тема для паникёров и к ним примкнувшим

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Re: тема для паникёров и к ним примкнувшим

Post by Torma »

Айва wrote: 10 Mar 2020 17:51
Torma wrote: 10 Mar 2020 17:44
sondo wrote: 10 Mar 2020 17:36
Torma wrote: 10 Mar 2020 17:18 Ха! Вооот чем теперь пользоваться придётся :mrgreen:
How the Romans wiped http://flushtoiletblog.blogspot.com/201 ... oilet.html
А крюк зачем?! 8O 8O 8O :mrgreen:
Опу от присохших какашек отшкрябывать :oops:
Ну, Torma!! :nono#: :lol:
Будем мыть попу родниковой водой, коей гараж заставлен :umnik1:
Ну... это для тех, кто не запасся родниковой водой в нужном количестве. Тем придётся из под крана и крюком :crazy:
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Re: тема для паникёров и к ним примкнувшим

Post by liamkin »

пишут что народ скупает туалетную бумагу? хотят потратить на изготовление масок? где логика?
соль, сахар, масло, спички, керосин, крупа, консервы - вот чем надо запасаться! ну еще большая оффлайн коллекция фильмов, книг, музыки!
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Re: тема для паникёров и к ним примкнувшим

Post by lizacat »

:mrgreen: Toilet paper substitutes:

10. Sand and water. This option is a great one on a river trip or near a lake, and it is the most thorough of the ten options, but it is the messiest, least discrete, and generally requires the most disrobing.

9. Pine Needles. Plenty of options here, but a small handful of needles still attached to their branch works great. A needle bunch is round so its more a scraping conveyor belt than a real wiping tool even though it does resemble a paint brush.

8. Bark. Depending on the type of tree, the bark can be paper-like or block-like. Both work great, but to use tool metaphors, thin bark is like a putty scraper, while the thicker bark is like a sanding block. If the bark is crumbly, you might have the itchies later.

7. Branches. Gather up a few sticks and smooth them off like rubbing the slivers off chopsticks. Your pile of bathroom kindling will serve you well.

6. Moss. Whether plucked off a tree, rock or scraped up from the ground, moss in all it’s glory makes fine TP, but depending on its durability, you may have to be careful to avoid adding to the mess.

5. Pine Cones. Pine cones are nature’s corn cobs. Their size and shape match anyone’s needs, and they just get better with age. Like pine needles, pine cones are highly directional and probably should be left for the experts. In the big picture, if it makes you feel any better, pine cones contain seeds and you are just adding fertilizer as your contribution to this grand cosmic adventure.

4. Leaves. Tree and plant leaves are nature’s meme for toilet paper. Leaves are seasonal and geographic. The where and Top Survival Blogwhen dictates their availability and species, but in about every place there are good choices, bad choices, and dangerous choices so know your botany before your BM. Whether plucked fresh, or scooped up from the forest floor, the supply is both sustainable and ample.

3. Ice. Like bark, ice can be used with precision or as a blunt instrument. In most cases you can adjust the size and shape for your needs. Be aware that as fingers and fanny numb up in the cold, your accuracy will suffer.

2. Rocks. Whether sharp shale or rounded river rocks, almost nothing can beat a good stone. With excellent grip and a choice of edges, textures and contours, rocks are a fabulous solution when TP is scarce. And best of all, rocks rarely travel solo so you might have an unlimited supply on hand. And best of all, after a couple hard rain showers, they’re all good to go again (if you are truly desperate).

1. Snow. By far, snow is the single best TP substitute in my humble and informed opinion. The infinite combination of snow size and shape makes snow a customizable option where one size does not have to fit all. Snow also melts during use providing just the right amount of cleaning solution to take your mop-up to the next level. And just like the humidity indicators in your gun safe, snow provides a color-contrast to measure your progress.
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Re: тема для паникёров и к ним примкнувшим

Post by SergeyM800 »

макароны, broth, чипсы. Сириал наконец-то сметут в магазинах.
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Re: тема для паникёров и к ним примкнувшим

Post by Yvsobol »

Если покупают все ето кавно, то мне стало понятно куда делась туалетная бамага! :umnik1: :fool:
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Re: тема для паникёров и к ним примкнувшим

Post by SergeyM800 »

lizacat wrote: 10 Mar 2020 18:24 :mrgreen: Toilet paper substitutes:
:D Есть альтернатива ! вот например.
Luxe Bidet Neo 180 Non-Electric Bidet Toilet Attachment
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JG2824E/?c ... _lig_dp_it
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Re: тема для паникёров и к ним примкнувшим

Post by Laila »

SergeyM800 wrote: 10 Mar 2020 18:30
lizacat wrote: 10 Mar 2020 18:24 :mrgreen: Toilet paper substitutes:
:D Есть альтернатива ! вот например.
Luxe Bidet Neo 180 Non-Electric Bidet Toilet Attachment
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JG2824E/?c ... _lig_dp_it
и подвести туда родниковую воду из гаража :umnik1:
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Re: тема для паникёров и к ним примкнувшим

Post by Andrey Barabashkin »

помниться у нас тут есть ники, кто ужасно боялся, что правительство увидит что они покупают туалетную бумагу и поэтому категорически не пользуются кредитками или дебитками, а только наличкой.
Ну так вот, если уж запасаться водой и этой самой бумагой, то придется за них расплачиваться теми самыми ненавистными кредитками, потому что вирус на наличке живет до 8-ми дней. А где-то писали, что до 9-ти
а кредитку (ну или эппл или самсунг пэй) не только никто кроме вас в руки не берет, они сейчас с чипом, что их и вставлять никуда не надо, но и протереть потом спиртом их легко.
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Re: тема для паникёров и к ним примкнувшим

Post by alex_127 »

SergeyM800 wrote: 10 Mar 2020 18:26 макароны, broth, чипсы. Сириал наконец-то сметут в магазинах.
Toilet paper substitutes... да вы все охренели... есть лопухи, подорожник... трава на газоне..
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Re: тема для паникёров и к ним примкнувшим

Post by ReactoR »

У нас бумажку завезли, фасоль/томаты консервы подкинули (было пустовато), а вот макаронные полки так и стоят пустыми, молока долгоиграющего тоже нет, овсянки мало. Непонятно, нужно же самоизолироваться на месяц и лопать макароны, но все как гуляли по магазинам и ресторанам, так и гуляют
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Re: тема для паникёров и к ним примкнувшим

Post by Eman N. Azi-Nagro »

Andrea Pastorelli
13 hrs
This is a post for my family and friends outside of italy.

A few minutes ago the whole country was declared a ‘security zone’. They just announced that we are on national lockdown as of tomorrow morning. This is historic. In recent history no industrialized economy has had to go through something like this.

We are doing fine. We are following the Italian government’s ‘I Stay Home’ decree, which calls for people to only leave the house if absolutely necessary. My parents tell me they are doing the same (although for those who know my dad, you know that’s not the easiest thing for Ernesto).

At the beginning of this, we didn’t take it seriously. Then we complained that the media was overdoing it and creating hysteria (and they were, in many ways). Then we vowed to not be affected by it, that the economy needed to come first and we needed to keep living our normal lives. I was doing all of the above until this past weekend. That’s when it became clear that this thing spreads super easily, and kills more than we thought. 460 people dead in a few days. And no, it’s not only old people. There’s some people in their 40s and 50s too. But most importantly, since when a grandparent is worth less than us? That narrative is horrible and needs to stop.

The big problem is that the virus spreads fast, and that means that even if few require hospitalization, if too many catch it, hospitals get overwhelmed. People show up in hospitals unable to breathe and need respirators, which are numbered. Each person requires that respirator for at least 6/8 days, (our patient 1 was on it for 3 weeks), which means that people who come after can’t be treated.

We have one of the best public healthcare systems in the world, and the epicenter of the epidemic is Milan, one of the richest regions in the developed world, with some of the best hospitals in Europe, and yet they are completely overwhelmed. Today they announced that they will need to choose who to treat and who they will let die. It’s like a war.

I’m so sad for Italy. We don’t deserve this. Our economy will be hit hard, but the government has had the courage to take dramatic, if very unpopular steps. Yet I see so much inaction globally, so many European neighbors not doing very much, and the US seems completely unprepared for this. Yet this thing is coming and will be much worse everywhere soon.

Please, start thinking about it. Realize this IS a thing. China would not have built hospitals in a few days if it wasn’t necessary. And Italy wouldn’t be risking its entire economy and millions of livelihoods if it wasn’t serious. Everyone can do their bit by taking precautions. If we all do our part this thing can be over sooner.
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Re: тема для паникёров и к ним примкнувшим

Post by SergeyM800 »

alex_127 wrote: 10 Mar 2020 18:59
SergeyM800 wrote: 10 Mar 2020 18:26 макароны, broth, чипсы. Сириал наконец-то сметут в магазинах.
Toilet paper substitutes... да вы все охренели... есть лопухи, подорожник... трава на газоне..
:D :D Это к посту выше было как добавка к соли и сахару.
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Re: тема для паникёров и к ним примкнувшим

Post by city_girl »

alex_127 wrote: 10 Mar 2020 18:59
SergeyM800 wrote: 10 Mar 2020 18:26 макароны, broth, чипсы. Сириал наконец-то сметут в магазинах.
Toilet paper substitutes... да вы все охренели... есть лопухи, подорожник... трава на газоне..
вода в кране в конце концов))))) когда не будет воды в кране, туалетная бумага уже не спасет
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Re: тема для паникёров и к ним примкнувшим

Post by city_girl »

Yvsobol wrote: 10 Mar 2020 18:28 Если покупают все ето кавно, то мне стало понятно куда делась туалетная бамага! :umnik1: :fool:
:lol: :great:
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Re: тема для паникёров и к ним примкнувшим

Post by Бонька »

city_girl wrote: 10 Mar 2020 19:27
alex_127 wrote: 10 Mar 2020 18:59
SergeyM800 wrote: 10 Mar 2020 18:26 макароны, broth, чипсы. Сириал наконец-то сметут в магазинах.
Toilet paper substitutes... да вы все охренели... есть лопухи, подорожник... трава на газоне..
вода в кране в конце концов))))) когда не будет воды в кране, туалетная бумага уже не спасет
Кстати никто так и не объяснил смысл запасения водой. Ну бумага может закончиться во время карантина. А куда вода денется. И почему ее нельзя будет вскипятить?

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