quantum wrote:Моя теща живет в Бишкеке, Киргизстан.
Тогда - в ближайшем канадском консульстве. Я не знаю, есть ли такое в Киргизии. Попробуйте поискать на и-нете.
quantum wrote:Можно ли начать этот процесс, если еще не переселился окончательно в Канаду? То есть, если въехал, стал резидентом и выехал из Канады обратно в Штаты.
По-моему, нет. Для спонсорства Вам потребуется показать не только наличие жилья (адреса) в Канаде, но и наличие определенного постоянного заработка. Т.е. до подачи на спонсорство Вы должны проработаь некоторое время в Канаде. Посмотрите детали на сайте immigration Canada - там есть буклет со всеми деталями в pdf.
Vot -
Sponsoring parents, grandparents, adopted children and other relatives 5
Who can sponsor?
You may be eligible to sponsor if:
• the person you want to sponsor is a member of the family class. If he or she is not, you will be
found not to be a sponsor;
• you are 18 years of age or older;
• you are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident;
you reside in Canada;
• you sign an undertaking promising to provide for the basic requirements of the person being
sponsored and, if applicable, his or her family members;
• you and the sponsored person sign an agreement that confirms that each of you understands
your mutual obligations and responsibilities;
If you reside in Quebec, see Step 2 of How to apply to sponsor for additional information on
forms to complete.
you have an income that is at least equal to the minimum necessary income, the amount of
which is published yearly by the Canadian government. You will have to provide us with
documents that show your financial resources for the past 12 months and prove you are
financially able to sponsor members of the family class. You may solicit the help of a cosigner.
If you reside in Quebec, see also Sponsors living in Quebec.