zgur wrote:как я понимаю и как мне адвокат обьяснял, I-94 которая прийдет потом с новым аппровалом, будет не действительна.
Статус определяется той I-94 за которой ОБРАТИЛЕСь последний, т.е. той что будет получена на границе.
Вам, возможно, прийдется еще раз выехать и вьехать в США, после получения нового approval.
Кроме этой нетривиальной засады с I-94, проблем с путешествием нет.
Хм, странно.. Как это новая i94 может быть недействильная? Она же "новая" )
цитата с другого форума, без ссылки, очень похоже на то, что мне адвокат в своё время говорил
We continue to get questions about the so-called "last action rule." As with so many informal policies of the USCIS, this "rule" is not applied uniformly, nor is it sanctioned by law. Worse, reliance on it puts a foreign national at risk of being found to be out of status at a later date.
Originally, the essence of the "last action rule" was that the last action taken by the old INS was the "final" action and the only one that counted. For example, if someone applied for an extension of stay, then made a trip abroad and upon return got an I-94 valid for three months, but later received a one year extension in the mail from the earlier filed extension, the one year extension applied as it was the "last action."
There are numerous legal and practical problems with the "last action rule." With respect to extensions of status and changes of status, it is axiomatic that there must be nonimmigrant "status" to extend or change. When a nonimmigrant foreign national departs the United States, he or she loses whatever nonimmigrant status they held. If this were not the case, then visas would be completely unnecessary. All you would have to do is just keep your I-94 and use it as a travel document.
In fact, it is possible to depart and return using only an unexpired I-94 (provided you only travel to Canada or Mexico for 30 days or less). Significantly, however, this is known as automatic visa revalidation. In other words, there is a special procedure that provides under limited circumstances for the automatic revalidation of a visa. This means that when the nonimmigrant returns to the U.S., their I-94 is treated as a revalidated visa. The foreign national is treated as someone making a new entry and applying for new nonimmigrant status. Very significantly, this procedure - sanctioned by the law - does not involve a return to uninterrupted status. Rather, it involves a new entry and a fresh grant of nonimmigrant status.
The problem with relying on this informal "rule" is that the USCIS can change their policy at any time. They have done this most notably with their policy shift on H1B amendments. Until very recently, they took the position that all an employer needed to do when moving an H1B employee to a new job site was simply file a new LCA. Today, that is no longer the case. They now require a full H1B amendment. Worse, they are applying this policy change retroactively, denying adjustment of status applications for unauthorized employment in some cases.
Understand that nonimmigrant status only exists while a foreign national is physically present in the United States and otherwise complies with all maintenance of status rules. If someone leaves the U.S., they no longer have nonimmigrant status. As such, there is no nonimmigrant status to change or extend once they have departed.
If you want to play it safe, don't count on the "last action rule" for any purpose.
zgur wrote:как я понимаю и как мне адвокат обьяснял, I-94 которая прийдет потом с новым аппровалом, будет не действительна.
Статус определяется той I-94 за которой ОБРАТИЛЕСь последний, т.е. той что будет получена на границе.
Вам, возможно, прийдется еще раз выехать и вьехать в США, после получения нового approval.
Кроме этой нетривиальной засады с I-94, проблем с путешествием нет.
Уже обсуждалось. Серая зона в общем и целом. Но похоже что она будет вполне себе действительна. Он же именно её приколет в паспорт и копию её же будет показывать в качестве доказательства _в статусе_.
Насчет ОБРАТИЛИСЬ уж точно полный бред. Но бумаги реально могут прийти и ДО въезда обратно, вот тогда будет коллизия.
Только что получил ответ из посольства - можно нормально выезжать и въезжать пока трансфер в процессе:
9 FAM 41.53 N8.4-2 H1-B Aliens May Travel Abroad While Change of Employer Pending
(CT:VISA-1406; 03-11-2010)
H1-B aliens traveling abroad during the period when their new employment petition is pending may use their old petition and visa for return to the United States provided the applicant:
(1) Is otherwise admissible;
(2) Has a valid passport and visa (whether new or the original visa with the prior employer’s name);
(3) Has the prior Form I-94, Arrival and Departure Record, a Form I-797, Notice of Action, or a copy of, showing the original petition's validity dates; and
(4) Has a dated filing receipt or other evidence that a new petition was filed in a timely fashion.