2010 Polite Society Tactical Conference, Tulsa OK, 4/24-4/25

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2010 Polite Society Tactical Conference, Tulsa OK, 4/24-4/25

Post by texan »

The annual Rangemaster Tactical Conference has become one of the premiere training events on the circuit. The 2009 event was a huge success. Over 135 shooters attended, from all over the US. We had live-fire, classroom, and hands-on training segments, put on by 20 of the finest firearms and tactics trainers in the US. The shooting match involved reactive 3-D mannequins representing both threats and non-threats, in realistic scenarios. Targets even shot back, with blank firing shotguns, adding to the stress and realism. One of the shooting problems took place in a 360 degree live fire shoot house, while others were tackled on outdoor ranges.

The 2010 event promises to be the best ever! We are pleased and proud to announce that the 2010 Tactical Conference will again be held at the fabulous new facilities of the United States Shooting Academy, in Tulsa, OK. USSA is a fantastic new training complex, with numerous ranges, modern classrooms, a shoot-house and more. Holding the event at USSA enables us to accommodate a lot of practitioners, and Tulsa is just about the geographic center of the US. There will be live fire training, in addition to the scenarios, and there will be a scenario to take advantage of the shoothouse.

All of the usual trainers will be present, plus some new surprises. Instructors providing training segments will include: Tom Givens, John Farnam, Massad Ayoob, Steve Moses, Skip Gochenour,Rob Pincus, Southnarc, Hany Mahmoud, T.J. Pilling, Karl Rehn, Mike Brown, Paul Gomez, John Hearne, William Aprill, and others. Attendees may take part in any of the training segments, as well as the match, all for one low fee.

Entry fee is only $189.00, which is quite a bargain. E-mail rangemaster.tom@gmail.com for a registration packet or complete and submit BOTH the Registration and Waiver Form below. Advance registration is required, and this event fills two-three months in advance every year. Don’t delay.

You know, Dude, I myself dabbled in pacifism once. Not in 'Nam of course.
(Walter Sobchak)
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Re: 2010 Polite Society Tactical Conference, Tulsa OK, 4/24-4/25

Post by texan »

RangeMaster's Polite Society/ Tactical Conference 2009

Over the last ten years, Tom Givens has put together the 'must attend' event in the training community. The Polite Society Tactical Conference began as the RangeMaster IDPA Winter Invitational in 1996 and evolved into the Tactical Conference in 1999. Starting in 1999, Tom began coordinating a large number of trainers who gave of their time to journey to Memphis and offer short blocks of training around the shooting competition. Two years ago, the event shifted to the Memphis Police Department Firearms Training Unit and, for 2009, the event shifted to the best venue yet...the US Shooting Academy in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

This year the competition was divided into two phases, one conducted on the outdoor range and another conducted in a shoot house. Additionally, there was a Back Up Gun side match conducted on each day.

Seventeen trainers offered lecture and/or hands-on blocks running the gamut from Immediate Trauma Management to Combat Focus Shooting. Some of the grand, old men this year included Massad Ayoob, Skip Gochenour and John Farnam. Of course, Steve Moses, Marty Hayes and Rob Pincus were present and, perhaps less well-known, but very competent trainers; Hany Mahmoud, William Aprill, John Hearne, Will Andrews and Glenn Meyer also offered blocks to the approximately 150 attendees. As has become the norm for this gathering, Karl Rehn, offered Force-on-Force scenario training utilizing airsoft guns each day.

As this event has grown, it is impossible for one person to attend every presentation. My first block on Saturday morning was occupied with presenting on the Need for Medical Training for People that Carry Guns/Immediate Trauma Management. I discussed an abbreviated version of the TC3 medical model with the express purpose of 'extending the Platinum 10 minutes to allow the injured party entry into the EMS system'.

From 1000 to 1200 I attended Massad Ayoob's 'Shooting Incidents, Aftermath Management'. Mas is always entertaining and informative. This was no different. Using a series of court cases to emphasize each point, Ayoob offered a simple protocol for post event interactions with authorities.

Mike Seeklander's module was initially billed as 'Grounded/Wounded Shooter Drills' but, more explicitly, it focused on one hand gun manipulations, both right and left handed. Mike is an USPSA/IPSC Grand Master class shooter, as well as having spent more than ten years as working cop and having extensive experience with the Federal Air Marshall program. He is currently the Operations Manager for the US Shooting Academy. This class was very well thought out and executed. I had already developed rather high expectations for USSA prior to being exposed to Mike's block and I was not disappointed. I am looking at making my way back to USSA this year for more in-depth study.

For those not familiar with William Aprill, you are missing out. William offered a presentation entitled 'Violent Actors, Violent Acts, a Conceptual Overview' that was truly outstanding. He provided the attendees with an understanding of a number of psychological theories pertaining to violent criminals & their behavior and explained the best, current theory and the implications as it applies to our behaviors in complex, confusing environments. This was my favorite presentation of the weekend.

My last block for Saturday was John Farnam's wide ranging discussion ostensibly entitled 'Urban Rifle, the AR & its Alternatives'. In all of human history, there has never been a recorded instance of John staying on a single topic and this was no exception! Listening to John is an always worthwhile endeavor and this was no exception. He is one of the last of the first generation trainers and time spent with him is never wasted.

No comments pertaining to Saturday night will be included to protect the guilty.

I spent the first block on Sunday morning visiting with friends and getting a look around the facility. I attended Glenn Meyer's presentation on Modern Psychology and Firearms Usage at 1000. Glenn and I first met during an injured shooter course in 1999. Glenn showed up with a broken arm, broken leg and a couple of broken ribs...he always was an over achiever. His lecture covered a wide range of topics dealing with everything from some classic experiments and findings through some of the research that he was directly involved in regarding jury perceptions in 'lethal force' cases.

SouthNarc offered his block on Managing Unknown Contacts. This was taught from 0800 to 1000 each day with Mike Brown's Fighting & Weapon Access in the Clinch immediately following from 1000 to 1200. Anyone who has not taken advantage of these blocks being offered in this format is truly missing out on some absolutely vital knowledge and skills.

John Hearne's presentation on the Newhall Incident and its Training Implications has continued to evolve and is truly eye-opening. Viewing of this presentation and Tom Givens Miami Massacre Analysis ought to be considered mandatory for anyone involved in training or who carries a gun.

A quick rundown of stuff that I did not get to witness:

Marty Hayes offered a classroom presentation on 'Reducing Firearms Instructor Liability'. It was very well received by those who did get to attend, unfortunately, I didn't get in on this one.

Skip Gochenour spoke on Criminal Behavior. Skip is a wealth of information and I always enjoy listening to him. Between running the National Tactical Invitational and his 'day job', there is no one quite like Skip.

Will Andrews covered Shooting On the Move but the timing coincided with my attending Ayoob's lecture.

Steve Moses offered a live fire block on the AK47 as a Battlefield Pickup Weapon.

TJ Pillings did a live fire shotgun block.

Rob Pincus offered a block on Combat Focus Shooting.

The RangeMaster Polite Society Tactical Conference has grown each year. What began as a fun time has grown into the best value for time and money invested in the training community. My hat is off to Tom Givens for sticking with this thing, his staff for busting their [collective] ass to make this thing what it has become, to USSA for offering their wonderful facility, to all the trainers who devote their time and energy and to all those who show up and make the Polite Society Tactical Conference event the event.
Если в этом году на конференцию приедет Southnarc, то одно это уже окупит регистрационный взнос.
You know, Dude, I myself dabbled in pacifism once. Not in 'Nam of course.
(Walter Sobchak)
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Re: 2010 Polite Society Tactical Conference, Tulsa OK, 4/24-4/25

Post by texan »

Tactical Conference Presenters and Topics

William Aprill, Rangemaster, “Fatal Choices: What We Know About Violent Criminals and Victim Selection”, class room, 2 hours (William Aprill is a former deputy sheriff and Special Deputy US Marshal (Eastern District of Louisiana). He is instructor rated by several first-tier trainers and has attended classes with many of the most influential members of the combatives training community. He has taught civilian, law enforcement, and military personal in various fighting skills since 1989 and maintains an active schedule both as instructor and student. William is also a licensed mental health professional, specializing in post-traumatic interventions among other disciplines, and is presently the clinical director of a multi-million dollar federal treatment grant.) Saturday, 10:30am-12:30pm, Classroom B, Sunday, 11:00am-1:00pm, Classroom B

Karl Rehn, KR Training, assisted by other KR Training instructors, “Live Force on Force Scenarios with Airsoft Munitions” Airsoft area, 2 hours (Karl operates KR Training near Austin, Texas, where he was an early pioneer in the use of Airsoft munitions for realistic scenario based training. Karl is a highly ranked competitor in IDPA and USPSA shooting, a martial arts practitioner, and a long time trainer.) Sunday, 9:00am-Noon, Range 5

Hany Mahmoud, North Texas Tactical, “Middle Eastern Terror Groups, Suicide Bombers, and Lone Jihadists”, classroom, 4 hours (Hany is a full time peace officer in Texas and member of his agency’s entry team, who has been involved in firearms training for many years. A Master shooter, he has trained with virtually every major school in the US.) Saturday, 8:00am-Noon, Classroom A

Martin Topper,PhD, gun writer, “Training for Unconscious Competence”, classroom, 2 hours (Dr. Topper retired from a Federal law enforcement training position, and has been very active in the firearms training and journalism fields for many years. He often presents material at the prestigious National Tactical Invitational.His lecture will deal with current research into how the brain functions in stressful situations, and how to maximize your abilities under difficult circumstances.)Saturday, 8:00am-10:00am, Classroom B

Will Andrews and Shawn Thompson, Oklahoma Shooting Skills, “Transitions” , live fire, range, 2 hours, need handgun, carry gear and 150 rounds of ammo (Will and Shawn teach at H&H Gun Range in Oklahoma City. Will is an experienced martial artist, as well as a veteran competitive shooter.) Saturday, 9:00am-11:00am, Range 5

Sunday, 1:00pm-3:00pm, Range 5

Steve Moses, Bluff Dale Academy , assisted by other Bluff dale instructors, “Basic Two-Man Team Concepts”, live fire, range, 2 hours, need pistol, carry gear and 100 rounds of handgun ammo . (Steve is a Texas peace officer and a member of his agency’s entry team. Moses has written a published firearms textbook, as well as a number of articles in SWAT Magazine and other publications. He is also a life long martial arts student and a highly ranked competitive shooter.) Saturday, 12:30pm-2:30pm, Range 3 Sunday, 1:00pm-3:00pm, Range 3

Marty Hayes, Firearms Academy of Seattle, “Instructor Development-Handgun”, live fire, range, 2 hours, handgun, carry gear and 100 rounds ammunition (Marty is a former police officer and a law school graduate, who operates the Firearms Academy of Seattle, a nationally recognized firearms and tactics school in Washington. A frequently published writer, he also serves as the president of the Armed Citizen’s Legal Defense Network.)Saturday, 3:00pm-5:00pm, Range 3, Sunday, 10am-Noon, Range 3

Paul Gomez, Tactical Response, “AK Skills: Manipulation and Techniques”, live fire, range, need AK and 100 rounds of ammo. There will be several loner AK’s and ammo available at the class segment for those unable to bring one. (Paul is a talented trainer who served in the US Army and as a police officer, and has conducted AK training all over the US for several years. His articles have been published in SWAT Magazine, and he has trained with most of the better known tactical trainers in the US.) Saturday,

11:30am-1:30pm, Range 5 Sunday, 3:30pm-5:30pm, Range 3

Andy Stanford, Surefire Academy, “Surefire Tactical Technology Specialist Certification”, classroom, 4 hours. Receive certification from Surefire as an instructor in the use of their illumination tools. (Andy literally wrote the book on low light techniques, Fight at Night.

A veteran instructor, he now teaches low light skills for Surefire.)

Saturday, 1:00pm-5:00pm, Classroom A

Southnarc, Shivworks, “Managing Unknown Contacts”, hand to hand bay, live interactive scenario course work, in pre-assault indicators, positioning, and verbal interaction. 2 hours (Southnarc is a very experienced narcotics investigator and SWAT officer, who has refined the 0-5 foot problem and its solutions to a science. This segment will change the way you think of close range interpersonal confrontations.) Saturday, 10:00am-Noon, Range 2

Sunday, 10:00am-Noon, Range 2

Mike Brown, USSA, “The Clinch in a Weapons Based Environment”, hand to hand bay, assisted by other USSA instructors. Active hands-on training in accessing a handgun while grappling with an assailant. This segment involves physical contact and some exertion. Need cup and mouthpiece, no live weapons allowed in the training area. (Mike is a Sergeant with the Tulsa Police Dept, an instructor at USSA, a martial artist, and an extremely skillful shooter and teacher. This class is a real eye opener.) Saturday and Sunday, 1:00pm-3:00pm, Range 2

Massad Ayoob, MAG,”Physio-Psychological Aspects of Violent Encounters, How to deal with the effects of stress during the event and afterward.” (Ayoob is probably the most widely read gun writer in the world, with several books and literally thousands of magazine articles to his credit. He serves frequently as an Expert Witness in use of force issues all over the US, and serves as a consultant to various law enforcement groups and agencies. A highly ranked shooter in several disciplines, he is considered one of the foremost authorities on firearms training in the country.)

Sunday, 1:00pm-3:00pm, Classroom A

Skip Gochenour, Director National Tactical Invitational, “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?”, home invasions and related crimes, classroom, 2 hours. Graphic training in what to expect in a home invasion or similar crime. (Skip is one of the most experienced homicide investigators in the US. He is also the director of the National Tactical Invitational (NTI) in Harrisburg, PA. ) Saturday, 1:00pm-3:00pm, Classroom B

Rob Pincus, I.C.E., “Combat Focus Shooting Fundamentals”, live fire, handgun range, 4 hours, carry gear plus 300 rounds ammo (I.C.E. is owned and operated by Rob Pincus, the developer of the Combat Focus Shooting program and The Personal Defense Video DVD Series. I.C.E. offers training in firearms, tactics and unarmed defense. Rob and his staff instructors have provided training to military special operations personnel from the Army, Air Force and Navy, law enforcement and security officers and those interested in the defense of their families, their homes and themselves at venues around the United States and Europe. Pincus has written articles in a variety of magazines, appeared as a guest instructor on television programs and is the developer of the Personal Defense Video Series.)

Saturday, 8:00am-Noon, Range 3

John Hearne, Rangemaster, “The Newhall Incident”, classroom, 2 hours. A detailed power point presentation on the gun battle that jump started modern police firearms training. (John has been a federal law enforcement officer for 15 years, and serves as the district firearms instructor for his agency, as well as an instructor for Rangemaster. A multiple graduate of all the most prestigious shooting schools, including Gunsite, Thunder Ranch, Rogers School, and others, he is an accomplished shooter. ) Saturday, 3:30pm-5:30pm, Classroom B, Sunday, 1:30pm-3:30pm, Classroom B

T.J. Pilling, (T.J. Pilling has held assignments in Patrol, SWAT, Narcotics and Training. He has been a Precision Marksman for twenty-three years with SWAT, and has also served as senior instructor on the team. In the Training division, T.J. was assigned as Range Master and Firearms Instructor for the Police

T.J. Pilling

Department and held the position for seven years. During this time he hosted classes attended by State, Federal and Local Departments. )To be announced.

Wayne Dobbs, “Critical Fundamentals of the Combative Pistol”, live fire, pistol range, 2 hours, need handgun, carry gear, and 100 rounds of ammo. (Wayne is a retired Dallas area police officer, and also served a tour as a contract trainer for the Iraqi National Police. Certified as a firearms instructor by various LE organizations, Wayne has trained with a virtual Who’s Who of the firearms training industry.)

Sunday, 3:30pm-5:30pm, Range 5

Tom Givens, Rangemaster, “Private Citizen Self Defense Shootings, an Overview”, 2 hours, classroom- power point presentation on trends and patterns in civilian self defense shootings, plus a detailed debrief on ten selected shootings involving Rangemaster students.

(For 14 years, Tom has been the owner and chief instructor at Rangemaster, in Memphis, a full time firearms and tactics school located in the most violent metropolitan area in the country. At last count, 51 of Rangemaster’s students had been involved in (and won!) violent confrontations with armed criminals. Tom is an NRA certified LE firearms and tactical shooting instructor, an FBI certified instructor, a Master in three IDPA Divisions, and a multiple state championship winner in both IDPA and IPSC activities. The author of five published textbooks and over 100 magazine articles, Givens serves as an expert witness on firearms and firearms training issues in both state and federal courts around the US.) Sunday, 9:00am-11:00am, Classroom A

Main Tactical Match, Standards, 8:00am-6:00pm,both days, Range 1

Each shooter will be assigned to a Squad. Each squad will have a one-hour block of time assigned to shoot this segment. Report to Range 1 at your squad’s assigned time slot, geared up and ready to go.

Main Tactical Match, Scenarios, 8:00am-6:00pm, both days, Range 4

Same as above. If you shoot the Standards on Saturday, you will shoot the Scenarios on Sunday, and vice versa. That way, you are only tied up for 1 hour each day. You will shoot at the same time both days.

Tactical Exercise, Shoot-House, Saturday 9:00am-6:00pm, and Sunday, 10:00am-3:00pm

This event is a Side Match, and does not count toward your aggregate match score. This event will be scored separately. You will not have an assigned time for this segment. You may report to the Shoot-House any time during the hours posted here and you should be in and out in a few minutes.
You know, Dude, I myself dabbled in pacifism once. Not in 'Nam of course.
(Walter Sobchak)
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Re: 2010 Polite Society Tactical Conference, Tulsa OK, 4/24-

Post by texan »

Ну что, съездил, поучаствовал, сказать что доволен -- ничего не сказать.

В субботу отстрелял матч, Standards, вроде Ипсиковского квалифаера, довольно стандартный. Серии стоя, сидя, с коленей, с правой и левой рук. Потом пошёл на сценарий в Shoothouse, понравилось. Сценарий такой: вы привезли ребенка к зубному. Пока вы ждете в прихожей, с одной из медсестер явился estranged husband и начал стрельбу. Задача найти ребенка и покинуть оффис. Помещение осмотреть заранее не дают. За каждую секунду после первой минуты снимаются очки, равно как и за ошибки при "зачистке" и "нечаяанно" подстреленных врачей и посетителей. Куклу нашел, стелка походу завалил, 26 секунд.

После был на Managing Unknown Contacts. SouthNarc-a, что само по себе стоит Conference Fee. Graig Douglas -- тертый калач с 20 годами опыта работы в полиции Миссиссипи, включая работу Undecover Narcotics, обернувшуюся трещиной в черепе (Удар железкой по голове) и потерей слуха в одном уже (выстрел в непосредственной близости). Крейг первым в стране начал работать над решением проблемы 0-5 футов, в контексте Criminal Assault-a. Если бы у меня было время пойти только на один класс, я выбрал бы именно этот.

После сходили на класс Стива Мозеса по работе в группе. Отрабатывали работу в связке с партнером (со стрельбой по мишеням), потом зачистку помещений с партнером (без стрельбы). Не уверен, что когда-нибудь пригодится, но для общего развития полезно. Опятьже применимо к Home Defence если в семье есть ещё один стрелок.

После Мозеса Марти Хаес из Сиэттла рассказывал про то как учить стрелять студентов. Ещё немного постреляли :).

В завершении первого дня я выставил себе ноль на свежесобранном АР15, а друган на АК-74. Ещё немного постреляли :).

Сама USSA (United States Shooting Academy) где проводилась конференция впечатлила размахом и разнообразием. Знающие люди утверждают что это одна из Top5 shooting facilities в стране. Лично мне понравились газоны на полигонах, у нас в техасе я в основном на глине стреляю, со всеми вытекающими. А тут просто гибрид гольфа со стрельбой.

Будет время напишу о втором дне.
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(Walter Sobchak)
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Re: 2010 Polite Society Tactical Conference, Tulsa OK, 4/24-

Post by texan »

Воскресенье началось с матча, очень напоминающего IDPA но с использованием reactive targets. Кто не знает, это полу-манекены завалить которые можно только очень точным попаданием в определенную зону. Выстелы в зону С не катят. Интересно было наблюдать как народ всаживал пулю за пулю в мишень а она не падала. Здесь ипсиковские и айдипи-ейные привычки скорее мешали, чем помогали..

После матча Карл Рен вел в Shoothouse-e Force-on-Force scenarios с использованием airsoft guns. Желающий поучаствовать попадал в заранее неизвестную сцену из серии self defence или home defence. Сценарии были достаточно неоднозначными и иногда не имели одного, правильного, решения. В одном разыгранном случае с участием наркомана и ребенка стрельба привела к смерти ребенка, а в моем случае с заложником погиб заложник как раз от того, что я вместо того чтобы палить сразу, решил подождать и разрулить без стрельбы. Каждый сценарий сопровождался разбором полётов и, иногда, проигрышем альтернативных вариантов. Если вы никогда не участвовали, это интересно попробовать хотя-бы раз.

Затем Вильям Эйприл (http://www.rangemaster.com/rm_staff.html) провел лекцию по Violent Criminal Actors and Victim Selection. Информация не новая, но отлично скомпилированная и изложенная. Главной мыслью прошел тезис о том, что селекция жертвы происходит на уровне подсознания с анализом психомоторики самой жетвы. Как в том анекдоте, где охотнуку не нужно бежать быстрее медведя, достаточно бежать быстрее напарника. В общем есть о чем подумать.

После Майк Браун, сержант полиции города Тульса, вел курс weapon retention and deployment in clinch, по сути продолжая тему Крейга Дугласа. Два часа борьбы с одним, потом двумя оппонентами закончились "экзаменом", где два одетых в щитки амбала нападали сзади и нехило так колотили "экзаменуемого" кулаками (правда в боксерских перчатках). Когда пришла моя очередь, я на всякий пожарный, спрятал под рубашку нож (clinch pick trainer) и, если бы не он, не отбился бы, пистолет был выбит из кобуры в первые секунды схватки. Вывод для себя -- носить нож, лучше fixed blade, нежели folder. Самой схватки не помню, помню что бился вполне серьезно. Противники, правда, немного подиграли. Думаю что в реальной ситуации уход на землю со вторым мне не обошелся бы так легко.

После Брауна Поль Гомез провел курс ознакомления с Калашом как с battlefield pickup weapon. Гомез оказался неординарным собеседником. Хотябы потому, что ссылаясь на Беслан очень однозначно провел мысль: Чеченец -- мусульманин -- террорист. Пожалуй первых случай в этой стране когда чеченских террористов не называли _rebels_. События Беслана проецировались на местную специфику, с сылками на анализ информации с захваченных записей тренировок Аль-Каеды в Афганистане. If J-Frame can get you an AK, what do you do with it ? Постреляли из Калаша, сидя, стоя, лежа на спине. Интересно, что к Калашу, как home defense weapon, в последнее время в стране наблюдается повышенный интерес, в немалой мере определяемый характеристиками патрона 7.62х39. Кроме АК Гомез оказался просто кладезью информации по вопросaм самообороны с оружием. Рекомендую. http://www.tacproshootingcenter.com/

На этом Воскресенье закончилось. Вот так.
Last edited by texan on 28 Apr 2010 02:57, edited 1 time in total.
You know, Dude, I myself dabbled in pacifism once. Not in 'Nam of course.
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Re: 2010 Polite Society Tactical Conference, Tulsa OK, 4/24-

Post by Skistar »

Cool! :good: Какой был средний возраст участников и вообще что за публика?
У нас незаменимых нет, есть только временно незамененные!
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Re: 2010 Polite Society Tactical Conference, Tulsa OK, 4/24-

Post by eiourtch »

Спасибо. Очень интерсно.

Мой вопрос по АК. Так понимаю, что АК не орегинальный, т.е. не автомат. Немогли бы ВЫ по подробней какой именно. И в чем его плюсы для самообороны.
В условиях информационной войны, от которой невозможно спрятаться никакому русскоязычному ресурсу, на форуме принята про-российская политика.
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Re: 2010 Polite Society Tactical Conference, Tulsa OK, 4/24-

Post by texan »

Skistar wrote:Cool! :good: Какой был средний возраст участников и вообще что за публика?
Публика? Средний участник был белым мужчиной среднего :) возраста. Law enforcement, training outfit's stаff, students, некоторые с женами, swat, some special ops, probably a few contractors... Один студент в классе Крэйга Дугласа заявил что "никогда не был Navy Seal". Возможно и так, с эволюций Майка Брауна он ушел сильно хромая :). В политическом отношении большинство участников находились гдето справа от Чингиз Хана. Люди в общении приятные, очень вежливые. Отдельные индивидуумы проявили несколько обостренное любопытство к двум русским чудакам, непонятно как оказавшимся в их компании. Но, как только я заявил что все преступления режима беру на себя (its all my fault!), народ расслабился и перестал цитировать из "Крассного Рассвета".
Last edited by texan on 28 Apr 2010 02:58, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: 2010 Polite Society Tactical Conference, Tulsa OK, 4/24-

Post by texan »

eiourtch wrote:Спасибо. Очень интерсно.

Мой вопрос по АК. Так понимаю, что АК не орегинальный, т.е. не автомат. Немогли бы ВЫ по подробней какой именно. И в чем его плюсы для самообороны.
Reliable, under 200 meters, accuracy is good enough. 7.62x39 turns cover into concealment :). Goes through car doors/windows better than .223. Easily obtainable, over 100 million made. Metal mags last forever... как-то так, согласно Гомезу. Это класс был самым популярным, если судить по количеству пришедших.
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Re: 2010 Polite Society Tactical Conference, Tulsa OK, 4/24-

Post by eiourtch »

texan wrote:
eiourtch wrote:Спасибо. Очень интерсно.

Мой вопрос по АК. Так понимаю, что АК не орегинальный, т.е. не автомат. Немогли бы ВЫ по подробней какой именно. И в чем его плюсы для самообороны.
Reliable, under 200 meters, accuracy is good enough. 7.62x39 turns cover into concealment :). Goes through car doors/windows better than .223. Easily obtainable, over 100 million made. Metal mags last forever... как-то так, согласно Гомезу. Это класс был самым популярным, если судить по количеству пришедших.
Ето все хорошо при ведении боевых действий. Но Вы писали об АК, как Интересно, что к Калашу, как home defense weapon, в последнее время в стране наблюдается повышенный интерес. Вопрос достаточно спорный. Любой длинноствол, кроме дробовика, не имеет никаких преимущест перд мощным короткостволом в домашних условиях (ето мое мнение). Исключение, правда, для полного автомата. Но он несет в себе большую опасность поражения прохожих и соседей и именно как home defense weapon наверно тоже не лучший вариант. Не знаю. Только в случае нападения банды в человек 10 и более, и при ведении круговой обороны, когда нападающие за пределами дома, может тогда длинноствольный полуавтомат имеет большой смысл?
В условиях информационной войны, от которой невозможно спрятаться никакому русскоязычному ресурсу, на форуме принята про-российская политика.
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Re: 2010 Polite Society Tactical Conference, Tulsa OK, 4/24-

Post by texan »

Я с вами в общем-тo согласен, про преиумущество короткоствола в случае _внезапной_ необходимости и в контексте моей _сегодняшней_ действительности. Мое процитированное утверждение следует читать в контексте АК против АР.

С другой стороны один из участников с которым разговорились после класса, у которого, кстати, была Сайга глубоко модифицированная Креббсом, сказал что это его "go to" оружие на случай Катрины или землетресения. Мысль понятна?
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Re: 2010 Polite Society Tactical Conference, Tulsa OK, 4/24-

Post by eiourtch »

texan wrote:Я с вами в общем-тo согласен, про преиумущество короткоствола в случае _внезапной_ необходимости и в контексте моей _сегодняшней_ действительности. Мое процитированное утверждение следует читать в контексте АК против АР.

С другой стороны один из участников с которым разговорились после класса, у которого, кстати, была Сайга глубоко модифицированная Креббсом, сказал что это его "go to" оружие на случай Катрины или землетресения. Мысль понятна?
сравнивать АК с АР15 не совсем корректно, каллибр не тот. А вот сравним с АР10. Да, АК в двое дешевле, но во всем остальном, для дома для семьи - я бы всял АР. Кстате, Саига с глубокой переделкой обойдется, практически, как АР10, но при етом так и останется Саигой с переделкой. :-)

"go to" - класс, надо взять на "вооружение"
В условиях информационной войны, от которой невозможно спрятаться никакому русскоязычному ресурсу, на форуме принята про-российская политика.
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Re: 2010 Polite Society Tactical Conference, Tulsa OK, 4/24-

Post by texan »

Не всё так однозначно. Есть ещё такое понятие как truck gun. Т.е бросил в машину (в багажник или ящик в кузове) и забыл. Калаш идеально подходит, хотябы потому что стрелять он будет всегда. АК47 со складывающимся прикладом более компактен чем АР, где приклад не убирается в силу конструкции. Калаш можно годами не чистить и не смазывать, а АР полагается работать обильно смазанным. Калашом можно драться как дубиной :), а АР слишком для этого изящен.

Кребс выглядел весьма пристойно. Владелец утверждал что попадает в 8-дюймовую стальную тарелку с 300 метров (с оптикой, разумеется). Что ещё надо?
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Re: 2010 Polite Society Tactical Conference, Tulsa OK, 4/24-

Post by eiourtch »

texan wrote:Не всё так однозначно. Есть ещё такое понятие как truck gun. Т.е бросил в машину (в багажник или ящик в кузове) и забыл. Калаш идеально подходит, хотябы потому что стрелять он будет всегда. АК47 со складывающимся прикладом более компактен чем АР, где приклад не убирается в силу конструкции. Калаш можно годами не чистить и не смазывать, а АР полагается работать обильно смазанным. Калашом можно драться как дубиной :), а АР слишком для этого изящен.

Кребс выглядел весьма пристойно. Владелец утверждал что попадает в 8-дюймовую стальную тарелку с 300 метров (с оптикой, разумеется). Что ещё надо?
Для truck gun я бы взял: https://www.budsgunshop.com/catalog/pro ... s_id/48315 или http://www.kel-tec-cnc.com/sub2000.htm. Все таки АК - оружие нападения и для защиты и в полуавтомате - слишком громоздкий и тяжелый.

8-дюймов на 300 метров, дла плинканья очень не плохо, а для рельной стрелбы на 300 метров - опять, как по мне СКС на порядок лучше .
В условиях информационной войны, от которой невозможно спрятаться никакому русскоязычному ресурсу, на форуме принята про-российская политика.
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Re: 2010 Polite Society Tactical Conference, Tulsa OK, 4/24-

Post by Алхимик »

>Интересно, что к Калашу, как home defense weapon, в последнее время в стране наблюдается повышенный интерес,...
И во всем виноват Габи Суарез. Ты его видео не смотрел?

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