Вести с полей. USCIS начал в срочном порядке обрабатывать новых аппликантов.
The Form I-821D, Consideration of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, will be used for those who are considered for relief from removal from the United States or from being placed into removal proceedings as part of the deferred action for childhood arrivals process. Those who submit requests with USCIS and demonstrate that they meet the threshold guidelines may have removal action in their case deferred for a period of two years, subject to renewal (if not terminated), based on an individualized, case-by-case assessment of the individual's equities.
Т. е. обновлять можно бесконечно фактически. С такой бумажкой и гринкарты не надо.
О дополнительной нагрузке на USCIS:
USCIS estimates that 1,041,300 respondents will use this form and that it will take 2 hours and 45 minutes to complete.
Итого 2,863,575 часов работы. Всего то. Остальные подождут, чай не баре.
Ну и в заключение, пожелаем удачи тем, для кого закон пока еще что то значит.
Meanwhile, a group of 10 U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents have filed a lawsuit against the new deferred action directive on undocumented childhood arrivals. The agents argue that the new program forces them to violate immigration law.
Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, an advisor to Mitt Romney's presidential campaign, is representing the agents in the lawsuit filed in federal court in Dallas, Texas, against Janet Napolitano, Secretary of Homeland Security, and John Morton, ICE Director. The lawsuit is receiving financial support from NumbersUSA. "This Directive not only circumvents Congress, it also infringes on the plaintiffs' ability to fulfill the oath they made to uphold the laws of this country. The plaintiffs seek to prevent law enforcement officers from being forced to either violate federal law if they comply with the Directive or risk adverse employment action if they disobey the unlawful orders of the DHS Secretary," Secretary Kobach said.
Источник информации: емаил от адвокатской конторы.