Да, реально плохо. Как я поговорила с коллегами что делаьт студенты пока не знают.Serguei666 wrote: 10 Mar 2020 17:22Вот это плохо.sondo wrote: 10 Mar 2020 17:19From a colleague:
Severe measures being taken at Harvard to minimize the population density on campus.
1. Undergrad students have been given a few day notice to move out (!) of their Houses and Dorms no later than Sunday, March 15 and are asked not to return to campus after the spring break
2. We are fully switching to remote classes after the spring break next week.
3. Grad students and postdocs are asked to work remotely.
4. All seminars are cancelled. No visitors. No work related travel.
Не у всех есть деньги лететать назад домой (например в Англию).
Не у всех есть возможность/желание move back to parents:
"My student is from UK and does not really have the money to fly home. Certainly not on such short notice. He’s planning now to crash at a friends place."
"These are adults. Not everyone can simply “move back in with their parents”."
Университет спасает свою задницу. Чотбы не было смертей на кампусе. А что будет вне кампуса их не волнует.