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Целый хор абсолютно бездоказательных воплей о том, что якобы Россия бомбит мирное сирийское население.
Turkey’s foreign ministry accused Russia of carrying out an “obvious war crime” and warned that bigger and more serious consequences would be inevitable if Russia did not immediately end such attacks.
- Доказательства?
- Помилуйте, какие еще доказательства, в отношении России это абсолютно не требуется, все же очевидно.
France was less forthright in its language. The foreign minister, Jean-Marc Ayrault, said the attacks “could constitute war crimes”, adding: “Attacks against health facilities in Syria by the regime or its supporters are unacceptable and must stop immediately.”
- Доказательства?
- Ах, сударь, отстаньте, вы же понимаете, что только Россия могла это сделать.
Médecins Sans Frontières said seven people were killed when a facility it supports in Maaret al-Numan, Idlib province, was hit four times in two separate raids. Mego Terzian, MSF’s France president, said he thought that either Russia or Syrian government forces were responsible
- Доказательства?
- Зачем, я думаю, что это Россия и точка.
The UK’s former development secretary Andrew Mitchell said there was no doubt Russia was to blame. He told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “It is certainly a war crime. The Russian air force have now hit 30 hospitals in Syria, of which only one is in an Isil [Islamic State] area. MSF is careful to make clear where their people are on the ground to all the combatants. Everyone knew this is an MSF hospital and undoubtedly this is a breach of international law and the Russians are guilty of that.”
- Доказательства?
- Еще чего, без сомнения это дело рук России.
Chris Hill, a former US ambassador in the Middle East, said: “Russians have a history of not being very accurate. What is particularly worrisome here is that wasn’t just one hospital; it looks like it was a deliberate effort to deal with their perception of how to win the war, so I would like to see an ulterior explanation of this but I must say fingers are pointing pretty directly at the Russian air force right now.”
- Доказательства?
- Ну, мы же с вами взрослые люди, о чем вы, русские же такие неаккуратные.