Fortinbras wrote:stenking wrote:Fortinbras wrote:
Угу. Меньше, чем у дворника.
Если вам легче от того, что так думать - на здоровье.
Я от науки далёк но насколько я знаю вся околонаучная докторская братия в один голос воет что больше штуки сделать нельзя. Вот мне любопытно стало в таком это таком государственном универе который очень даже финансируется с бюджета новичкам плотют $4K. А сколько тогда имеет профессор покруче? $10К? Больше чем президент России?:)
зависит от того, в каком проекте участвует. А так, профессорам даже в США платят довольно смешные деньги.
College Professor Salary: 2009 Statistics
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the mean college professor salary in 2009 was $64,680, and the highest-paid professors earn more than $128,330. Earning potential tends to be higher in the sciences, engineering, and business fields, while professors in liberal arts, fine arts, and English typically earn less.
The latest data available breaks down earnings by teaching area such as engineering, business, foreign language, history, etc. Professors of economics earn the most in New Hampshire ($130,410), Rhode Island ($127,060), and Arizona ($117,260), while salaries for psychology professors are highest in Delaware ($87,660), New York ($86,120), and California ($85,510).
In general, the states of New York, Vermont and Idaho have the highest concentration of college professors, while the highest salaries overall for college professors can be earned in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and New York. The top-paying industries are colleges and universities, junior colleges, and technical and trade schools.
The following metropolitan areas offer the
highest mean college professor salary:
Boston-Cambridge-Quincy, Massachusetts ($145,260)
Oakland-Fremont-Hayward, California ($113,770)
Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater, Florida ($105,590) also breaks down earnings for college professors based on the subjects that they teach. Accordingly, the median salary for a tenured professor of business administration is $100,397 (
90% percentile salary: $238,639), while the salary for a tenured professor of communication studies is $80,686 (90% percentile: $126,175), and tenured psychology professors earned $85,654 (
90% percentile: $233,339).
Т.е. топ 10% профессоров очень даже неплохо делает от $200К Мало?
Бога нет.