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I have been sitting quietly on the sidelines watching all of this national debate on healthcare. It is time for me to bring some clarity to the table by explaining many of the problems from the perspective of a doctor.
First off, the government has involved very few of us physicians in the healthcare debate. While the American Medical Association has come out in favor of the plan, it is vital to remember that the AMA only represents 17% of the American physician workforce.
ну еще бы ! кто ж будет советываться в этом деле с профессионалами и зачем...
I have taken care of Medicaid patients for 35 years while representing the only pediatric ophthalmology group left in Atlanta, Georgia that accepts Medicaid. For example, in the past 6 months I have cared for three young children on Medicaid who had corneal ulcers. This is a potentially blinding situation because if the cornea perforates from the infection, almost surely blindness will occur. In all three cases the antibiotic needed for the eradication of the infection was not on the approved Medicaid list....Each time the request came back denied. All three times I personally provided the antibiotic for each patient which was not on the Medicaid approved list. Get the point -- rationing of care.
Медикейд и Медикере - это прототип нашего светлого будущего. Пока бюрократы утрердят принятые в нормальной медицине антибиотики, бактирии вырастят к ним устоичивость, на которую ножно будет опять находить новые антибиотики, а потом их утверждать, и так по кругу
Over the past 35 years I have cared for over 1000 children born with congenital cataracts. In older children and in adults the vision is rehabilitated with an intraocular lens. In newborns we use contact lenses which are very expensive. It takes Medicaid over one year to approve a contact lens post cataract surgery. By that time a successful anatomical operation is wasted as the child will be close to blind from a lack of focusing for so long a period of time.
Это неважно потому что должна быть очередь. Слепых потом посадим на инвалидность всего - то делов.
Last week I had a lady bring her child to me. They are Americans but live in Sweden, as the father has a job with a big corporation. The child had the onset of double vision 3 months ago and has been unable to function normally because of this. They are people of means but are waiting 8 months to see the ophthalmologist in Sweden. Then if the child needed surgery they would be put on a 6 month waiting list. She called me and I saw her that day. It turned out that the child had accommodative esotropia (crossing of the eyes treated with glasses that correct for farsightedness) and responded to glasses within 4 days, so no surgery was needed. Again, rationing of care.
Доктор забыл спросить, а готовы ли американцы платить налоги в 50-60%, как это принято в нормальной цивилизованной Швеции с ее монорасовым составом
Last month I operated on a 70 year old lady with double vision present for 3 years. She responded quite nicely to her surgery and now is symptom free. I also operated on a 69 year old judge with vertical double vision. His surgery went very well and now he is happy as a lark. I have been told -- but of course there is no healthcare bill that has been passed yet -- that these 2 people because of their age would have been denied surgery and just told to wear a patch over one eye to alleviate the symptoms of double vision. Obviously cheaper than surgery.
Когда на улицах Америки будут появляться люди с повязками на глазах - это не нашествиие армии адмирала Нельсона, а прямые последствия того, что старики не нуждаются в лечении - зачем и тако скоро умирать, ну а ниже - просто читать всем
For those of you who are over 65, this bill in its present form might be lethal for you. People in England over 59 cannot receive stents for their coronary arteries. The government wants to mimic the British plan. For those of you younger, it will still mean restriction of the care that you and your children receive.
We are being lied to about the uninsured. They are getting care. I operate at least 2 illegal immigrants each month who pay me nothing, and the children's hospital at which I operate charges them nothing also.This is true not only on Atlanta, but of every community in America.
Из моей резидентской практики - моей 38 летней пациентке родом из Греции 10 лет назад БЕСПЛАТНО была сделана операция по пересадке поджелудочной и почки по поводу ее детского диабета с 8 лет. Мой отец, который практикует медицину в России около 50 лет, ни разу не вел такую пацинтку, потому что там они до такого возраста не доживают
The bottom line is that I urge all of you to contact your congresswomen and congressmen and senators to defeat this bill. I promise you that you will not like rationing of your own health.
- вообщем, это глас вопиющего в пустыне - участь здравоохранения в этой стране предрешена
One last thing: with this new healthcare plan there will be a tremendous shortage of physicians. It has been estimated that approximately 5% of the current physician work force will quit under this new system. Also it is estimated that another 5% shortage will occur because of the decreased number of men and women wanting to go into medicine. At the present time the US government has mandated gender equity in admissions to medical schools .That means that for the past 15 years that somewhere between 49 and 51% of each entering class are females. This is true of private schools also, because all private schools receive federal funding.
The average career of a woman in medicine now is only 8-10 years and the average work week for a female in medicine is only 3-4 days. I have now trained 35 fellows in pediatric ophthalmology. Hands down the best was a female that I trained 4 years ago -- she was head and heels above all others I have trained. She now practices only 3 days a week.
Я не иду в специализацию, потому что у меня нет никакой гарантии, что после морально- материально- душевно- семейных затрат на протяжении последующих 2 - 3 уже к имеющемуся 10 летнему медицинскому образованию на меня не навалится куча бюрократов. Здоровья всем - ибо оно нам всем в скором времени очень понадобится