John Smith wrote:venumpro wrote: Всё что я делал в IWM, ето тупо продавал strangles когда volatility была высокая. В итоге, в IWM снял болше всего профитс.
это что - unlimited risk strategy? в трубу не страшно вылететь?
Тут есть пять интересных моментов:
1. Когда вы шортите или покупаете сток, у вас тоже unlimited risk. (поправка на long stock - here your risk is limited by 100% loss). Когда вы продаёте кол или put, ето не больше риска чем продать или купить stock.
2. Selling call or put requires almost 10 time less capital. In other words, you are taking same amount of risk with 10 times less capital.
3. More risk you take - higher probability of profit you have. For same amount of credit, you can be further out of money.
4. It is almost impossible to defend limited risk trades. Unlimited risk trades you can easily roll vertically and horizontally.
5. You are getting paid almost twice as fast when use naked options because you don't have to buy wings. In other words, naked options decay much faster.
Я использую both limited and unlimited risk стратегии, примерно 50/50. On the put side, about 70% trades are naked puts. On the call side, it is the other way around. Approximately 85% of times are call spreads. Looks like I am more hesitant to sell naked calls.