V1nny wrote:notknown wrote:..
Дальше берете учебник физиологии человека и животных и изучаете
8О тоесть все ети британские ученые, которые испытывают лекарства на крысах, и режут кроликов, просто неучи?
Почему только британские? Смотря что исследуют, включают и выключают определенные ензимы чтобы изменить метаболизм крысы так как надо. Вот вам кусок из random статьи, где видно что ученым приходится задумываться о разнице между крысой и человеком.
Comparison of Human and Rat Hepatocyte Metabolism and Mutagenic Activation of 2-Acety laminofluorene
Kenneth Rudo, William C. Meyers, Walter Dauterman, and Robert Langenbach1
Cellular and Genetic Toxicology Branch, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 2 7709 [K. R., K. L.J; Department of Surgery, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina 27710 [W. C. MJ; Toxicology Program, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina 27695 (W. D.J
In order to understand the carcinogenesis process in addition
to testing for agents which cause its occurrence, the factors
involved in the development of this disease must be delineated.
Animal models have been widely utilized for mechanistic stud
ies and as bioassay systems for potential human carcinogens.
However, species differences between humans and animals may
lead to problems in the quantitative extrapolation of the effect
of specific environmental chemicals in the development of
cancer in humans. Differences between human and rat enzy
matic pathways can affect the rates of formation as well as the
levels of reactive metabolites of environmental chemicals. Me
tabolism to reactive intermediates represents one of the signif
icant events in the carcinogenic process which can affect the
accuracy of animal to human extrapolation (1-9). Therefore, a
knowledge of xenobiotic metabolic differences between humans
and test animals should contribute to the reliability of the
extrapolation process.