helg wrote:Митяй wrote:Охота на оленей с 22LR нелегальна во всех штатах.
Не во всех.
Попробуйте догадаться, почему.
Очевидно, что те кто запрещают, считают, что охотиться с 22lr слишком дёшево, и от этого много разведётся косых охотников и подранков. Что они говорят при этом не имеет отношения к сути.
То есть вы считаете, что стоимость пары-тройки патронов серьезно ограничивает число желающих поохотиться ?
Да вы, батенька, оригинал. Причем альтернативно одаренный.
Вот вам глас "от сохи" - почитайте, что сами охотники пишут про 22LR и стрельбу по оленям :
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index ... 244AAz73oB
Will a 22 LR with hollow points take down a deer?
While is is possible to kill a deer with a .22, it is highly likely to simply injure the deer and cause it to die a slow and painful death.
Anyone caught hunting a deer with a .22 should have the .22 shoved up their rear end and the trigger pulled. But that is just my idea, I don't think it allowed anywhere that I know of.
It is illegal. It is also inhumane. Unless you place the shot
precisely, all you get is a wounded deer running around.
It is illegal and against the game laws.* It also is inhumane, unethical, unsportsmanlike, and cruel
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index ... 836AAdeewz
Can a .22 lr kill a deer ?
Yes, a .22 can kill a deer if it is shot in the head. The problem is that a .22 is not all that reliable and will result in far more injuries and slow deaths that it will in kills. Never use a .22 to hunt deer. It is unethical, immoral and very illegal.
Lot's of outlaw hunters use .22s to kill deer, of course, they lose a lot of the deer they shoot. It is a crying shame because the deer just go off to die elsewhere.
If a deer was shot in the top of the neck, or in the brain area with a .22 it could bring it down relatively quickly, but it might also be a long slow lingering death. If the deer was shot in the vital heart/lung areas, the .22 would likely kill it too, but it would again be a long lingering painful death. That deer may run for miles/days before finally expiring.
If you take on the responsibility of hunting and taking an animals life, then you have a responsibility to take that life humanely. A .22 is just not the proper way to do it. There is a good chance that you would just wound/maim the animal make its last few days torturous.
И так далее, и тому подобное.
Но мы типа свободные люди в свободной стране, и вы, конечно, вправе думать, что американцы - бездушные мудаки, а стрельба по оленями из мелкашки запрещена исключительно по причине копеечной экономии на трех патронах.
А пристыдишь их - и сальцо найдется, и горилочка...