Farmed or wild: What’s the best salmon to buy? - статья :)

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Farmed or wild: What’s the best salmon to buy? - статья :)

Post by nvvosk »

Интересная статья для тех, кто теряется в магазине при выборе "salmon" :)
Most everyone loves salmon. It’s rich in protein and healthy fats, it’s good for your health, and it tastes delicious.

But sometimes it seems like you need a marine biology degree before you hit the market. Should you choose Atlantic, Alaskan, or sockeye? Which has more heart-healthy omega-3s and fewer toxins—farmed or wild salmon?

And in addition to your own health, how does your choice—whether wild salmon from Alaska or farmed salmon from Chile— affect the environment? ... y-2484843/
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Re: Farmed or wild: What’s the best salmon to buy? - статья

Post by Uzito »

Я бы посоветовал менее ангажированое: ... utritious/ ... -to-avoid/
Regular grocery store salmon is almost always of the farmed Atlantic variety, which happens to be the variety I already lambasted. Avoid it and stick with wild Alaskan salmon, the fisheries of which are extremely well managed and sustainable. There’s also wild Pacific salmon caught off the coasts of California, Washington, and Oregon, which I sometimes get at local farmers’ markets. I still like Alaskan sockeye salmon best, even the frozen stuff, but they’re all worth eating.

Bottom line: Eat wild salmon, which is a great source of protein, omega-3s, and selenium. Avoid farmed salmon (unless it’s that fancy tank-raised Coho salmon I mentioned last week).
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Re: Farmed or wild: What’s the best salmon to buy? - статья

Post by Fracas »

Uzito wrote:Я бы посоветовал менее ангажированое: ... utritious/ ... -to-avoid/
Regular grocery store salmon is almost always of the farmed Atlantic variety, which happens to be the variety I already lambasted. Avoid it and stick with wild Alaskan salmon, the fisheries of which are extremely well managed and sustainable. There’s also wild Pacific salmon caught off the coasts of California, Washington, and Oregon, which I sometimes get at local farmers’ markets. I still like Alaskan sockeye salmon best, even the frozen stuff, but they’re all worth eating.

Bottom line: Eat wild salmon, which is a great source of protein, omega-3s, and selenium. Avoid farmed salmon (unless it’s that fancy tank-raised Coho salmon I mentioned last week).
Тоже не без пристрастия статейка. Но оно и понятно: нужно поддерживать своих рыбаков.
Я вчера зашел в магазин с мыслью купить какой-нибудь рыбы. Лосось у меня далеко не на первом месте. Но там помимо разных лососевых "дел" лежали лососевые бока- целая сторона большой рыбы, как филе, но не филе, потому что с кожей. Цвет сразу видно: какая-нибудь горбуша. Упаковка вакуумная, разумеется "wild caught". Дома присмотрелся - "Product of Russia".

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