Vlad1977 wrote:Prosto Anna wrote:Vlad1977 wrote:так а зачем ее чистить, если она образуется путем фильтрации? Я что-то недопонимаю...
![Embarassed :oops:](./images/smilies/blush.gif)
Лимфа смешивается с кровью и если
есть загрязнения, шлаки будут циркулировать по крови или отлагаться на стенках сосудов...
Да, но откуда загрязнения? Если она образуется путем фильтрации... И размер "ячеек фильтра" равен, как я понимаю, порам в мембране клетки, то есть соизмерим с размерами мелких молекул.
И еще вопрос. А не вредны ли эти пресловутые "шлаки" для лимфоцитов и тканевых макрофагов? Я слыхал, что это очень чувствительные клетки! Что будет, если такой вот тканевой макрофаг вдруг "проглотит" какого-то микроба?
The lymph system has been little recognized nor researched until the latter half of this century. Indeed, in 1900, the structure and action of the lymph system remained largely undefined. Even within the past 10 years, most students would not have gained an awareness that organs such as the tonsils, adenoids, thymus, and spleen were part of the lymphatic system. Nor would they have learned that the lymph system is often the first line of immunological defence against harmful bacteria, toxin concentrations and oxygen starvation of one's cells.
When the lymphatic system is flowing freely everything is fine. When it backs up, however, there’s trouble. The consequences can be serious, even life-threatening. Not only are the building, repair and waste disposal systems affected by a disruption, the body’s defences against foreign substances are also impaired. In addition to filtering out toxic materials, the lymph nodes also produce substances which fight off invading viruses and bacteria and destroy abnormal cells that developed within the body, such as cancer cells. In addition to being part of the body’s plumbing and repair system, the lymphatics are an essential part of our immune system
Clearing the lymphatic system can substantially reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, or blockage of the arteries. Cleansing the lymphatic system allows the body to more efficiently clear excess cholesterol out of the arteries. That makes perfect sense, of course. One way to get rid of excess cholesterol is to clean out the disposal pathways. It’s like draining dirty water backed-up in your kitchen sink by unclogging the drain pipe or using a plunger to unstop the toilet.
Lymph fluid plus the cellular fluids it is in contact with constitute 80% of body fluid. Blood supplies the remaining 20%. All nutrients and oxygen travelling to, and all carbon dioxide and other metabolic by-product wastes travelling from each of your billions of cells is carried by lymph fluid. Lymph fluid can either be reabsorbed into the blood, or be filtered by one or more lymph nodes before entering the bloodstream.
When not working efficiently, the lymphatic system reduces the ability for the brain and other organs to do their work. Toxins normally filtered out and destroyed by the lymph system are offloaded onto other organs ... overloading them. Even as happens in the intestine and colon with poor health and nutrition habits --- stagnant lymph fluid may contain old deposits of dead bacteria, metabolic toxins, and dead cells.