Brighter outlook for housing and economy

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Brighter outlook for housing and economy

Post by Сабина »

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Incoming data for March has caused Fannie Mae to again revise its forecast for the year's growth in gross domestic product (GDP). The company's Economic and Strategic Research (ESR) team said a sharp uptick in the economy last month followed a weather-related retreat in February.

Most evident was a jump in employment to 916,000 new jobs in March from 468,000 in February, the fastest pace since August 2020. This growth is expected to continue. Auto sales were also up, and consumer confidence surveys jumped to their highest levels since the April 2020 downturn. As a result of these and other heightened indicators, Fannie Mae now sees growth reaching 6.8 percent by the fourth quarter on a year-over-year basis, up from 6.6 percent in the earlier forecast. Expectations for 2022 are unchanged at 3.0 percent.

They attribute the growth spurt to waning COVID-19 restrictions as vaccinations have increased and to higher household incomes because of stimulus payments which were paid out earlier than anticipated. There is still uncertainty "over the speed and duration of the current leg of the recovery," they say, but they do expect brisk acceleration and second quarter growth at an annualized 9.1 percent.

The uncertainty is rooted in several unknowns. It is unclear how eager consumers will be to return to previously restricted activities as is their willingness to tap into the near $2 trillion they have saved over the past year. Other downside risks include ongoing disruptions to the supply chain, most notably semiconductors (and related auto manufacturing) and shipping bottlenecks. If these problems intensify, they will likely hold back growth. There is also uncertainty over inflation and, if it begins to rise too fast, how the Fed will react. The implications of any tightening of monetary policy and any future infrastructure and tax legislation have not beeen incorporated into the forecast. Lastly, COVID variants that resist current vaccines, or further complications regarding the vaccination roll out, cannot be ruled out.
Monthly changes in inflation will take on greater importance as more economic activities reopen. Prices of many commodities and materials rose swiftly over the past year, but they were offset by soft or even declining prices in other areas. Rents and healthcare prices began to turn upward in recent months, and as pandemic restrictions diminish, there may be new pricing pressure in previously depressed sectors. Core CPI, which excludes volatile energy and food prices, rose 0.3 percent in March on a month-over-month basis. The payroll quits rate recovered back to pre-COVID levels in February, suggesting many workers feel sufficiently confident to look for other work so employers may begin to face wage pressures sooner than expected.

"The ramp-up we'd previously forecast for the economy is underway, as evidenced by, among other measures, increasing airline passenger reservations and restaurant bookings," said Doug Duncan, Senior Vice President and Chief Economist. "Vaccinations are continuing to roll out, and consumers appear to be increasingly looking toward post-pandemic life. While inflationary pressure is growing, our latest forecast update suggests that in the near term interest rates will remain steady at borrower-friendly levels. In fact, despite the recent increases, mortgage rates remain near historical lows, which we expect will help maintain strong housing demand in 2021.

Duncan added: "An above-average pace of renters converting to first-time homebuyers is continuing, with many migrating into the suburbs from denser urban areas. However, strong consumer demand for housing continues to hit up against a lack of supply, limiting sales and bolstering home prices, which we expect will further compound affordability concerns in the months ahead as homebuilders also wrestle with input supply restraints."

The economists revised their forecast for sales of existing homes down while modestly raising expectations for new home sales. Total sales are predicted to be 6.2 percent higher than in 2020. The home price forecast was raised to 8.0 percent in 2021 from 4.2 percent followed by a deceleration to 2.9 percent in 2022 from the previous 2.5 percent. The higher house price outlook more than offsets the modestly higher interest rate forecast, resulting in an upward revision of single-family mortgage originations in 2021 and 2022 to $4.0 trillion and $3.0 trillion, up from $3.9 trillion and $2.9 trillion, respectively.

The housing outlook also presents risks. The ESR group believes the majority of marginal home purchase demand added since last year's delayed homebuying season waned was driven by households accelerating their plans to move. Thus, some of the surge in sales will begin to wane in 2021. However, if people continue to reassess their housing arrangements, the higher level of sales might last longer. There is additional uncertainty about the timing and implications of the end of the forbearance policies and how those might impact the number and nature of home sales, but continued improvement in the labor market and higher levels of home equity will likely help limit distressed sales.

Purchase mortgage applications rebounded after the February partly weather-related pull back. Analysis of mortgage-backed security (MBS) data showed that about 550,000 additional homes were purchased in 2020 by first-time homebuyers using an agency-backed mortgage compared to the pace of recent years. Fannie Mae's report on homebuyer migration from its Desktop Underwriter shows these additional home purchases were disproportionately driven by renters moving out of dense urban areas, something which has continued into the current year. It appears that much of this demand was pulled forward in time, reflecting renters who were already planning to purchase a home doing so earlier than expected due to work-from-home options, and lower mortgage rates.

Strong price gains will continue to support new construction so near-term expectations for single-family housing starts have been raised 23.8 percent from 2020 to 1.23 million units, the highest level since 2006. If not for the supply constraints such as the high price of lumber and other construction materials that builders are also facing, Fannie Mae says it would expect the pace of starts to be even stronger.

Consistent with a stronger home price growth forecast, the outlook for purchase mortgage originations has been boosted by $66 billion for 2021 and $84 billion for 2022 to $1.9 trillion each year compared to the March forecast. Refinance volume is unchanged at $2.1 trillion for this year and will decline 48 percent next year to $1.1 trillion, a $40 billion downward revision from the previous forecast. Around 42 percent of all outstanding mortgages have at least a 50-basis point incentive to refinance at current rates, which is down from nearly 70 percent at the end of 2020
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Re: Brighter outlook for housing and economy

Post by Сабина »

Поскольку статья большая :), это выжимка тем кто ждёт конца прощения пропущенных mortgage payments
There is additional uncertainty about the timing and implications of the end of the forbearance policies and how those might impact the number and nature of home sales, but continued improvement in the labor market and higher levels of home equity will likely help limit distressed sales.
Я ещё читала где то конкретную статистику по числу задолженников и оно ничтожно малое, причём там же было написано что многие уже «выплыли». Учитывая что большинство тех домов далеко не новые и не в хорошем состоянии, я так это вижу что “ловить нечего».
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Re: Brighter outlook for housing and economy

Post by PrettyVacant »

Сабина wrote: 20 Apr 2021 15:04 Поскольку статья большая :), это выжимка тем кто ждёт конца прощения пропущенных mortgage payments
У того, "кто ждёт конца прощения пропущенных mortgage payments", проблемы иного плана.

Что касается перспектив рынка недвижимости, думаю, все будет продолжать дорожать. Бидон будет продолжать накидывать деньги триллионами, но емкость рынка ценных бумаг небесконечна, игроки будут продолжать соскакивать, обналичивать доходы с рынка и скупать то, что можно пощупать. У нас в районе новая застройка продолжается бешеными темпами, но все раскуплено вперед. Цены выросли процентов на 20 за 10 месяцев.
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Re: Brighter outlook for housing and economy

Post by Сабина »

Зачем Bidon-у что то продолжать накидывать, если вакцинация уже вот вот проведена и экономика восстанавливается ? Какие то бессмысленные пугалки про «ужасных демократов»
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Re: Brighter outlook for housing and economy

Post by PrettyVacant »

Сабина wrote: 20 Apr 2021 19:21 Зачем Bidon-у что то продолжать накидывать, если вакцинация уже вот вот проведена и экономика восстанавливается ? Какие то бессмысленные пугалки про «ужасных демократов»
Экономика давно не выдерживает конкуренции на мировом рынке. Государство тратило 8 трлн в год, собирая налогами только 3.5, еще до последних ковидных раздач.

Демократы строят welfare state, раздавая подачки и субсидируя программы, где можно будет "освоить бюджет".

Here's exactly how Biden's $2 trillion of infrastructure spending breaks down

President Joe Biden will officially announce his $2 trillion American Jobs Plan today.
The bill contains major investments in transportation, housing, and climate change policies.
Biden plans to offset the spending in the plan with a corporate tax increase.
See more stories on Insider's business page.

President Joe Biden is set to announce the first part of his two-part infrastructure package this afternoon. It's called the American Jobs Plan, and it will cost about $2 trillion.

The package is focused on job creation, traditional infrastructure spending, and investment in many other things that stand to redefine infrastructure as a political issue, such as funding for care workers, as well as incentives for childcare to be provided at American workplaces. Biden plans to couple it with a tax increase for corporations, meant to offset the bill's spending over 15 years.

Here's how the spending will break down.

$621 billion for transportation includes:
$115 billion for modernizing roads, highways, and bridges
$20 billion for road safety
$85 billion for public transit
$80 billion for Amtrak and freight rail service
$174 billion for electric vehicles
$25 billion for airports
$17 billion for ports
$20 billion for neighborhoods historically excluded from transportation investments
$25 billion to fund new projects
$50 billion for infrastructure resilience, with a special emphasis on more vulnerable areas


$111 billion for water infrastructure includes:
$45 billion towards fully eliminating lead pipes through various programs
$56 billion in loans and grants to help modernize water systems around the country
$10 billion for monitoring and fixing substances in drinking water

Broadband and power

$100 billion for broadband
This would build out infrastructure for 100% coverage and would specifically allocate funds for tribal lands
It would also seek to reduce broadband pricing
$100 billion for power infrastructure includes:
$16 billion towards plugging old wells and cleaning up abandoned mines
$5 billion towards revamping former industrial and energy sites
$10 billion for the creation of a Civilian Climate Corps

Housing and education

$213 billion for creating and retrofitting over 2 million housing units, with a $40 billion investment in public housing infrastructure
$100 billion for upgrading and building public schools
$12 billion for community college infrastructure
$25 billion for upgrading childcare facilities and making it more widely accessible
This is accompanied by a tax credit to incentivize building childcare at Americans' places of work
$18 billion to modernize Veterans Affairs hospitals, as well as $10 billion for federal buildings
$400 billion towards home/community care for the elderly and disabled
This would expand access, and seek to improve wages, benefits, and unionization for workers in the industry.

Research and development

$180 billion towards R&D includes:
$50 billion for the National Science Foundation
$30 billion for innovation and job creation R&D
$40 billion in upgrading research infrastructure, with half allocated to Historically Black College and Universities (HBCUs) as well as "Minority Serving Institutions" (MSIs)
$10 billion for those HBCUs and MSIs, as well as $15 billion to create over 200 centers at them to serve as research incubators
$35 billion in climate research and development

Manufacturing and labor

$300 billion for American manufacturing and small business
$50 billion for a new office for a new office focused on domestic industry
$50 billion for research and manufacturing for semiconductors
$30 billion to create new jobs and fend off losses during future pandemics
$46 billion for federal buying, with an emphasis on various clean technologies
$20 billion for regional innovation hubs
$14 billion towards increasing competitiveness through technological advances
$52 billion to domestic manufacturers
$31 billion for programs providing credit, R&D funding, and venture capital to small businesses
$5 billion to create a new "Rural Partnership Program," aimed at supporting local rural efforts
$100 billion for workforce development includes:
$40 billion towards career services and training for workers who have lost jobs
$12 billion in targeted funding towards "workers facing some of the greatest challenges," prioritizing underserved and hard hit communities, with $5 billion towards "evidence-based community violence prevention programs"
$48 billion towards worker protection and development infrastructure, including an expansion of apprenticeships, with a particular emphasis on women and people of color
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Re: Brighter outlook for housing and economy

Post by Сабина »

У меня толко один вопрос - что вы ещё до сих пор делаете в этой ужасной стране ?
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Re: Brighter outlook for housing and economy

Post by Komissar »

Сабина wrote: 20 Apr 2021 20:38 У меня толко один вопрос - что вы ещё до сих пор делаете в этой ужасной стране ?
это хороший, грамотный вопрос.
Ответ: Мы ищем выхода.
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Re: Brighter outlook for housing and economy

Post by PrettyVacant »

Komissar wrote: 20 Apr 2021 20:52
Сабина wrote: 20 Apr 2021 20:38 У меня толко один вопрос - что вы ещё до сих пор делаете в этой ужасной стране ?
это хороший, грамотный вопрос.
Ответ: Мы ищем выхода.
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