Человек получил займ от компании. Безпроцентный, можно сказать чуть ли не личный, типа CFO выписал бумажку и дал денег. Займ был выплачен досрочно.
Есть способ как-то информацию об этом займе прикрутить к кредитной истории ?
С одной стороны компания - не financial institution и кредитные агенства у них ничего не запрашивают конвеером. С другой стороны - займ он и в Африке займ. Источники пишут что personal loans попадают в историю, но это наверное опять же от официальных financial institutions?
Things to Keep in Mind
As a general rule of thumb, personal loans are given to people who have good credit. However, it is possible to gain this type of loan if you have a few credit blemishes. The important thing to remember is to choose a reputable and trustworthy lender. This way, you can rest assured that the interest rate you gain will be a fair one.
While personal loans can be hard to obtain, this type of loan is often worth the extra effort. Few other loans offer as much freedom as personal loans do. Being approved for a loan of this sort also provides an excellent opportunity to create a positive impact on your credit score.
Credit Score Impact
As with any other kind of loan, a personal loan will appear on your credit report. Missing a loan payment may impact your score negatively, though the opposite is also true. Proving that you can handle a large loan is one of the best ways to improve your credit rating.
You can accomplish this task by paying your monthly loan amount on time. Working with your lender to devise a payment schedule that you can abide by is within your interest. Most lenders will work with you to create payments that coincide with your current salary and lifestyle.