Артишоки Artichokes
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Артишоки Artichokes
Поделитесь простым и вкусным рецептом Artichokes. Спасибо заранее.
Boria aka Катя
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Берете артишок. Обрезаете ножницами краешки листиков. Режете пополам и чистите середку от колучеи содержимости. Кладете в воду с лимоном на 20 минут. В ето время...
жарите лук, как готов добавляете чесночинку, петрушку, укроп и много сливочного масла. Кладете половинки артишоков поверх. Солим, перчим. заливаем кипятком чтоб почти прикривал. 40 минут на медленном огне.
Могете добавит лубимие приправи, исклучит траву если не лубите и т.д.
И люблю в таком варианте как описала. Очен душевно идет с салмоном запеченим с зелению и лимончиком.
жарите лук, как готов добавляете чесночинку, петрушку, укроп и много сливочного масла. Кладете половинки артишоков поверх. Солим, перчим. заливаем кипятком чтоб почти прикривал. 40 минут на медленном огне.
Могете добавит лубимие приправи, исклучит траву если не лубите и т.д.
И люблю в таком варианте как описала. Очен душевно идет с салмоном запеченим с зелению и лимончиком.
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Boria wrote:Спасибо. Я вчера уже как-то сделала и все испортила. Они были какие-то горькие В следующий раз попробую Ваш рецепт.
Если артишоки большие, то внутри у них есвть цветочки. Если эти цветочки не вырезать, как раз та горечь и получается. Так что в придачу к обрезанию листьев, артишоки (если они больше чем совсем мелкие ) надо разрезать пополам и удалить цветочки
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EMT wrote:Артишоки в любом виде - это АЦТОЙ. Даже маринованные. Не тратьте деньги - ничего не выгодаете, никого не удивите и наслаждения не получите.
Барин, вам картошка на сале - само то! Не парьтесь. Не пыжьтесь. Гурмана из вас не получица. Ну не всем же ими быть, гурманами. Ешьте свою простую еду и не брызжите слюной на тех, кому интересны изыски. Что вы ТАК распереживались?
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zav wrote:Барин, вам картошка на сале - само то! Не парьтесь. Не пыжьтесь. Гурмана из вас не получица. Ну не всем же ими быть, гурманами. Ешьте свою простую еду и не брызжите слюной на тех, кому интересны изыски. Что вы ТАК распереживались?
Хамство в "Кулинарии" - это что-то новое. А ещё туда же - "изыски".
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Я тоже артишоки не люблю. Имхо, это дело вкуса. Я и оливки и маслины не ем - не понимаю вкуса. And don't get me started on anchovies...
Я часто покупаю журнал Fine Cooking - там много интересных рецептов, способов приготовления разных блюд, все очень легко и понятно описано. В одном из выпусков была статья об артишоках и пару рецептов. Я из здесь перепечатаю, может захотите попробовать.
A fresh artichoke is worth the effort
by Janet Fletcher (Fine Cooking magazine, May 2003)
Raised in Texas, I never met a fresh artichoke until I moved to California for college, but I've long since made up for lost time. Artichokes are on my table at least once a week during the height of their spring season - March to May - and often during their second wave in autumn. They mingle so well with the Mediterranean flavours and ingredients I love - garlic, prosciutto, pasta, Parmesan - that I never have to struggle for ways to use them. If you're a newcome to artichokes, you'll need to master their prickly anatomy, but it's not difficult, and it's definitely worth the effort.
At the market, choose artichokes that feel firm and heavy for their size, aa good sign that they're meaty and still full of moisture. Winter cold can cause blistery spots on an artichoke's outer leaves, but growers say the chill improves flavor and call such specimens "frost-kissed". Although I don't hezitate to buy frost-damaged artichokes, I'm not convinced that they're better.
The most prominent prennial cultivar, the Green Globe, tends to be a bit more rounded if it matures in spring and fall when days are shorter. Green Globes that mature in summer, when days are longer, become more conical. New to markets are annual varieties that tend to be large and rounded, like a peony about to open. They are gorgeous, but not as tasty as the Globe, and unlike the Globe, they tend to get tighter as they get older. Once you get your artichokes home, store them in a loose, unsealed plastic bag in the vegetable crisper, and try to use them within a day or two. They 'll hold up longer that that, but the leaves darken and the texture gets spongier with time.
Artichokes thrive in Mediterranean countries, suc as Greece, Italy, Spain, and France. I take my flavor cues from these places wehn preparing artichokes, turning to lemon, olive oil, garlic, tarragon, mint, oregano, basil, tomato and dill. Artichokes alsos love cream; try slipping some thinly sliced artichoke botoms into a potato gratin. I often use nuts and nut oils with artichokes to echo their own nutty character.
Дальше описывается, как подготовить artichoke bottoms. К сожалению, у меня нет сканнера, я не могу скопировать фотки...
1. fill a large bowl with cold water and add the juice of one lemon. Pull back the outer leaves of each artichoke until they break at the base.
2. Remove the leaves until you reach the pale yellow-green tender inner leaves. With a sharp knife, slice off all but 1 inch of the stem.
3. Cut across the leaves just above where they join the base. Discard these, but reserve the outer leaves for steaming another time, if you like.
4. With a small knife, pare the stem and the base, removing any dark green parts. If you like, cut the stem and base in half.
5. With a melon baller or a spoon, scoop out and discard the hairy choke and pricky leaves insie. Immediately drop the trimmed artichoke into the lemon water to retard browning.
C этими еще есть несколько рецептов- дайте знать, хотите ли вы возиться, и я вам их напечатаю - Artichokes with peas and prosciutto, Artichoke risotto with lemon and parsley, Artichokes and butter lettuce salad with tarragon vinaigrette; Fetuccine with artichokes, hazelnuts and cream.
А вот инструкции для подготовки for steaming:
1. Slice off the stem. Rub the exposed base with lemon.
2. With a serrated knife, cut across the artichoke, removing about at third of the top.
3. Wit scissors, cut off the poited tip of each outer leaf.
Steamed artichokes wit dipping butters.
2 teaspoons mixed pickling spice
4 large frech whole artichokes
1/2 lemon
Put 1 inch of water and the pickling spice in a pot wide enough to hold all the artichokes. Set a steamer rack in the pot; it should rest just above the water, not touching it. Bring the water to a simmer over moderate heat. Meanwhile, trim the artichokes. Slice of f the stems (save them for steaming is you like) and rub the exposed base with the lemon. With a serrated knife, cut across the artichoke, removing about at third of the top. With scissors, cut off the poited tip of each outer leaf. Rub the cut surfaces with lemon. Arrange the artichokes, stem end up, in the steamer. Cover the pot and adjust the heat so the water is at a simmer and the artichokes steam steadily. Cook until a knife pierces the bottoms easily, and an outside leaf pulls out easily, 30 to 45 minutes, depending on size. Check occasionally to be sure the water hasn't boiled away. Drain, stem end up, on several layers of paper towel .Serve warm or at room temperature, with your choice of dipping butter on the side. Pull off the outer leaves, dip them in buter, run your teeth across the tender bottom leaf. When you get to the hairy choke, scoop it out and discard it. Cut up the bottom and dunk each peice in the dipping butter.
4 flavoured butters for dipping
Each recipe yeields 3/4 cup, enough for 4 artichokes.
Brown butter
3/4 cup unsalted butter
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt; more to taste
Put the butter and salt in a small saucepan and melt over medium-low heat. Continue to heat the butter, keeping an eye on it, until the milk solids in the bottom of te pan are medium brown, 5 to 7 minutes. Immediately take the pan off the heat and pour into another vessel to stop the cooking. Taste and adjust the seasonings.
Melted garlic butter.
3/4 cup unsalted butter
1 large clove garlic, minced
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt; more to taste
Melt the ubtter in a small saucepan over low heat. Add the garlic and the salt; warm gently for a minute or two to release the garlic flavour. Taste and adjust the seasonings.
Melted tarragon butter.
3/4 cup unsalted butter
1 tablespoon chopped fresh tarragon
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt; more to taste
Melt the butter in a small saucepan over low heat. Add the tarragon and salt; keep the pan on the heat for a minute or two to release the tarragon fragrance. Taste and adjust the seasonings.
Melted lemon butter.
3/4 cup unsalted butter
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice; more to taste
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt; more to taste
Melt the butter in a mall saucepan over low heat. Remove from the heat, add the lemon juice and salt. Taste and ajust the seasonings.
Уффф. Hope this helps...
Я часто покупаю журнал Fine Cooking - там много интересных рецептов, способов приготовления разных блюд, все очень легко и понятно описано. В одном из выпусков была статья об артишоках и пару рецептов. Я из здесь перепечатаю, может захотите попробовать.
A fresh artichoke is worth the effort
by Janet Fletcher (Fine Cooking magazine, May 2003)
Raised in Texas, I never met a fresh artichoke until I moved to California for college, but I've long since made up for lost time. Artichokes are on my table at least once a week during the height of their spring season - March to May - and often during their second wave in autumn. They mingle so well with the Mediterranean flavours and ingredients I love - garlic, prosciutto, pasta, Parmesan - that I never have to struggle for ways to use them. If you're a newcome to artichokes, you'll need to master their prickly anatomy, but it's not difficult, and it's definitely worth the effort.
At the market, choose artichokes that feel firm and heavy for their size, aa good sign that they're meaty and still full of moisture. Winter cold can cause blistery spots on an artichoke's outer leaves, but growers say the chill improves flavor and call such specimens "frost-kissed". Although I don't hezitate to buy frost-damaged artichokes, I'm not convinced that they're better.
The most prominent prennial cultivar, the Green Globe, tends to be a bit more rounded if it matures in spring and fall when days are shorter. Green Globes that mature in summer, when days are longer, become more conical. New to markets are annual varieties that tend to be large and rounded, like a peony about to open. They are gorgeous, but not as tasty as the Globe, and unlike the Globe, they tend to get tighter as they get older. Once you get your artichokes home, store them in a loose, unsealed plastic bag in the vegetable crisper, and try to use them within a day or two. They 'll hold up longer that that, but the leaves darken and the texture gets spongier with time.
Artichokes thrive in Mediterranean countries, suc as Greece, Italy, Spain, and France. I take my flavor cues from these places wehn preparing artichokes, turning to lemon, olive oil, garlic, tarragon, mint, oregano, basil, tomato and dill. Artichokes alsos love cream; try slipping some thinly sliced artichoke botoms into a potato gratin. I often use nuts and nut oils with artichokes to echo their own nutty character.
Дальше описывается, как подготовить artichoke bottoms. К сожалению, у меня нет сканнера, я не могу скопировать фотки...
1. fill a large bowl with cold water and add the juice of one lemon. Pull back the outer leaves of each artichoke until they break at the base.
2. Remove the leaves until you reach the pale yellow-green tender inner leaves. With a sharp knife, slice off all but 1 inch of the stem.
3. Cut across the leaves just above where they join the base. Discard these, but reserve the outer leaves for steaming another time, if you like.
4. With a small knife, pare the stem and the base, removing any dark green parts. If you like, cut the stem and base in half.
5. With a melon baller or a spoon, scoop out and discard the hairy choke and pricky leaves insie. Immediately drop the trimmed artichoke into the lemon water to retard browning.
C этими еще есть несколько рецептов- дайте знать, хотите ли вы возиться, и я вам их напечатаю - Artichokes with peas and prosciutto, Artichoke risotto with lemon and parsley, Artichokes and butter lettuce salad with tarragon vinaigrette; Fetuccine with artichokes, hazelnuts and cream.
А вот инструкции для подготовки for steaming:
1. Slice off the stem. Rub the exposed base with lemon.
2. With a serrated knife, cut across the artichoke, removing about at third of the top.
3. Wit scissors, cut off the poited tip of each outer leaf.
Steamed artichokes wit dipping butters.
2 teaspoons mixed pickling spice
4 large frech whole artichokes
1/2 lemon
Put 1 inch of water and the pickling spice in a pot wide enough to hold all the artichokes. Set a steamer rack in the pot; it should rest just above the water, not touching it. Bring the water to a simmer over moderate heat. Meanwhile, trim the artichokes. Slice of f the stems (save them for steaming is you like) and rub the exposed base with the lemon. With a serrated knife, cut across the artichoke, removing about at third of the top. With scissors, cut off the poited tip of each outer leaf. Rub the cut surfaces with lemon. Arrange the artichokes, stem end up, in the steamer. Cover the pot and adjust the heat so the water is at a simmer and the artichokes steam steadily. Cook until a knife pierces the bottoms easily, and an outside leaf pulls out easily, 30 to 45 minutes, depending on size. Check occasionally to be sure the water hasn't boiled away. Drain, stem end up, on several layers of paper towel .Serve warm or at room temperature, with your choice of dipping butter on the side. Pull off the outer leaves, dip them in buter, run your teeth across the tender bottom leaf. When you get to the hairy choke, scoop it out and discard it. Cut up the bottom and dunk each peice in the dipping butter.
4 flavoured butters for dipping
Each recipe yeields 3/4 cup, enough for 4 artichokes.
Brown butter
3/4 cup unsalted butter
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt; more to taste
Put the butter and salt in a small saucepan and melt over medium-low heat. Continue to heat the butter, keeping an eye on it, until the milk solids in the bottom of te pan are medium brown, 5 to 7 minutes. Immediately take the pan off the heat and pour into another vessel to stop the cooking. Taste and adjust the seasonings.
Melted garlic butter.
3/4 cup unsalted butter
1 large clove garlic, minced
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt; more to taste
Melt the ubtter in a small saucepan over low heat. Add the garlic and the salt; warm gently for a minute or two to release the garlic flavour. Taste and adjust the seasonings.
Melted tarragon butter.
3/4 cup unsalted butter
1 tablespoon chopped fresh tarragon
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt; more to taste
Melt the butter in a small saucepan over low heat. Add the tarragon and salt; keep the pan on the heat for a minute or two to release the tarragon fragrance. Taste and adjust the seasonings.
Melted lemon butter.
3/4 cup unsalted butter
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice; more to taste
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt; more to taste
Melt the butter in a mall saucepan over low heat. Remove from the heat, add the lemon juice and salt. Taste and ajust the seasonings.
Уффф. Hope this helps...
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я артишоки не любила, пока не решила, под впечатлением увиденого по телевизору по фуд ченал попробовать приготовить бэби артишоки, меня поразила легкость и быстрота приготовления, в них нет этих колючек внутри, просто очистить от зеленых листьев, не отрезать стебелек, просто очистить от зеленой кожуры. разрезать артишоки на 4 части вдоль, посолить поперчить, среции по вкусу(можно обвалять в сухарях) обжарить, добавить сливки и дать потушиться минут 6-9
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