OK, слушать не желаем, вот в письменном виде:StrangerR wrote: 12 Jun 2021 02:16Странно. Вокруг меня привиты ВСЕ, вообще ВСЕ. Про какие то там реакции - пара дней плохого самочувствия - из наверное сотни человек говорили человек 5. Где же те реакции которые _правило_?TanyaC wrote: 11 Jun 2021 17:09Если вы прослушаете о чем говорит профессор, то увидите , что реакции на вакцину вовсе не исключения, а правило, и к чему эти реакции с большой вероятнoстью приведут.Uzito wrote: 11 Jun 2021 16:24Даже учитывая это, верояность получить эту побочку менее 1 на миллион. Это в десять раз меньше вероятности погибнуть в автомобильной аварии.TanyaC wrote: 11 Jun 2021 16:12 А профессору из канадского университета вы тоже не верите?
"New peer reviewed study on COVID-19 vaccines suggests why heart inflammation, blood clots and other dangerous side effects occur"
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New peer reviewed study on COVID-19 vaccines suggests why heart inflammation, blood clots and other dangerous side effects occur – Dr. Byram Bridle, RADIO 640 Toronto
Post author
By EvidenceNotFear
Post date
28 May 2021
Alex talks with Dr. Byram Bridle, an Associate Professor on Viral Immunology at the University of Guelph about new peer-reviewed studies that suggests there may be terrifying reasons side effects such as heart inflammation, VITT (Vaccine induced Thrombosis and Thrombocytopenia) , and other serious issues may occur in those who have been vaccinated.
New scientific information that has helped us understand why the vaccine problems are happening.
This is backed up by well-known peer-reviewed scientific publications.
SARS-CoV-2 has a spike protein on its surface which is what it allows us to infect our bodies.
Vaccines get the cells in our body to manufacture the spike protein.
In theory, if we can mount an immune response to this protein, we can prevent the virus from infecting the body.
When studying the disease, cardio-vascular problems, bleeding and clotting have been associated with severe COVID-19.
The spike protein is almost entirely responsible for the damage to the cardio-vascular system.
If you inject the purified spike protein into blood of lab animals, they get all sorts of damage to the cardio-vascular system.
The assumption up until know is that the new COVID-19 vaccinations behave like other vaccines: they stay at the injection site.
However, a FOI request has revealed a bio-distribution study that shows the spike protein of the new COVID-19 vaccines gets into the blood post-vaccination and accumulate in tissues such as the spleen, bone marrow, liver, adrenal glands and ovaries.
It’s been known for a long time that the spike protein is a pathogenic protein–it’s a toxin.
We now have evidence that the new vaccines gets into blood circulation. When in circulation, the spike protein can bind to the receptors on our platelets and the cells that line our blood vessels.
When this happens, it can either cause clotting or bleeding.
It can cross the blood-brain barrier and cause neurological damage.
There is also evidence that the antibodies can be transferred through breast milk (study not yet accepted). The could be evidence that suckling infants experiencing bleeding disorders in the gastrointestinal tract.
This has implications for blood donations, sucking infants and people who are not at risk from COVID-19–that includes all our children.
We made a big mistake. We thought the spike protein was a great target antigen. We didn’t know the spike protein itself was a pathogenic protein.
By vaccinating people we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin that can cause damage.
Will we be rendering young people infertile?
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