Извините, но у меня нет уважения к людям, которые смеются над десятками тысач трупов. Пусть вам будет минус в карму от всех жертв Катыни.lex@mail.ru wrote:А что не миллионы или миллиарды?climber wrote: Десятки (или сотни?) тысач расстрелянных славян - это "спас"? Расстрел - это спасение?
The number of victims is estimated at about 22,000, with a lower limit of confirmed dead of 21,768.[1] According to Soviet documents declassified in 1990, 21,857 Polish internees and prisoners were executed after 3 April 1940: 14,552 prisoners of war (most or all of them from the three camps) and 7,305 prisoners in western parts of the Byelorussian and Ukrainian SSRs.[26] Of them 4,421 were from Kozelsk, 3,820 from Starobelsk, 6,311 from Ostashkov, and 7,305 from Byelorussian and Ukrainian prisons.[26] Head of the NKVD POW department, Maj. General P. K. Soprunenko, organized "selections" of Polish officers to be massacred at Katyn and elsewhere.[27]