Hello all,
Is here anybody from SF East Bay area? I'm going to come there within 2-3 months and would be pleased if somebody answer the following questions:
1. What region do you prefer to live in not far from Concord?
I have looked at some sites, I understand that a good one-bedroom costs about 1 - 1.1 K$ and I have found some both within Concord and at Walunt Creek, but I am interestin in YOUR PERSONAl opinion.
2. What medical insurance company, doctor / hospital do you prefer?
The reason of the question is that we are waiting for a baby and we would like to give birth at US. So, we are extremly interested in all aspects of the process.
We have studied the problem and found some reitings of Hospitals and Medical Groups. We know that there are some insurance plans covering whole family including birth etc. But We'll be glad receive any additional information.
3. Any information about financial aid, tax returns etc. is welcome. I'll get H1-B visa, so, AFAIU, welfare is not applicable to me.
I hope you'll forgive me my English in the Russian discussion. Sorry to say but I have no ability to write in Cyrillic (I am beyond Russia) and I prefer English to Russian in Latin code.
Thank you,
Appartments, Insurance etc. at SF East Bay area
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Appartments, Insurance etc. at SF East Bay area
Есть несколько сайтов по разным вопросам о жизни в CA и SF.
Как я понял, самая дешевая квартира 900$.
Дешевле - это наверное где-нибудь в трущобах, где и задаром жить не захочешь.
Как я понял, самая дешевая квартира 900$.
Дешевле - это наверное где-нибудь в трущобах, где и задаром жить не захочешь.
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- Posts: 125
- Joined: 13 May 1999 09:01
- Location: Menlo Park, CA, USA
Appartments, Insurance etc. at SF East Bay area
Snyal komnatu v gostinice v Redwood City za 205/nedelyu. Deshevle chem single v etom zhe rayone. Pravda eto ne East Bay, a Peninsula.
[This message has been edited by intro (edited 30-03-2000).]
[This message has been edited by intro (edited 30-03-2000).]
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