I am confused by this statement:Karlson_Karlson wrote:
Unfortunately Not. I have a friend, who works for one of the kosher organizations and he had to deal with the validity of that types of chemicals from the kosher stand point of view. Information is pretty solid according to him. He has no reason to make up such stories.
Take a look at the picture attached (a very typical comparison picture on this subject).Выдумки, кур в Америке кормят специальными химикатами что бы желток был именно Жёлтый. Так что желтки у этих химичиски выращеных кур всегда желтые.Lida wrote:
Смотря какие органические "отличать". Например, амиши в основном не сертифицируют яйца на органик, так как это стоит денег. Их действительно не отличишь от органик. А стоят они как обычные.
Но если сравнивать обычные "белые неорганические яйца", где желток почти от белка не отличить (такой светлый), а сам белок "синюшного" цвета, то для меня вкус однозначно другой.
The true "free-range" egg is contents is deep orange (just like what I ate when I grew in a village in Ex-USSR).
The factory egg is pale-yellow.
Picture is from: http://www.healthbanquet.com/free-range-eggs.html
Now, according to your story, the factory eggs should be YELLOW due to "special chemicals added to the food".
Are they trying to make them YELLOW from NEARLY WHITE (make them darker)?
Or they trying to make them YELLOW from ORANGE (make them lighter)?
Where is the logic here?
Is it that without the "special chemicals" factory egg would be even more pale?
If true, then the "factory eggs" are even worse then we already think?
Confused by your story....
PS: but I am absolutelly 100% agree that "we are what we eat";
this same applies to chickens and their eggs too, BTW.