Давайте уточним - какой Вы делаете вывод из этого пассажа?StrangerR wrote:Там не мутно, там однозначно написано.
- как правило, если номер доступен то можно файлить конкурентно
- есть несколько исключений, связанных с теми случаями, когда определение права на ГК требует отдельного рассмотрения.
Чуть пониже прочитайте то:
Visa Availability and Concurrent Filing
A petition and application may be filed concurrently when there is a visa number immediately available at the time of filing. Concurrent filing is always allowed for all immediate relatives of a United States citizen, since there are no numeric limitations in this category. However, in some categories, even if there is a visa number available at the time of filing, concurrent filing is not allowed as the intending immigrant must have an approved basis of eligibility (i.e. an approved petition) before being allowed to file for adjustment of status. For more information on if you can file concurrently, refer to the instructions on your immigrant petition:
Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative
Form I-140, Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker
Form I-360, Petition for Amerasian, Widow(er), or Special Immigrant
1) да, можно подавать concurrently в случае F2A
2) нет, нельзя подавать concurrently в случае F2A?
Я тут вижу главное "A petition and application may be filed concurrently when there is a visa number immediately available at the time of filing.". Исключения F2A из этого тезиса тут нет.
Кроме этого, в инструкции к 485:
Who May File Form I-485?
1. Based on an immigrant petition:
A) xxxx, or
B) You are filing this application with a completed
relative petition, special immigrant juvenile petition,
or special immigrant military petition which, if
approved, would make an immigrant visa number
immediately available to you
Этот пункт 1B и позволит подать форму 485.