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NTswitch - Has anyone used it?
I can find countless articles by people who have used NTswitch to change their 2000 or XP boxes from server to workstation or vice versa. They all seem to be stuck on the fact that the bootscreen and other little things change to read like they are servers and say that they have successfully changed their OS. I tried this and found that these are the ONLY things that change, server services and everything else that makes a server are totally not there. How is this a server? Am I missing a step or are they just stupid?
Actually my friend, i've tried it too, and that's all that does change... the only real practical use is to install programs that require one or the other to install, like powertoys for example.. for XP, .NET doesn't support it, but if u switch to XP, apply ur changes, and go back to .NET, it should work, mind you it's only theory, i haven't tested that example yet, but it's the way it's SUPPOSED to work