Ласточка моя wrote:The project TRANSLIT.CC has been created to support both (несчитаемое) international Internet community
Ниже примеры с тем же словом community (к которому относится артикль), но где есть артикль.
1. Confronting prejudice and respecting diversity in the classroom and in the community.
2. The Jewish community.
Ласточка моя wrote: international[/b] Internet community and (множ) language professionals.
Ниже пример с тем же словом professionals, но где есть артикль.
Learn from the professionals!
Ласточка моя wrote:Our online Cyrillic converter is a powerful and easy to use tool at the same time. The transliterator is optimized to consume less (множ) resources and perform the translation faster than most of the other similar Web applications.
Ниже пример с тем же словом resources, но где есть артикль.
When both spouses apply for LTC services the department considers the resources of both spouses as available to each other through the month.
Ласточка моя wrote:Using this Russian transliteration service you can solve a few tasks. The translit converter can help you to emulate (перед языком не ставится) Russian keyboard,
Ниже пример сo словом English, но где есть артикль.
Why are Americans so horrible to the English.
Ласточка моя wrote:The Russian keyboard emulator is also available for (несчитаемое) direct access via mouse.
Ниже примеры сo словaми direct и access, но где есть артикль.
1. The access is denied
2. When the clause contains a direct object, it will usually follow the subject.
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