Разработка новой мобильной системы противорокетной обороны А-235
В изменённом виде проект реализуется уже как многофункциональная система противоракетной и противокосмической обороны, боевые возможности которой позволяют ей вести борьбу не только с баллистическими воздушно-космическими целями, но и с маневренными пилотируемыми и непилотируемыми космическими аппаратами.
Система будет способной сбивать спутники.
Заменит стационарную А-135 , которая используется при обороне Москвы. В свою очередь следующее поколение С-500 заменит А-135.
As the military expert, reserve colonel M. Hodarenok notes: “The A-235 will be a classic version of the missile defense system. A very well-informed source in MIC personally told me about the system: “The work is being done, and very successfully.” Also, according to the expert, due to the secrecy of the project, accurate information on the A-235 system is currently not available, but it can be hypothetically assumed that the following three principles are taken into account in the tactical and technical task : first, the system must be capable of non-nuclear interception, since the earlier anti-missile projects were equipped with a nuclear warhead, which significantly narrowed the scope of their possible use, moreover, the use of anti-missiles with special charges Eski meant the beginning of nuclear war and eliminates the use within the limited armed conflict and other situations of this kind; secondly, the system must be mobile, without a rigid binding to any object or center; thirdly, it must provide interception at an altitude of at least 500–750 km, that is, at Low Earth Orbit
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