MaxSt wrote:Kastet wrote:Пока не стало, и Абу Мазена поддерживают 3%.
Я смотрю последний опрос и там стоит цифра 61%. Откуда вы взяли 3%?
Во втором пункте написано:
2) Abu Mazin Appointment as Prime Minister
· A majority of Palestinians (64%) supports the creation of the position of a prime minister while 28 % oppose that step. But support for Abu Mazin as a prime minister is slightly less, at 61 %, and opposition slightly higher, at 32 %.
· A majority of 70 % of the Palestinians and 67 % of the Israelis believes that a government headed by Abu Mazin would be able to renew negotiations with Israel. However, only 9 % of the Palestinians believe that it would be able to control the security situation and enforce a ceasefire on all Palestinian factions and 53% believe that it would not. Similarly only 36 % of the Israelis believe that Abu Mazin would be able to calm down the Intifada and reduce the violence, and 56 % don't believe in that. It is worth noting that while the appointment of Abu Mazin has not changed Palestinian expectations regarding the prospect for joint cessation of violence and return to negotiations (standing at 18 %, compared to16 % last November), a shift did occur in the expectations regarding the prospect for a continued armed confrontations and no return to negotiations. In this poll, only 27 % of Palestinians (compared to 42 % last November) believe that armed confrontations would not stop and the two sides would not return to negotiations. As to political reforms, only 43 % of the Palestinians and 32 % of the Israelis believe that Abu Mazin would be able to carry out political reform in the Palestinian authority. Moreover, Israelis seem to remain skeptical about the chances of a democratic regime to be established in the Palestinian authority or in a future Palestinian state. Only 9 % percent of the Israeli public give it high or very high chances.
· Palestinians are divided in two halves over the issue of whether Abu Mazin will be able to form a government that could win the confidence of the Palestinians, with 43 % believing he would and 43 % believing he would not. It is worth remembering that only 40 % were willing in November 2002 to give confidence to Arafat’s current government.
· Palestinians are also divided over the issue of whether the appointment of Abu Mazin represents erosion in the authority and status of Yasir Arafat with 50 % agreeing with that and 43 % disagreeing. Israelis are even more skeptical than that. Only, 38 % of the Israeli public see the nomination of Abu Mazin's as signifying an erosion in Arafat's political status.
· While a Palestinian majority of 86% supports internal and external calls for wide and fundamental political reforms, only 44 % support (and 50 % oppose) the call for changing the Palestinian political system so that power would reside in the hands of the prime minister while the position of the president would become ceremonial. Support for this change in the political system stood at 47 % last November and opposition at 49 %.
А в конце, в пятом:
5) Domestic Palestinian Issues
· Arafat’s popularity, at 35 %, remains unchanged since last November. Marwan Barghouti is the second most popular Palestinian leader with 20 % support. Despite his appointment as a prime minister, Abu Mazin’s popularity remains unchanged at 3%.
· Fateh, at 26 %, is still the most popular faction followed by Hamas at 17 %. Fateh’s support stood at 27 % last November. Total support for Islamists (including Hamas, Islamic Jihad and independent Islamists) stands at 29 % compared to 25 % last November. The combined strength of all Palestinian opposition factions, Islamist and nationalist, stands at 32 % while 41 % remain undecided.
· A majority of 81 % believes that there is corruption in the Palestinian Authority and only 30 % among those believe that corruption will decline in the future. Last November, 84 % believed corruption existed in the PA.
· Palestinians are divided over the performance of the finance minister, Salam Fayyad, with 35 % satisfied, 36 % unsatisfied, and 29 % unsure.
· Fourteen percent, compared to 20 % last November, say that conditions in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip lead them to seek permanent emigration.
Я ето так интерпретирую: премьер - ето для палестинцев хорошо - 64%, даже если Абу Мазен - 61%. Лицо в глазах мирового сообщества подымет, переговоры начнет. Но если сравнивать своих между собой (ну и по взглядам тоже) то Арафат - 35%, Баргути 20% ..... а Абу Мазен с его неподдержкой Хамаса и Исламского Джихада - 3%.