David Hawkins, executive director of the Association of Canadian Medical Colleges, said there were 1,599 medical school graduates last year, down from a peak of 1,835 in 1985.
Facts about the doctors' shortage medical officials predict:
Issue: Canada needs to increase medical school graduates by 1,000 per year to meet demand
Why: To be self-sufficient because restrictions mean fewer foreign-trained doctors are practising in Canada; physicians are leaving for the U.S.
Fallout: Doctors in at least 14 B.C. communities have withdrawn services because of workload and lack of funds to retain and recruit physicians
Elsewhere: Doctors in New Brunswick staged a one-day walkout last week
Quote: "There are problems occurring in the medical practice environment across the country." Dr. John Cairns, dean of medicine, University of B.C.
All provinces -- except British Columbia -- have recently increased enrolment, but not enough to meet demand, Hawkins said.
He said Canada ideally needs 2,500 new graduates a year but even if medical schools could increase enrolment to that figure immediately, it would be years before those doctors are practising.
Hawkins said that although Canada has traditionally attracted doctors from South Africa, Britain and Australia, more of them are going to the U.S. for better pay and working conditions.
But other factors also account for the lack of physicians.
They include federal government barriers that have prevented foreign-trained doctors from practising in Canada and an exodus of Canadian doctors to the United States.