A strike against Syria will put the U.S. on the same side as Al-Qaeda for the first time in history
and could pave the way toward a power grab by the terrorist group
piligrim77 wrote:неплохо было бы чтобы кто-нибудь вынес на расмотрение ООН резолюцию осуждающую США за нападение на другие страны
Неплохо что бы этот кто-то сначала понимал что такое ООН и как она работает
Совет Безопасности несёт главную ответственность за поддержание международного мира и безопасности, его решениям обязаны подчиняться все члены ООН. Пять постоянных членов Совета Безопасности (Российская Федерация, США, Великобритания, Франция, Китай) обладают правом вето.
ну так США с Англией уже всё решили не дожидаясь решения Совета Безопасности. какой в нем вообще тогда смысл
Чем больше я узнаю людей тем больше мне нравятся собаки
JoanRimart wrote:
On Jan 30, 2013 Yahoo news reported a very disturbing news:
US 'backed plan to launch chemical weapon attack on Syria, blame it on Assad govt' http://in.news.yahoo.com/us-backed-plan ... 48224.html
Though it seems to have not reached anyone but some lonely old fart in bed.
Amazingly enough this report is from emails hacked from high executives of a British defense contractor who in January this year discussed the scheme 'approved by Washington' to bomb Syria with chemo weapons and blame Assad. And this was all concocted by no other than Obama's clan.
Of course the US State dept declined to comment. John Kerry was not as irate then as he was last Tuesday. The Yahoo report appears legit and why would it be false, if it was back in January, when only specialists in the Syrian conflict were concerned about it?
Obama is not only following the footsteps of the Bush clan, he's been a lot sloppier, to let down his secrets in hackable emails. What is worse is that Putin has promised to attack Saudi Arabia if Obama hits Syria....and this is all because Obama wants to bomb Syria at any cost? It is perchance the Leviathan gas field offshore Lebanon and Israel that extends into Syria what the Israelis and the American oil corporations are after?
Leaked Documents: US Framed Syria in Chemical Weapons Attack
Luuukke wrote:
Oh my eeffin god ......Spread the word cause these videos are being taken down despite hundreds of thousands of views....There's a larger force at work here so tread cautiously