fusion wrote:И что в реале? Вывел войска в точности в сроки установленные Бушем. Фильм сняли Obama hoax и что? Народ почесался? Я бы еще понял бы, если это были бы представители одной и той же партии, но по самому главному вопросу между ними не видно разницы.
Возвращаясь к началу темы. По этому поводу в местной газете было забавное письмо одного читателя:
Little differrerence between Obama and Bush
A recent servey conducted by ConcervativeHQ.com found that 75% of self-described "concervatves" believe that Barack Obama is a communist, a Markxist or a socialist. I find this odd, since Mr. Obama's actions in office have been almost indistinguishable from those of his "conservative" predecessor, George W. Bush.
Mr. Obama has continued war in Iraq, while escalating the violence in Afghanistan and extending it into Pakistan. He has proposed the largest military budget in U.S. history. He has attempted to block investigation into the Bush administration's illegal spying on American citizens and its network of torture chambers.
He has intervened in court cases to deny legal rights of the "detainees" (a polite term for "kidnap victims") held at Guantanamo and elsewhere in the American Gulag. His response to the epidemic of layoffs, wage cuts, home forclosures and hunger confronting millions of Americans has been to hand hundreds of billions of dollars in public funds to the finance industry.
In contrast to Mr. Bush, Mr. Obama pronounces the word "nuclear" correctly. Is that what makes him a Commie?
Phillip Crawford
Cogito, ergo sum - я мыслю, значит существую.