действительно, полный сюрреализм. ну как человек в здравом уме может вооружиться и покинуть военную базу так, чтобы никто не заметил, потом ночью добраться незамеченным до места убийства и убить больше десяти человек в разных помещениях? естественно это под силу только лунатику, который ничего не понимает что он делает и потом ничего не помнит.
Sleepwalkers arise from the slow wave sleep stage in a state of low consciousness and perform activities that are usually performed during a state of full consciousness. These activities can be as benign as sitting up in bed, walking to the bathroom, and cleaning, or as hazardous as cooking, driving, having sex,[3] violent gestures, grabbing at hallucinated objects,[4] or even homicide
Examples of legal cases involving sleepwalking in the defence include:
1981, Steven Steinberg, of Scottsdale, Arizona, accused of killing his wife and acquitted on the grounds of temporary insanity.[29]
1991, R v Burgess, accused of hitting his girlfriend on the head with a wine bottle and then a video tape recorder. Found not guilty, at Bristol Crown Court, by reason of insane automatism.[30]
1992, R. v. Parks, accused of killing his mother-in-law and attempting to kill his father-in-law, was acquitted by the Supreme Court of Canada.[29]
1994, Pennsylvania v. Ricksgers, accused of killing his wife and sentenced to life in prison without parole.[31]
1999, Arizona v. Falater, Scott Falater of Phoenix, Arizona, accused of killing his wife. The court concluded that the murder was too complex to be committed while sleepwalking. Falater was charged with first-degree murder, a life sentence with no opportunity of parole.[29]
2008, Brian Thomas, accused of killing his wife while he dreamt she was an intruder, whilst on holiday in West Wales.[32] Thomas was found not guilty.[